Anne E. Lincoln
Associate Professor Department Chair
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214-768-1632 |
Lincoln's research explores stratification processes in education, the labor market, and the culture industry, particularly attraction and retention in science careers. Her research on the feminization of veterinary medical education challenged commonly held beliefs that women choose veterinary medicine because it allows them to express a caring nature or that they are less concerned with salaries than men are. Instead, she found that men and women are equally motivated by earnings and that the profession's feminization is driven by men's avoidance of the feminizing classes, resulting from men's lower college graduation since the early 1980s. In research with Elaine Howard Ecklund, she found that men and women are less likely to further pursue a science career if they have had fewer children than they would have liked by the time they are pursuing a graduate degree in science.
Lincoln gave the keynote address at the Second International Symposium of the Female Scientists Support Unit at Nihon University in Tokyo, and has been an invited speaker at the National Science Foundation, the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Association for Women in Science, the Dallas County Community College District STEM Summit, the Women's Transportation Seminar, and numerous other meetings of scholars and professionals. Her research has received national and international exposure in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, The Times (of London), and elsewhere.
Lincoln was interviewed on program, where she discussed the change in veterinary medicine from an occupation mostly filled by men to one increasingly held by women.
In March 2013, Lincoln was interviewed on for a segment on the book by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandburg "Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead."
Also in March 2013, Lincoln's NSF-funded research (with Elaine Howard Ecklund of Rice University) received press in the New Scientist in the article ""
In April 2013, Lincoln was interviewed for the April 1 JAVMA News (Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association) for the article "" regarding the effect of the feminization of the profession on women's salaries.
In May 2013, Lincoln was interviewed for National Geographic magazine for on how women's scientific accomplishments are often ignored.
Research and Teaching Interests
- Work and organizations
- Labor markets
- Gender
- Culture and culture industries
Selected Publications
- 2016. Beyond the Ideal Scientist. New York University Press. (with Elaine Howard Ecklund)
- 2014. "Male Scientists' Competing Devotions to Work and Family: Changing Norms in a Male Dominated Profession." Work and Occupations 41:477-507. (with Sarah Damaske, Elaine Howard Ecklund, and Virgina White)
- 2014. "Narratives of Outreach in Elite Contexts of Academic Science." Science Communication 36: 85-101. (with David R. Johnson and Elaine Howard Ecklund)
- 2012. Gender & Society 26:693-717. (with Elaine Howard Ecklund and Cassandra Tansey)
- 2012. PLoS ONE 7:5 (with Elaine Howard Ecklund and Sarah A. James.
- 2012. Social Studies of Science 42:307-320. (with Stephanie Pincus, Janet Bandows Koster, and Phoebe S. Leboy)
- 2012. pp. 107-127 in Careers in Creative Industries (Chris Mathieu, ed.) Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies series.
- 2011. PLoS ONE 6:8. (with Elaine Howard Ecklund)
- 2011. Nature 469:472. (with Stephanie Pincus, and Phoebe S. Leboy)
- 2010. Social Forces 88:1969-1999.
- 2009. (with Stephanie Pincus and Vanessa Schick)
- 2008. Journal of Marriage and Family. 70:806-814.
- Finalist for the
- Named a top-20 work-family article of 2008 out of 2,500 articles
- 2007. Cultural Trends 16:3-15.
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Rice University, 2004-2006
- Outstanding Dissertation Award, Washington State University, 2004
- Ann Madsen Depew Memorial Scholarship, Washington State University, 2004
- 2009-2013. "Advancing Ways of Awarding Recognition in Disciplinary Societies (AWARDS)." National Science Foundation. Co-principal investigator with the Association for Women in Science. $796,834.
- 2007-2011. Perceptions of Women in Academic Science.” National Science Foundation. Research on Gender in Science and Engineering program. Co-investigator with Elaine Howard Ecklund, Rice University. $299,334 plus $55,154 supplement grant.