Common Topics for Incoming Students
Incoming undergraduate students who stay “on schedule” with the New Student Checklist are the best prepared for their transition to SMU.
We are commonly asked about new student Tasks, and Holds on your dashboard. Each Hold is initiated by a previous step being completed. Please check your SMU e-mail and my.SMU dashboard often for updates.
- Personal Information Update: Go to the Tasks section of your dashboard and complete each until the task gets moved to the “Completed” section. You will get these multiple times every year as it’s required for you to confirm/update every term in case your information changes (even if you aren’t enrolling for classes in that particular term; i.e. January Term).
- Rights/Responsibilities: Go to the Tasks section of your dashboard and complete each until the task gets moved to the “Completed” task section. You also will get these multiple times every year as it’s required for you to confirm that you understand your rights and responsibilities as a student. I recommend students actually take the time to read through those, and refer to them as needed.
- Enrollment Hold | Meningitis Immunization: To remove, upload your current meningitis immunization record. Once the Health Center approves it, you will receive instructions for the Pre-Advising Canvas Course (PACC).
- University Advising Center | Pre-Advising Canvas Course: This hold restricts you from scheduling your enrollment meeting with your advisor.
- Enrollment Hold | D1-Meet with Advisor: Ensure the following items are finished to remove this hold.
- Complete all Tasks on your my.SMU dashboard. You’ll know they are complete when a your Tasks section once again shows you don’t have any outstanding items:

- Complete your PACC. You’ll know it’s complete when all 6 Modules and the Conclusion section of the course show green check marks instead of the lock:
