Student Awards

Departmental Award Honorees

Senior Economics undergraduate award winners, Anna Norkett, Sami Hawwa, Adam Mueller, Emily Towler

Sami Hawwa received the Wallace F. Lovejoy Memorial Award, given annually to a senior Economics major on the basis of academic excellence, creativity, motivation, responsibility, and an attitude of helpfulness toward other students.  Nominations for this award were made by the faculty and final selection among the top nominees was made by a vote of all Economics majors.  Sami graduated in Spring 2016 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics.

Adam Mueller received the Josef Hadar Award, given annually to a senior Economics major on the basis of academic excellence and creativity, especially as it relates to mathematics and research-oriented courses in Economics.  Adam graduated in Spring 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Economics with Financial Applications.



Anna Norkett received the Award for Excellence in Economics, given annually to a senior Economics major on the basis of excellence in academic achievement in Economics and the University, who has completed a broad set of the department’s most rigorous courses.  Anna graduated in Spring 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Economics with Financial Applications.

Emily Towler was selected by the Economics faculty to receive the DFW Association of Business Economists Nominee award.  Selection is based on excellence in academic achievement in Economics and in the University.  As a nominee, she was invited to submit a 1,5000-word essay on an issue that lends itself to economic analysis to a panel of independent economic professionals for judging.  Emily graduated in Spring 2016 with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics.

Mariam Kharaishvili was selected by the Economics faculty to receive the Melody Rice Memorial Award.  Selection is based on excellence in academic achievement in Economics and in the University.  Mariam will graduate in December 2016 with a Ph.D. in Economics.

Punjarit Roychowdhury received the Dean’s Award for outstanding poster presentation in Economics at the 2016 Graduate Research Day.  The goal of this event is to foster communication between students in different disciplines, give students the opportunity to present their work in a professional setting, and share the outstanding research being conducted at SMU with their peers and industry professionals from the greater Dallas community.  The title of Punarjit’s presentation was “Peer Effects in Consumption.”  He is a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Economics.

Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honor society in the liberal arts and sciences, founded in 1776.  Senior SMU students selected are in the top 10 percent of their class; juniors selected are in the top one percent.

2016 Phi Beta Kappa Economics Majors

Sami Hawwa

Anthony Jeffries

Tracy Nelson

Amy Roesler

2015 Phi Beta Kappa Economics Majors

Hye Won Kim

Emily Le

William McClain

Adam Mueller

Liem Nguyen

Anna Norkett

Emily Towler

Jonathan Walther

Thomas White