Yoram Solomon

Part-Time Faculty
Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Management, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship
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PhD, Capella University
CISB 6222 Starting a Business
CISB 6226 Evaluating Entrepreneurial Opportunity
Solomon, Yoram (2010). From Startup to Maturity: A case study of employee creativity antecedents in high tech companies.
Solomon, Y. (2017). Culture starts with you, not your boss—The 5 Pieces of the Innovation Culture Puzzle. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace
Solomon, Y. (2017). Finding the next big thing—Building a culture of innovation. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.
Solomon, Y. (2017). Business plan through investors’ eyes—Workbook. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.
Solomon, Y. (2017). Worst Diet Ever—How to find the motivation to lose weight and live healthy. 2nd Ed. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.
Solomon, Y. (2016). Un-Kill Creativity—How Corporate America can out-innovate startups. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.
Solomon, Y. (2015). Bowling with a Crystal Ball—How to predict technology trends, create disruptive implementations, and navigate them through industry. 2nd Ed. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.
Solomon, Y. (2015). From Startup to Maturity—A case study of employee creativity antecedents in high-tech companies. Charleston, SC: CreateSpace.
Solomon, Y. (2012). Worst Diet Ever—How to find the motivation to lose weight and live healthy. Sarasota, FL: First Edition Design Publishing.
Solomon, Y. (2007). Bowling with a Crystal Ball—How to predict technology trends, create disruptive implementations, and navigate them through industry. Charleston, SC: BookSurge.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Solomon, Y. (2016). Yes, directors can do more than direct. Directors & Boards Magazine, Second Quarter 2016(14). Retrieved 8/17/2017 from https://www.directorsandboards.com/articles/singleyes-directors-can-do-more-direct
Solomon, Y. (2002). Second-Generation Multi-Mode Wireless LAN Clients. Annual Review of Communications, 55(177). International Engineering Consortium (IEC) Publications.