Student Awards
Departmental Award Honorees
Varsha Appaji and Diana Nguyen received the Josef Hadar Award. This award is given annually to a senior Economics major on the basis of academic excellence and creativity especially as it relates to mathematics and research-oriented courses in Economics. Varsha graduated in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Statistical Science. Diana graduated in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics with Management Information Applications Concentration.
Jason Davis and Luis Sanabria Segura received the Award for Excellence. This award is given annually to a senior Economics major on the basis of excellence in academic achievement in Economics and the University, who has completed a broad set of the department’s most rigorous courses. Jason graduated in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics, and a BBA degree in Accounting. Luis graduated in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences.
Jake Berard, Molly Patrick, and Anne Thibault received the Wallace F. Lovejoy Memorial Award, given twice a year to a senior Economics major of the basis of academic excellence, creativity, motivation, responsibility, and an attitude of helpfulness toward other students. Nominations for this award were made by the faculty and the final selection among the top nominees was made by a vote of all Economics majors. Jake graduated in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics. Molly graduated in Spring 2021 with Bachelor of Arts degrees in Economics, Political Science, and Public Policy. Anne graduated in Spring 2021 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics with Management Information Applications Concentration.
Aastha Gupta was selected by the Economics faculty to receive the Melody Rice Memorial Award. Selection is based on excellence in academic achievement in Economics and the University and service to fellow students. Aastha is pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics at SMU.
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honor society in the liberal arts and sciences, founded in 1776. Senior SMU students selected are in the top 10 percent of their class. Junior SMU students selected are in the top 1 percent of their class.
2020-2021 Phi Beta Kappa Inductees
Ryan Callie – Economics, BS
Miranda Cassidy – Economics, BA
Samuel Borton – Economics, BS