Daniel Zyung

Tenure and Tenure-Track Faculty
Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Management, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship
Phone |
214-768-2240 |
Office |
Fincher 323 |
CV |
PhD, Rice University
My research focuses on strategic leadership – the study of senior executives and their effects on organizational outcomes. Most of my work examines the psychological and cognitive drivers of managerial decision-making – how senior executives’ construal of and responses to environmental stimuli, such as market uncertainty, economy-wide shocks, and institutional change, are guided by their psychological attributes and information processing. Relatedly, I am interested in the topics of behavioral strategy and corporate governance. My research also seeks to go beyond studying the senior-ranked individuals in firms, based on the belief that understanding the psychology of lower-ranked decision-makers in the firm as well as those outside the firm can eventually supplement our understanding of top executives’ behavior.
STRA 4370 (formerly 5370) Strategic Management;
STRA 6201 Strategic Management
Strategic leadership, Behavioral strategy, Corporate governance
[8] Zavyalova, A., Callahan, C., Hubbard, T. D., & Zyung, J. D. Competition and constituents’ polarization online. Forthcoming in Journal of Management. [7] Zyung, J. D. & Shi, W. 2022. In retrospect: The influence of CEOs’ historical relative pay on overconfidence. Strategic Organization, 20(3): 627-651. [6] Zyung, J. D., Mittal, V., Kekre, S., Hegde, G. G., Shang, J., Marcus, B., & Venkat, A. 2020. Service providers’ decision to use ethics committees and consultation in complex services. Journal of Marketing Research, 57(2): 278-297. [5] Kim, H., Hoskisson, R. E., & Zyung, J. D. 2019. Socioemotional favoritism: Evidence from foreign divestitures in family multinationals. Organization Studies, 40(6): 917-940, Special Issue on Family Business Research. [4] Han, K., Jihye, J., Mittal, V., Zyung, J. D., & Adam, H. 2019. Political identity and financial risk-taking: Insights from social dominance orientation. Journal of Marketing Research, 56(4): 581-601. [3] Connelly, B., Shi, W., & Zyung, J. D. 2017. Managerial response to constitutional constraints on shareholder power. Strategic Management Journal, 38: 1499-1517. [2] Hoskisson, R. E., Chirico, F., Zyung, J. D., & Gambeta, E. 2017. Managerial risk-taking: A multi-theoretical review and future research agenda. Journal of Management, 43(1): 137-169. [1] Crossland, C., Zyung, J. D., Hiller, N. J., & Hambrick, D. C. 2014. CEO career variety: Effects on firm-level strategic and social novelty. Academy of Management Journal, 57(3): 652-674.