Workplace Discrimination Issues for Managers

Attendance in this workshop will help a manager develop a deeper understanding about the ways managers can help prevent workplace discrimination and foster a more productive workplace for everyone.

Employers pay millions of dollars each year to employees who have been victims of discrimination – by supervisors and co-workers. Productivity decreases, workers quit… the best protection against discrimination, for employers and employees, is effective policies that prohibit it in the first place, as well as procedures that identify and correct it when it occurs. Topics include:

  • The University's position against discrimination
  • How policies and procedures apply in simulated situations
  • Consequences for violations

A solid working knowledge of these policies and procedures will help promote a healthy workplace, free of discrimination, that will not subject the University and its managers to liability. In addition, you will learn how to provide effective defenses to meritless claims.

 Day/Date Time Facilitator

Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Expressway Tower #208                     

 9-11:00 am      Samantha Thomas, Assistant Vice President for Access and Equity and Title IX coordinator 

Required Pre-Work for the Class:
Attendees in this course must have completed the supervisor version of "Preventing Harassment and Discrimination" (eLearning Tutorial via the Vector Solutions training platform) prior to attending this Manager Orientation workshop. If you have not yet received an email with enrollment instructions (from Vector Solutions on behalf of SMU) please email Annaliza Bittner, in the Office of Institutional Access and Equity, to request that you be enrolled. Provide your name, email, and SMU ID in the email

Enroll Now via and use course code "HRWDIM"