Gijs Overgoor

Tenure and Tenure-Track Faculty
Assistant Professor
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Ph.D. Marketing, University of Amsterdam
Overgoor received his PhD in Marketing from the University of Amsterdam and during PhD work, spent most of his time in the United States as a Visiting Researcher at North Carolina State University. Overgoor's research is focused on applying methods from Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Econometrics to solve Marketing problems. His research has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, International Journal of Research in Marketing and California Management Review. Overgoor's dissertation was selected as the runner-up for the EMAC-Aimark doctoral dissertation award 2022.
Fundamentals of Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Marketing Analytics
Marketing, Visual Marketing, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision
S. He, B. Hollenbeck, G. Overgoor, D. Proserpio, A. Tosyali (2022), “Detecting Fake Review Buyers Using Network Structure: Direct Evidence from Amazon”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (47)1
G. Overgoor, W. Rand, W. Van Dolen, M. Mazloom (2022), “Simplicity is not Key: Understanding Marketer-Generated Social Media Images and Consumer Liking”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39 (3), 639-655
G. Overgoor, M. Chica, W. Rand, A. Weishampel (2019), “Letting the Computers Take Over: Using AI to Solve Marketing Problems”, California Management Review, 61 (4), 156-185