Matt Hornbach
Phone |
512-636-5030 |
Ph.D., University of Wyoming- Marine geology and geophysics
- Gas hydrates
- Heat flow and fluid flow
- Paleoseismology and geohazards
to research
Courses Taught
GEOL 1305 - Introduction to Oceanography
GEOL 3374 - Introduction to Petroleum Geology
GEOL 5384 - Hydrogeology
GEOL 5392 - Introduction to Exploration Seismology
GEOL 6375 - Theory of Heat Flow and Diffusion
GEOL 6309 - Special Topics in Exploration Seismology
GEOL 7360 - Intro to Continuum Mechanics and Numerical Modeling in The Earth Sciences
GEOL 5399 - Special Topics in Earth Sciences (JTERM): Assessing Geological Hazards in Jamaica, A Field-Based Approach
Currently Funded Research Projects
Lesser Antilles Volcanism and Landslides, IODP LEG 340 (NSF-IODP)
Gas Hydrate Dynamics on the Alaskan Beaufort Continental Slope: Modeling and Field Characterization (DOE)
Assessing Geohazards in Kingston, Jamaica (SEG-GWB).
Recent Journal Publications
Han, S., Bangs, N.L, Hornbach, M.J., Ingo A.P., Tobin, H.J., Silver, EI, The Many Double BSRs across the Northern Hikurangi Margin and Their Implications for Subduction Processes,” Earth and Planetary Science Letters, March, 2021.
Hornbach et al., A Hybrid Lister-Outrigger Probe for Rapid Marine Geothermal Gradient Measurement, Earth and Space Science, 2020 DOI: 10.1029/2020EA001327
Hornbach, M.J., Harris, R.N. and Phrampus, B.J., 2020. Heat Flow on the US Beaufort Margin, Arctic Ocean: Implications for Ocean Warming, Methane Hydrate Stability, and Regional Tectonics. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21(5), p.e2020GC008933.
Lynner, C., JA Van Avendonk, H., Bécel, A., Christeson, G.L., Dugan, B., Gaherty, J.B., Harder, S., Hornbach, M.J., Lizarralde, D., Long, M.D. and Magnani, M.B., 2020. The Eastern North American Margin Community Seismic Experiment: An Amphibious Active鈥恆nd Passive鈥怱ource Dataset. Seismological Research Letters, 91(1), pp.533-540.
Wright, V.,* Hornbach, M., Brown, L., McHugh, C. and Mitchell, S., 2019. Neotectonics of Southeast Jamaica Derived From Marine Seismic Surveys and Gravity Cores. Tectonics, 38(11), pp.4010-4026.