SMU Cox Honors Academic High-Achievers at 2023 Spring Beta Gamma Sigma Induction
SMU Cox honored its academic high-achievers at last week's 2023 Beta Gamma Sigma induction luncheon. The international business honor society welcomed twenty-three BBA students and seventy-three graduate students, representing the top 10% of their respective classes. Induction represents the highest national honor a business student can achieve.

SMU Cox honored its academic high-achievers at the 2023 spring Beta Gamma Sigma induction luncheon in early April. The international business honor society welcomed twenty-three BBA students and ninety-six graduate students, representing the top 10% of their respective classes. Induction represents the highest national honor a business student can achieve.
The Cox undergraduate students inducted included: Katie Abrams, Nathan Alvarez, Nicholas Benso, Jake Brown, Abigail Carter, Mohan Desai, Vinita Dixit, Norma Elias, Caroline Fraser, Jaspreet Grewal, Lauren Hoenshell, Maria Knasel, Niklas Krutiak, Hannahanhthy Ngyuen, Eleni Orfanos, Dawson Ovard, Christopher Pierson, Matthew Schmueckle, Samuel Straub, Chase Vander Ploeg, Kyle Voulgaris, Victoria Walker, and Isabella Walker.
The Cox graduate students inducted included: William Alford, Travis Almand, Ryan Althausen, David Ascik, Lan Chi Bach, Eric Bartmess, Chloe Beggs, Philip Bowie, William Breitkreutz, Blake Brinson, Luxor Brothers, Emmy Buck, Neeti Butala, Yuchen Cao, Austin Cherian, Haley Coates, Matthew Culver, Cathleen Dolt, Patrick Dooley, Alexander Durham, Isabel Eastment, Nastacia Escobar, Keeana Esmaeeli, Thomas Farnsworth, Jared Fitzgerald, Kristopher Ford, Hailey Franklin, Cyril Frazier, Marcella Gerszten, Grant Gorman, Nathaniel Gould, Casey Handwerger, Megan Helgerson, Charlotte Hill, Khawaja Hussain, Adeyoyin Imam, Garrett Jones, Jason Jordi, Andrew Klein, Kelly Landen, Michael Lawrence, Alina Light, Vincent Marcheski, Margaret Martin, Barrett Matthews, Duncan McAulay, Connor McDonough, Michael McInerney, Michael McLaughlin, Michael McNamara, Caleb Messer, Michael Miles, Robert Miller, Logan Miller, Natalie Miller, Juan Moscoso Rojas, Christopher Moxley, Ryan Myers, Henrik Olsson, Alejandro Ortiz Becerra, Anna-Blaire Ozdil, Nicole Parmelee, Cian Ping Peng, Christopher Peterson, Robert Porter, Preston Pownell, Quinn Prchal, Adil Raza, Darrah Rippy, Christopher Rogers, Luis Rueda Lozano, Gail Saegert, Ana Segreda Rodriguez, Sean Shepard, Hunter Sheuerman, Samantha Simank, Jerod Slay, Bradley Souryal, Christopher Staley, Jordan Steward, Carinne Stiles, Deepa Subramaniam, Hima Suram, Justin Tackett, Justin Tackett, Taylor Thoreson, Rayten Tiano, Juan Trevino Hernandez, Jessica Wallis, Erin Wanek, Shelby White, Mark White, Ryan Williams, Laura Wilson, Gregory Windsor and Joshua Wormington.