Ndiva Kofele-Kale

Professor Emeritus of Law
Emeritus faculty
Professor Kofele-Kale was a visiting professor of law at SMU for the spring term 1988, on leave from the faculty of the University of Tennessee School of Law. He became a full-time member of the faculty of SMU School of Law in the fall term 1989 and was an associate editor of The International Lawyer from 1990-96. He taught courses in the areas of public and private international law.
Area of expertise
- Public and Private International law
B.A., Beloit College
M.A., Northwestern University
Ph.D., Northwestern University
J.D., Northwestern University
Participatory Rights in Africa: A Brief Overview of an Emerging Regional Custom, Vol. 55 Netherlands International Law Review 233-259 (August 2008)
Asserting Permanent Sovereignty Over Ancestral Lands: The Bakweri Land Litigation Against Cameroon, XII Annual Survey of International and Comparative Law 103-156 (Spring 2007)
Redressing Property Claims Before the African Human Rights Commission: The BLCC Case, 16 Interights Bulletin 7-18 (Spring 2007)
Presumed Guilty: Balancing Competing Rights and Interests in Combating Economic Crimes, 40 The International Lawyer 909-944 (Winter 2006)
Change or the Illusion of Change: The War Against Official Corruption in Africa, 38 George Washington International Law Review 697-747 (2005-2006)
The Global Community’s Response in Ensuring the Right to Democratic Governance and Free Choice: A View from the Developing World, 11 Law and Business Review of the Americas 205-238 (Spring 2005)
Book chapters
Guarding the Guardians: A Festchrift for Roberto MacLean, in LAW, CULTURE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT A LIBER AMICORUM FOR PROFESSOR ROBERTO MACLEAN 173-179 (London: British Institute of International & Comparative Law, 2007)
Other publications
Corruption and Indigenous Spoliation, 12 Law & Business Review of the Americas 459-471 (Fall 2006)
Apologies and Reparations in International Human Rights Law
Commentary on Professor Al Brophy’s presentation: "Considering William and Mary’s History with Slavery: The Case of Presisent Thomas Roderick Dew,"
Colloquium on Law and Citizenship
SMU Dedman School of Law (February 13, 2008)
Combating Official Corruption
Presentation before the Chinese Rule of Law Delegation
SMU Dedman School of Law (November 11, 2007)
Economic Crimes And International Justice
Paper Presented at a Colloquium on The Interface Between Peace and International Justice in Africa
Accra, Ghana, (June 22-23, 2007)
Preparing for the Ph.D. Degree In Law: A Conversation with Ph.D. Students of the University of Buea Law Department
Paper Presented at the University of Buea
Faculty of Social & Management Science
Conference Room
(July 9, 2007)
Combating Official Corruption
Paper Presented to the visiting Pakistani Delegation under the Rule of Law Program
SMU Dedman School of Law
(September 10, 2006)
Corruption and Economic Spoliation: A Festchrift for Roberto MacLean
Paper Presented at the Paul Carrington Memorial Lecture Series Colloquium on "Law, Culture and Economic Development,"
SMU Dedman School of Law
(March 7, 2006)
Lofty Rhetoric versus Sobering Reality: Corruption and Human Rights in Africa
Paper Presented at the Amnesty International Africa Consultative Forum
Kampala, Uganda
(July 7-9, 2005)
Introducing the Comparative Islamic Law Society
Remarks Delivered at the-London Forum on International Economic Law
SMU Dedman School of Law
(April 20, 2005)
Money Laundering and Capital Flight
Paper Presented to the visiting delegation from Malaysia under the Rule of Law Program
SMU Dedman School of Law
(March 24, 2005)
An Inquiry on the Legality of Regime Change from the Perspective of the Law of Nations
Shihata Distinguished Lecture for the SMU London Forum on International Economic Law and Development
(February 23, 2005)
Debt-currency swaps: A Creative Approach to the Recovery and Repatriation of Spoliated Funds
Paper Presented to the Delegation from the visiting delegation from the Krgyz Republic under the Rule of Law Program
SMU Dedman School of Law
(February 20, 2005)
International Anti-Corruption Instruments: The United Nations Convention Against Corruption
Paper Presented at the Open Society Justice Initiative Roundtable on Legal Remedies for Natural Resource Spoliation
Open Society Institute
New York, NY (February 17-18, 2005)
African Commission on Human & Peoples’ Rights (32nd, 33rd, 34th, 35th and 36th Sessions, 2003-2005) as Counsel for Complainants in Communication 260/2002: Bakweri Land Claims Committee v Government of Cameroon (Admissibility Phase)