Working Papers - Economic Freedom and Women Project
In addition to conducting our own research, the Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom periodically commissions research from other scholars. The research listed on this page is part of a multi-year project on women and economic freedom. From the beginning, this project was designed to be more than an academic exercise.
Scholars in this project have presented this research on multiple public panels, and a select number of papers form the basis of a policy brief for the , an all-female discussion group dedicated to empowering women to speak up on policy issues. The Bridwell Institute is very grateful to the Braly Family Foundation for their support of this project.
Working Papers
Rich in Things, Poor in Spirit: Is Economic Freedom Bad for Women and Families?
Anne Rathbone Bradley, The Fund for American Studies
Gender Disparities in Economic Freedom and Human Capital
Angela Dills, Western Carolina University
Female Top Managers and Perceived Obstacles by Indian Firms: Does Economic Freedom Help?
Nabamita Dutta, Univerisity of Wisconsin--La Crosse
Economic Freedom vs. Gender Equality Mandates: Which is More Effective at Improving Women's Labor Market Outcomes?
Rosemarie Fike, Texas Christian University
Abigail R. Hall, University of Tampa -
The Causal Effect of Economic Freedom on Female Employment and Education
Robin Grier, Texas Tech University
Economic Freedom, Secular Ideologies, and the Prevalence of Women's Opportunity & Necessity Entrepreneurship
Diana M. Hechavarria, Texas Tech University
Siri A. Terjesen, Florida Atlantic University -
Coming Apart at the Seams: Exogenous Shocks to the Already Fraying Camp
Bobbi Herzberg, Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Jeanne Hoffman, Institute for Humane Studies -
Economic Freedom and Female Entrepreneurship
Israt Jahan, University of Wisconsin--La Crosse
Economic Freedom for Women and Fertility
Kerianne Lawson, North Dakota State University
Women's Property Rights Equality and Entrepreneurial Activity
Colin O'Reilly, Creighton University
Kathleen M. Sheehan, Creighton University -
Foreign Education, Gender Legal Rights, and Economic Freedom
Christina Peters, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Maria Tackett, Gonzaga University
Alexandra Padilla, Metropolitan State University of Denver -
The Fertility Gap and Economic Freedom
Clara E. Piano, Austin Peay State University
Lyman R. Stone, American Enterprise Institute -
Economic Liberalization and Its Impact on Women in the Indian Workforce
Shruti Rajagopalan, Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Kadamberi Shah, Mercatus Center at George Mason University -
Parity Without Socialism: Economic Freedom and Opportunity for Women
Megan Teague, West Chester University
Nikolai Wenzel, Fayetteville State University -
Economic Freedom and Women's Rights
Claudia Williamson Kramer, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga