Dissertations (Last 10 years)

Yuanting Chen
Stastical mechanics of nonlinear waves: growth and decay of coherent structures interacting with random waves
2021 (Advisor: Rumpf)

Rujeko Chinomona
High-order flexible multirate integrators for multiphysics applications
2021 (Advisor: Reynolds)

Yu Hu
Finite element approximation of solutions of the equations of electroporoelasticity
2021 (Advisor: Meir)

Sasan Mohyaddin
A fast method for computing volume potentials in the Galerkin boundary element method in 3D geometries
2021 (Advisor: Tausch)

Wenzhong Zhang
Fast multipole methods for wave and charge source interactions in layered media and deep neural network algorithms for high-dimensional PDEs
2021 (Advisor: Cai)

James Barrett
Modeling fluid phenomena in the context of the constrained vapor bubble system
2020 (Advisor: Ajaev)

Brian Citty
Uncertainty quantification of nonreflecting boundary schemes
2020 (Advisor: Hagstrom)

Austin Copeland
Nonlinear photonics in twisted and nonlocal structures
2020 (Advisor: Aceves)

Enrique Pereira Batista
Multigrid for the nonlinear power flow equations
2020 (Advisor: Lee)

Duc Truong
Cell assembly detection in low firing-rate spike train data
2020 (Advisor: Barreiro)

Sihao Wang
The boundary element method for parabolic equation and its implementation in BEM++
2020 (Advisor: Tausch)

Ting Yan
Advection-reaction-diffusion model of drug concentration in a lymph node
2020 (Advisor: Reynolds)


Lu Zhang
A new class of discontinuous Galerkin methods for wave equations in second-order form
2020 (Advisor: Hagstrom)

Anyu Zhang
Model Selection and Experimental Design of Biological Networks with Algebraic Geometry
2019 (Advisor: Stigler)

Jiahui Chen
Parallel multipole expansion algorithms and their biology applications
2019 (Advisor: Geng)

Jennifer Swenson
Swelling as a stabilizing mechanism during ion bombardment of thin films: An analytical and numerical study
2018 (Advisor: Norris)

Jean Sexton
High-order Relaxed Multirate Infinitesimal Step Methods for Multphysics Applications 
2017 (Advisor: Reynolds)

Fritz Junke
High-order implementations of the Double Absorbing Boundary 
2017 (Advisor: Hagstrom)

Jessica Schoenfeld
The existence of spontaneous parity-time symmetry breaking, asymmetric transport and defect modes in nonlinearly coupled Van Der Pol oscillators
2017 (Advisor: Aceves)

Claudia Castro Casto
Non-linearity, PT symmetry, twist and disorder in the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation
2017 (Advisor: Aceves)

Tom Sheffield
Collapses and ensemble dynamics in one and two dimensional weak wave turbulence 
2017 (Advisor: Aceves)

Yang Liu
The immersed interface method for flow around non-smooth boundaries and its parallelization 
2017 (Advisor: Xu)

John Lagrone
Application and Optimization of Complete Radiation Boundary Conditions
2016 (Advisor: Hagstrom)

Manprit Jutley
Studies in microfluidics electrolyte film stability and droplet evaporation dynamics
2016 (Advisor: Ajaev)

Choi Young Ok
The Galerkin Boundary Element Method for Three-Dimensional Transient Strokes Flow
2015 (Advisor: Tausch)

Jang Young
Contributions of the theory and applications of Hermite methods
2015 (Advisor: Hagstrom)

Ed Downes
Numerical simulations of nonlinear processes in light filaments
2015 (Advisor: Aceves)

Zheng Wang
Filtered Davidson-type Methods for Large-scale Eligen-related Problems
2015 (Advisor: Zhou)

Young Ok Choi
The Galerkin Boundary Element Method for Three-Dimensional Transient Stokes Flow
2015 (Advisor: )

Christiaan Ketelaar Barrio
Stability of Thin Electrolyte Films on Flat and Structured Substrates
2014 (Advisor: )

David Gardner
Filters for the Improvement of Multiscale Data from Atomistic Simulations
2014 (Advisor: Reynolds)

Glen Dale Pearson Jr.
The Parallel Immersed Interface Method with a Triangular Mesh Representation of an Interface
2014 (Advisor: )

Elizabeth Case
Numerical integral equations in solidification and melting problems
2013 (Advisor: )

Alyssa Pampell
Multiscale dynamics and stochastic forcing of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation in conceptual models
2013 (Advisor: )

Hilari Tiedeman
Multilevel Schur complement preconditioning for multi-physics simulations
2012 (Advisor: Reynolds)

Kurt Stein
Complete Radiation Boundary Conditions: Corner and Edge Closure Conditions
2012 (Advisor: )

Miguel Uh
The immersed interface method for two-fluid problems
2012 (Advisor: )