Faculty Forum July and August 2022

JULY 2022
Kenitra Brown, of theDeason Center, was a panelist at the 16th AnnualLutie A. Lytle Black Women Law Faculty Writing Workshop on June 24th. Her panel addressed the topic of “Navigating the Politics and Challenging Moments Within Our Institutions.”
Martin Camp had an article published in the June 2022 edition of Dallas Bar Association Headnotes titled He also gave a presentation at the Dallas Bar Association Legal Ethics Committee Ethics Fest on May 12th on the topic “The Engagement Letter: Your roadmap to Avoiding Ethical Problems as a Transactional Lawyer” and he made a presentation on the topic “Why Study an LLM in the United States” for a Webinar hosted by the National Jurist Magazine, also on the 12th of May.
Dale Carpenter filed an in U.S. Supreme Court on May 31st. On June 1st he posted a blog regarding the First Amendment issues titled and on June 24th, he posted a blog regarding the Dobbs decision implications titled . He was also quoted or interviewed in the following:
On CBS National News Live regarding the , June 16th;
A “Capital Tonight” program on Spectrum News regarding upcoming major supreme court decisions, June 17th;
, Jack Fink, June 24th, CBS DFW;
A “Capital Tonight” program on Spectrum News regarding Dobbs abortion decision, June 24th;
, Dylan McGuinness, June 24th, Houston Chronicle;
, LaurenMcGaughy, June 24th, Dallas Morning News;
, June 24th, “We The People” Podcast at the National Constitution Center;
NBC Nightly News regarding the , June 25th;
An interview by Spectrum News regarding the implications of the Dobbs decision, June 27th;
An interview on KRLD regarding the decision by a Harris County judge on abortion, June 28th;
An interview by Spectrum News regarding the implications of the Dobbs decision, June 28th.
Anthony Colangelo’s article (forthcoming lead article in the Pennsylvania Journal of International Law) has been featured on a couple of blogs: the Legal Theory Blog and the , where he was invited to write a 1,000 word essay summarizing the piece.
Andrew Davies, of theDeason Center, delivered a presentation titled “What Works in Indigent Defense?” at George Mason University (GMU) on June 27th. The presentation was delivered during the GMU Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Annual Symposium.
Tom Kimbrough’s article has been published in the most recent issue of the SMU Law Review Forum. It was also featured on the .
Tom Mayo is currently serving as Dean ad interim of the law school until the arrival of our new dean, Jason Nance, in August. Tom was also quoted on NPR and Kaiser Health News on May 10th and May 11th, respectively, in an article titled “”.
Pamela Metzger was a speaker at the State Bar Association of North Dakota Annual Meeting on June 16th. Her presentation was titled “Legal Deserts, Legal Ethics, and the Constitution in Criminal Courts.”
Seema Mohapatra was quoted or interviewed for the following stories:
, Jenny Leonard, Steven T. Dennis, Jennifer Jacobs, & JoshWingrove, May 3rd, Bloomberg Law.
, Jenny Leonard & Steven T. Dennis, May 3rd, Bloomberg Law;
, Julian Aguilar, May 3rd, Houston Public Media;
An interview by Spectrum News regarding the significance of , May 3rd;
, Madison Alder & Lydia Wheeler, May 4th, Bloomberg Law;
, SaschaCordner & May 4th, Texas Standard;
, Julian Aguilar, May 5th, KUT 90.5;
, May 5th, TheSkimm;
, Grace Browne, May 9th, WIRED;
, NicoleKarlis, May 10th, Salon;
, Jessica Schneider & Tierney Sneed, May 11th, CNN Politics;
, NicoleKarlis, May 12th, Salon;
, May 12th,LXNews;
, experts say, Rebecca Cohen, May 12th, INSIDER;
, experts say, Rebecca Cohen, May 12th, INSIDER;
,Maryn McKenna, May 16th, WIRED;
, Myah Ward, May 23rd, POLITICO Nightly;
, Lindsay Whitehurst & Lindsey Tanner, May 23rd, The Telegraph;
, Rebecca Cohen, June 24th,Yahoo!News;
, June 24th, TheSkimm;
A TV interview on Spectrum News on the Dobbs Decision, June 24th
, David Schechter, June 24th, WFAA;
, Elena Rivera & Elizabeth Myong, June 24th, KERA News;
, Julian Aguilar, June 24th, KERA News;
, Julian Gill, June 24th, Houston Chronicle;
, Robert Hart & AlisonDurkee, June 24th, Forbes;
A live stream TV appearance for LX News, June 24th;
, Robert Hart & AlisonDurkee, June 24th, Forbes;
, DinaGachman, June 24th,TeenVogue;
, June 25th,CTVNews;
A TV appearance on UK’s Channel 4 News on June 26th.
