Joan Arbery
University of Dallas, BA (magna cum laude), Phi Beta Kappa 2002University of Notre Dame; PhD in Literature (Irish Studies and French), 2010
Born in Texas, raised in New Hampshire, but Texan at heart. I went to the University of Dallas for my undergrad (BA English, concentration in French); then went on to the University of Notre Dame to for my PhD (Literature: French, Irish Studies). While at Notre Dame, I spent a year in Dublin on a research fellowship. I've taught at SMU for ten years now, starting here while I was also working as a freelance journalist covering Dallas theater and the arts. In addition to tutoring in the ALEC and the Scholars Den, I have also taught for several summers at the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, working with teachers in secondary education. I grow to love teaching first year students more and more, and have especially loved my time in the Honors DISC program.
Areas of Interest:
Irish Studies, French Literature, American Studies, Urban Studies
Honors and Publications:
SMU Phi Beta Kappa Historian; currently working on a book, working title: Swarming Cities.
Courses taught:
ENGL 1300; DISC 1312, 1313, 2305; ENGL 2306; upcoming UHP 3300.