LaiYee Leong
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Dallas Hall 58E |
Ph.D., Yale UniversityDr. Leong is the lead scholar of the CPH’s oral history projects “Post-9/11 US Policy in East and Southeast Asia” and “Transatlantic Diplomacy After 9/11: The US and Norway.” These projects explore the impact of the 9/11 attacks on US foreign policy and consequences on relations with other states. Comprising extensive video-recorded interviews with senior officials from the Bush administration, foreign leaders, diplomats, and expert observers, the projects offer a unique archive of digital history materials accessible to scholars and the public. Dr. Leong produced "Cross Currents" the inaugural season of the CPH podcast series Firsthand History, which draws on one of the oral history projects. She is working on another season.
At CPH, Dr. Leong directs programs for the Article II Society, the center’s donor society. She also oversees CPH’s partnership with a public Dallas high school magnet, facilitating mentorship and research opportunities for its students.
Dr. Leong received the Provost's Teaching Recognition Award in 2023, honored for demonstrating “a commitment to excellence and a consummate dedication to teaching and learning.” Courses that Dr. Leong teaches include Introduction to Comparative Politics, American Foreign Policy, Islam and Politics, and Movements and Protests. Dr. Leong regularly serves as a faculty sponsor of undergraduate internships and Engaged Learning fellowships. She is also a lead co-convenor of a Dedman College Interdisciplinary Institute faculty research cluster that explores the potential for integrating more Asian American and trans-Pacific perspectives into the curriculum, among other topics.
Dr. Leong currently serves as one of Dedman College’s Cultural Intelligence Officers. She is the immediate past Chair of , the affinity group for Asian and Asian-American employees at SMU. She is also a long-time faculty advisor to the Asian Council, the umbrella organization for Asian and Asian-American student groups at SMU.