Weihong Li

weihongli.econ@outlook.com / weihongl@smu.edu
Dissertation Title: Essays on Development Economics, Political Economy, and Applied Microeconomics
Main Advisor: Klaus Desmet
Committee Members: Wookun Kim, Ömer Özak
Fields: Development Economics, Political Economy, Applied Microeconomics
- Pollution, Promotion, and Political Showcase
- Cultural Norms, Fertility, and Missing Women: Evidence from the Ghost Festival
- Foreign Investments and the Formation of Ethnic Enclaves: What is the Economics Behind?
Academic experience
Teaching Assistant
- International Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
- Financial Economics and Investment Behavior
- Introductory Econometrics
- Strategic Behavior
- Microeconomic Theory I
Fellowships and Awards
- SMU Full Tuition Scholarship and Teaching Assistantship Award
- Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession Travel Grant
- SMU Graduate Student Travel Grant
- SMU Research and Professional Development Award
- SMU Provost’s Doctoral Candidacy Fellowship
- SMU Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute Summer Research Fellowship