The Ruth P. Morgan Grants

These awards ensure that the library’s holdings – which are among the very best in the Southwest – are brought to the attention of scholars and their readers, nationally and worldwide. Moreover, these grants bring leading researchers to SMU, which assists in raising the profile of the university as well as the wider Dallas community. In publications resulting from research conducted in its collections, grant recipients will be expected to acknowledge the support of the DeGolyer Library and the Clements Center for Southwest Studies at SMU.
Grants are $700 per week that can be awarded for periods of one to two weeks to help to defray costs of travel, lodging, and research materials. The Ruth Morgan Research Travel Grants are ongoing and have a "rolling deadline" in that people can apply for them throughout the year.
It is highly recommended that applicants who have questions about the appropriateness of the DeGolyer collections to their research project should consult in advance Russell Martin, director of the DeGolyer Libraryor call (214) 768-3234.
To apply:
Applicants should provide a project outline and explain how work in the DeGolyer Library's collections will enhance their research.
Applicants specify the length of research time needed at the library.
Applicants should also include a curriculum vitae and two letters of reference from persons who can assess the significance of their project and their scholarship record.
All grant funds must be used in their entirety during the award period. Email applications to Russell Martin, director of the DeGolyer Library.
Image: Courtesy of the DeGolyer Library, SMU.