Pauline Newton
Senior Lecturer
At SMU, Pauline Newton has served on SMUReads, the President's Commission for the Needs of People with Disabilities, and the President's Commission on the Status of Women. Her secret loves are the Hilltop Scholars program and informal meetings with students. They have lunch and talk about their lives and dreams— and the meaning of happiness. In her free time, she works with a local non-profit, The Dallas Hearing Foundation, to get hearing aids and cochlear implants and related services to individuals in need of those services. She does crazy runs with her friends, including Obstacle Warrior and Viking Runs. She also loves traveling with her eight-year-old twins and husband to Costa Rica and other places around the country and world.
Courses Designed and Taught
“Greater Dallas Experience,” Cultural Formations/Honors-Hilltop Scholars 1313 "Coming of Age in America" “Graphic Novels- a ‘Misnomer’?" |
“Travel Spaces" “The American Dream" HSP |
1311 |
“Foundations for Rhetoric” ENGL 1300 |
Teaching Interests
20thcentury American, Asian American, Latin American, African American, immigrant and multicultural/transnational literature,Victorian literature, Romantic literature, women’s studies
Transcultural Women of Late Twentieth-Century U.S. American Literature: First Generation Immigrants
from Islands and Peninsulas(Ashgate Publishing, 2005; ISBN: 0754652122)
Around San AntonioPictorial history book (Charleston: Arcadia Publishing, 1999; ISBN: 0738503118).
Nominated for the San Antonio Conservation Society’s Publication Award, 2001
Founder and Editor,The University of Tulsa Graduate Review. . Tulsa:
The University of Tulsa, 1999-2002
“Juncos, Sparrows, and Crows in the Transnational Poetry of Shirley Geok-lin Lim.” Journal of
Transnational American Studies10.2 (Winter 2019). Ed. Mohamad Quayum. University of
California, Santa Barbara. Forthcoming
Lead Author. “Disclosing Disability around the Water Cooler: Strategies for Boosting Collegiality in
Academe.” InTeaching with a Disability: Teacher and Student Experience of Disability in the
Classroom. Ed. Michael Jeffress. Routledge Interdisciplinary Disability Series. April
“‘Walking Backwards’ and Sideways: The Transmigrations of the Poet in Shirley Geok-lin Lim’s Work.”
Asiatic8:1 (June 2014), 85-96
“Shirley Geok-lin Lim,” in Modern Singaporean and Malaysian Literature in English, vol. 1,
eds. Mohammad A. Quayum and Wong Phui Nam. Singapore: Ethos Books, 2009
“From Chempaka, the Muslim Tree of Death, to Scarf-Wrapped Banana Plants: Postcolonial
Representations of Gardening Images in Tash Aw’s The Harmony Silk Factory.” Kunapipi30:1
(2008): 170-186
“Collecting Seeds of Destiny in Li-Young Lee’s The Winged Seed: A Remembrance,” Southeast
Asian Review in English46 (Spring 2005): 143-159
Embracing the Angel: Hong Kong Poems. By Shirley Geok-lin Lim. Asiatic: An International Journal of
Asian Cultures, Literatures and Englishes. 9:2 (December 2015): 247-9
No More Bullshit, Please, We’re All Malaysians. By Kee Thuan Chye. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English
Language and Literature 6:2 (December 2012). 170-172
The Ice Ball Man and Other Poems. By Margaret McDaniels Leong. Ed. Shirley Geok-lin Lim and Angelia
Poon. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature 5:2 (December 2011): 133-136
, ed. by Alvin Pang and Tiziano Fratus. Asiatic:
IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature 4:1 (June 2010): 122-125
Rainforest Tears: A Borneo Storyby Paul Leslie Smith. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and
Literature 3:1 (June 2009): 115-117
Home Matters: Longing and Belonging, Nostalgia and Mourning in Women’s Fictionby Roberta Rubenstein.Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 21:2 (Fall 2002): 410-411
Helen Keller: A Life by Dorothy Herrmann. Volta Voices5:6 (November/December, 1998): 7
“Walking with Her Muse: An Interview with Shirley Geok-lin Lim.” Contemporary Women’s Writing.
Oxford University Press. 8:2(2014): 123-135.
“Lloyd Fernando’s Circle: An Interview with Marie Fernando, Wife of Lloyd Fernando.” Asiatic:
IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature. 2:2 (December 2008): 101-110
“Jenny Boully’s The Body: ‘An Intertextual Affair.’” Seneca Review 34:1 (Spring 2005): 120-129
“‘Different Cultural Lenses’: An Interview with Lan Cao.” Nimrod International Journal of Prose and
Poetry48:1 (Spring 2004):103-115
“De Grazia’s Flower,” The Texas Review29:1-2 (Spring/Summer 2009), 127
“National Gallery, Dublin, Ireland,”The Journal of the American Studies Association of Texas, Spring
“On This Dreary, Moonless Friday,” Ed. Jack Karp, The Graduate Review, Washington, D.C.: American
University Press, 1998
Honors and Awards
2014 CTE Banquet, Faculty Recognition Award
2008-09 SMU Instructional Technology Grant
2008 SMU Extra Mile Award
2005 Fulbright-Hays Award
2003-2004 Sam Taylor Fellowship Award
1998-2002 F. B. Parriott Scholarship
1999-2002 John S. Zink Fellowship
2000-2001 Chapman Distinguished Ph.D. Award
1996 Jane Cocke Funkhouser Award
1995 (inducted)Omicron Delta Kappa
1994, 1993 Cornelson-Halsey Leadership Award