BLC Seminar Series

"Attending BLC seminars has proven to be a core part of my experience at Cox; hearing from professionals at the top of their field is a fantastic perk of the MBA program. These seminars have given me tools to stand out and I plan to make it a key differentiator for me as I move into my consulting career."
Sterling Beard, Full-Time MBA, 2023
BLC Seminar Videos
Watch the short videos to learn more or see below for additional topics.
Students learn from seminars such as Creating a Culture of Excellence, Managing Disruption, Mindful Goal Planning and how to put these leadership skills into practice.
Strategic Vision:
This seminar series encompasses strategies on Breakthrough Operational Change, Managing Innovation from a Finance Perspective and Strategic Thinking Skills. Strategy is a key component of leading an organization.
It’s important to have the ability to effectively convey information and ideas and seminars such as Digital Validation, How to Talk to Anyone and Influencing through the Power of Storytelling help students.