Stacey Jacobsen

Tenure and Tenure-Track Faculty
Associate Professor, Fabacher Endowed Professor of Alternative Asset Management
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214-768-2767 |
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Fincher 333 |
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PhD, Finance, Indiana University
Stacey Jacobsen is an associate professor of finance at the Cox School of Business. She earned an undergraduate degree from Texas Christian University, then earned a PhD at Indiana University in 2011. Prior to entering the doctoral program, she served as an investment banking analyst and strategy associate. Her research interests lie in the areas of empirical corporate finance and market microstructure. Her work has been published in the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science, and Review of Finance. Additionally, her work has been featured in the New York Times and Financial Times.
FINA 6238 Financial Modeling
Empirical Corporate Finance
Market Microstructure
Penny Wise, Dollar Foolish: Buy-Sell Imbalances On and Around Round Numbers, 2012, with Utpal Bhattacharya and Craig Holden, Management Science (Special Issue in Behavioral Economics and Finance) 58, 413-431.
Liquidity Measurement Problems in Fast, Competitive Markets: Expensive and Cheap Solutions, 2014, with Craig W. Holden, Journal of Finance 69, 1747-1785.
* SAS code to implement our recommended solutions for Daily TAQ (DTAQ) and Monthly TAQ (MTAQ) is available here: Click to download code
The Death of the Deal: Are Withdrawn Acquisition Deals Informative of CEO Quality? 2014, Journal of Financial Economics 114, 54-83.
The Empirical Analysis of Liquidity, with Craig W. Holden and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam, 2015, Foundations and Trends in Finance 8, No 4, 263-365.
The Share Repurchase Announcement Puzzle: Theory and Evidence, 2016, with Utpal Bhattacharya, Review of Finance 20, 725-758.
Capital Commitment and Illiquidity in Corporate Bonds, 2018, with Hank Bessembinder, Bill Maxwell, and Kumar Venkataraman, Journal of Finance, v73i4, 1615-1661.
Overallocation And Secondary Market Outcomes in Corporate Bond Offerings, 2022, with Hank Bessembinder, Bill Maxwell, and Kumar Venkataraman, Journal of Financial Economics 146, 444-474.