Natalie Nanasi authored an op-ed, ., published in the Orange County Register. She was quoted in a Texas Tribune article, . Natalie also presented at a webinar organized by the Texas Council on Family Violence: Firearm Transfer Protocols and Coordinated Community Response Teams.
Carla Reyes led a session of the UNIDROIT Special Workshop on Enforcement Issues in Digital Assets on June 10th, 2022, in which she also presented on advances in preserving and recovering digital assets. The Workshop was jointly held by the UNIDROIT Work Group on Digital Assets and the UNIDROIT Work Group on Best Practices for Effective Enforcement, and was attended by members of the UNIDROIT Governing Council. Carla presided over a meeting of the Texas Work Group on Blockchain Matters on June 17th, 2022. On June 28th, Carla presented the research from “Emerging Technology’s Languages Wars” series of papers at the University of Roma Tre. Carla spent the month of June at UNIDROIT headquarters in Rome, Italy on a research scholarship conducting research for her work-in-progress Emerging Technology’s Language Wars: Unique Issues Impacting Legal Harmonization Efforts and for her book chapter CreatingCryptolaw for International Commercial Law, forthcoming in the Cambridge Research Handbook on Emerging Issues at the Intersection of Commercial Law and Technology (Nancy Kim and Stacy Ann-Elvy, editors).
Eric Ruben co-wrote a report, , for the Brennan Center along with Alicia Bannon and Harry Isaiah Black. His article, was published in the Harvard Law Review Forum. Eric was cited in the majority opinion and quoted in the dissenting opinion in . The citation, to , 125 Yale L.J. F. 121 (2015) (with Saul Cornell), appears on page 50 of the majority opinion and 45-46 of the dissenting opinion. His brief to the Supreme Court in the case was cited on page 22 of the dissenting opinion. Eric’s article, was published in the Harvard Law Review Forum. He was also interviewed for the following:
– Friday, June 3rd
CNN –was interviewed during the 11 am coverage ofBruen on Thursday, June 23, shortly after the opinion came out.
–was interviewed for the Thursday, June 23 nightly coverage
–was interviewed for the Friday, June 24 coverage
WPIX 11 New York –was interviewed at 7:35 am on Friday, June 24
(June 23rd)
NPR All Things Considered (June 23rd)
CBS Radio (June 23rd)
NPR Morning Edition (June 24th)
(June 28th)
(June 29th)
, EllenIoanes, June 5th, Vox;
, Alex Thomas, June 7th, The News Republic;
,Kery Murakami, June 8th, Route Fifty;
,NusaibaMizan, June 10th, Austin American-Statesman;
, EllenIoanes, June 12th, Vox.
, Timothy L. O’Brien, June 16th, Bloomberg News & ;
, BrianPascus, June 16th, Crain’s New York;
, JohnFritze, June 20th, USA Today.
, NicoleNarea, June 23rd, Vox;
, MichaelMacagnone, June 23rd, Roll Call;
, Eric Lipton et al., June 24th, New York Times;
, Mark Weiner, June 24th, Syracuse;
., Kaila Philo, June 24th, Grid;
, Chip Brownlee & TomKutsch, June 24th, The Trace;
, RoquePlanas, June 27th, Huff Post;
,NaheedRajwani-Dharsi, June 30th,Axios Dallas.
Marc Steinberg served on a plenary panel focusing on the impact of the JOBS Act of 2010 at the National Business Law Scholars Conference at the University of Oklahoma College of Law on June 17th, 2022. He also presented a workshop session for the Ontario Securities Commission, Securities Law Academy (via Zoom). Marc joined a letter to the SEC along with other academicians focusing on the enhancement and standardization of climate-related disclosures for investors.
Jenia Turner’s recent article , 96 NOTRE DAME L. REV. 973 (2021), was cited by the Supreme Court in , No. 20-1459 (U.S. June 21st, 2022). In April and May, Jenia made two presentations related to her work on virtual criminal proceedings: 1) “Virtual Criminal Proceedings: Constitutional Issues” at the Virtual Comparative Criminal Law Seminar on April 22nd, 2022, and 2) “Virtual Guilty Pleas” at a comparative criminal procedure conference, “The McDonaldization of justice and the disappearance of fair trial?,” at the University of Warwick Law School, UK, May 21st, 2022. Earlier in June, Jenia submitted to the German Society of Comparative Law a report on U.S. law related to the digital recording of criminal proceedings.
