Returning to the SMU Community
If you withdraw from SMU in good academic standing, your file will remain active for one year and you may register as though in continuous enrollment at the University. After nonattendance for two regular (fall, spring) terms, you will be discontinued and must request reactivation. You are strongly encouraged to submit a personal statement detailing why you feel prepared for a successful return to SMU. All holds must be cleared prior to enrollment. You are responsible for meeting all financial aid, housing and advising deadlines. Typical processing time is 4 weeks.
If you were suspended from SMU, you must request reinstatement. If you left on probation, you will return on probation. You are required to submit a personal statement detailing how you have spent your time away from SMU, how you have addressed the challenges you faced previously and why you now feel prepared for a successful return to SMU. Your personal statement will heavily impact your readmission decision. All holds must be cleared prior to enrollment. You are responsible for meeting all financial aid, housing and advising deadlines. Typical processing time is 4 weeks.
If you have completed a degree at SMU and are interested in completing additional undergraduate level coursework, you will need to apply as a Post-baccalaureate student. If you would like to earn a second bachelor's degree you must meet any admission requirements for your desired program and complete a minimum of 30 additional credit hours. Typical processing time is 4 weeks.
NOTE: If you did not complete your undergraduate degree at SMU, please submit a .
Deadlines for Reactivation, Reinstatement and Post-baccalaureate
May term—April 15 Summer term—May 15 Fall term—July 15 Spring term—December 15
Graduate Students
If you are a graduate student seeking readmission, please contact your school of record.
Additional Information
If you intend to return to SMU, you are encouraged to notify the appropriate University departments as soon as possible to ensure timely processing of enrollment, financial aid, housing and other documents.
If you attended any college or university after leaving SMU, you must forward official transcripts from each college or university attended since your last enrollment at SMU. Please have official transcripts sent electronically to or mailed to:
Office of Undergraduate Admission
PO Box 750181
Dallas TX 75275-0181
Transfer Coursework from Another Institution
Once you have matriculated at SMU, you may transfer up to 30 hours to SMU from an accredited, four-year institution. All post-matriculation transfer work must be completed at an accredited, four-year institution. It is imperative that you petition ALL post-matriculation transfer courses. Petitions should be submitted after your readmission to the University is approved. You are responsible for making sure that a transcript of all transfer work attempted is sent to the University registrar immediately following completion of the work.