SMU Project Po毛tica/Bridwell Press


SMU Project Poëtica has partnered with Bridwell Press for three book lines:


  1. Single-authored collections by poets who previously published a poetry collection, by invitation only.
  2. Collaborative poetry collections written by more than one authors. Creativity often arises when poets work together, not in isolation. This line celebrates the possibilities of these poetic collaborations. Proposals might feature the work of poets working with each other or with visual artists.
  3. Creative or scholarly works about poetics. We define "poetics" broadly and seek to publish books that engage with the art of poetry. Proposals might include original works (whether creative or scholarly) or new editions of historical works worthy of reexamination.
Submissions are accepted during the month of May. The portal for submissions will open on May 1st and close on May 31st.


Poetry proposals should include the complete manuscript, a cover letter (including a brief summary of the work), and a current resume or curriculum vitae.