Professor Carla L. Reyes appointed by Governor Abbott to Texas Work Group on Blockchain Matters

September 30, 2021
DALLAS (SMU) – SMU Dedman School of Law Professor Carla L. Reyes was appointed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott as one of two academic members on the Texas Work Group on Blockchain Matters, and will serve as the Work Group’s chair. The work group will develop a master plan for the expansion of the blockchain industry in Texas and recommend policies and state investments in connection with blockchain technology.
“I am deeply humbled and incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve the state of Texas as the Chair of the Work Group on Blockchain Matters. I look forward to working with the other members of the Work Group to fulfill the mandate we have been given by the Texas legislature,” said Professor Reyes. “I have been working at the intersection of law and blockchain technology since 2011, and look forward to using my experience and expertise in this new capacity.”
Professor Carla Reyes is an assistant professor of law at SMU’s Dedman School of Law. She is chair of the American Bar Association Business Law Section’s Article 2 Uniform Commercial Code Committee, the research director for the Uniform Law Commission’s Technology Committee, and an expert member of the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law’s working groups on Digital Assets and Private Law and Best Practices for Effective Enforcement.
Additionally, she is a member of the Washington State Bar Association, the Digital Asset Working Group for the Uniform Law Commission, and the American Law Institute’s Joint Uniform Commercial Code and Emerging Technology Drafting Committee. Reyes received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Whitworth University, a Juris Doctor degree from Duke University School of Law, a Master of Laws degree in International and Comparative Law from Duke University School of Law, and a Master of Public Policy degree from Duke University Sanford School of Public Policy.
“We are so proud of Professor Reyes and this prestigious appointment,” said Jennifer Collins, Deans of SMU Dedman School of Law. “She is a nationally recognized leader on issues raised by the intersection of business law and technology and we are very fortunate to have her as a member of the SMU Law faculty.”
Three others were appointed to the Work Group: William Henning, executive professor of law at Texas A&M University School of Law; Jennifer Buaas, director of strategic digital services at the Texas Department of Information Resources; and Dan Teczar, chief information officer and director of IT for the Office of the Texas Secretary of State
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