Kenitra Brown, of the Deason Center, facilitated the CJR Workshop Series titled, “Unexceptional Protest” with Professor Amber A. Baylor of Columbia Law School on July 14th. Professor Baylor’s paper will appear in the forthcoming Volume 70, No. 3, of the UCLA Law Review. On July 21st, Kenitra moderated the STAR Justice event titled, “Post-Pandemic Realities in Small, Tribal, and Rural Jails.” The panelists discussed carceral conditions and consequences for people in local jails. They also explored strategies for implementing and retaining reforms that would alleviate concerns for public health and safety in a post-pandemic future.
Dale Carpenter was quoted in Lauren McGaughy, Dallas Morning News about the author of Texas SB8 on July 3rd. On July 29, on the proposed Respect for Marriage Act appeared in The Volokh Conspiracy in reason.
Anthony Colangelo was quoted in a on floating abortion clinics on July 26, 2022.
Nathan Cortez’s co-authored 5th edition Food and Drug Law casebook is complete and will soon be published by Foundation Press.
Andrew Davies, of the Deason Center, published a volume with co-editor Janet Moore titled, in the Justice System Journal. The is a collection of seven articles with new empirical studies on indigent defense topics.
Christopher Hanna’s just completed book, Corporate Income Tax Accounting, will be published by West Academic Publishing as part of their Hornbook Series.
Tom Mayo was quoted in a Dallas Morning News on the vagaries of SB 4, which criminalizes the act of providing an abortion-inducing drug on July 18th.
Natalie Nanasi was featured on PBS News Weekend on July 2nd, in a segment entitled, She was also interviewed for the CBS11 News story, on June 30th.
Anna Offit was interviewed by WFAA/ABC 8 for a that accompanied an article on the Aaron Dean case. In June and July, Anna presented research at a Criminal Justice Ethics Roundtable in New York hosted by Bruce Green, Rebecca Roiphe, Peter Joy, Jessica Roth and Ellen Yaroshefsky. She chaired a New Legal Realism development panel on interdisciplinary research (virtually) at the Law & Society Association annual meeting. She also attended CrimFest at Cardozo School of Law where she presented a paper titled “Remote Possibilities: Using Pandemic Era Technology to Build more Inclusive Juries.” Her Washington Law Review article, was for Jotwell and her book will be published on August 2nd.
Julie Rogers was the primary speaker on a panel on the Mortgage Modifications Act at the Uniform Law Commission Annual Meeting in July. She is serving as reporter for the Mortgage Modifications project.
Eric Ruben presented a work-in-progress, tentatively titled, “Felons, Firearms, and Restoration,” at Duke Law School as part of a Firearms Law Workshop on June 23. On July 6, he was quoted in Marco Poggio, Law 360. On July 12, he participated in a RAND-sponsored roundtable discussion titled, “State Firearm Laws After Bruen.” Also on July 12, he was quoted in Nusaiba Mizan, On July 13, he was a panelist for an event held by the John Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, titled “Public Carrying of Firearms: Understanding the Impact of the Supreme Court’s Decision.” On July 19, he was quoted several times in Chip Brownlee, , The Trace. On July 27 Eric was interviewed for an episode of Law Disrupted, a podcast hosted by John B. Quinn (founder of the law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquart & Sullivan LLP). The episode is “” On July 31, he was quoted in Brandon Tensley & Eva McKend, , CNN. Eric has also been invited to participate in a symposium being held at NYU School of Law in September regarding the Bruen case.
Marc Steinberg’s recent Oxford University Press book Rethinking Securities Law (awarded winner best law book of 2021 by American Book Fest) was by U.S. District Court Judge Jed S. Rakoff in the New York Review of Books on June 23rd. Marc was quoted in two articles focusing on Twitter’s lawsuit against Elon Musk: Alexis Keenan, , Yahoo/Finance on July 11th; and Tom Zanki, , Law360 also on July 11th.
Josh Tate’s book, , was published by Yale University Press. A new edition of his student text,, was published by Aspen. Earlier this year, he was quoted in an in Bloomberg Law on President Biden’s possible nominations to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Leo Yu and Pamela Metzger published a Podcast episode on Plead the Fifth: In this episode, they discussed the Fifth Circuit’s recent ruling in Sheperd v. United States and analyzed the Court’s jurisprudence in the Sixth Amendment with regard to conflict of interests of counsels. Leo’s paper proposal “From Criminalizing China to Criminalizing the Chinese” has been selected by the 4th Annual Equality Law Scholar’s Forum, and he is one of the six junior scholars who are invited to present full papers at the Loyola Law School of Los Angeles.