Event Sponsors
2025 Sponsors
In the fifty-nine year history of the SMU Air Law Symposium, the Symposium has benefited immeasurably from the generous financial support of its sponsors. This year, we are proud and honored to have the support of these incredible sponsors and partners.
Platinum Level
Cunningham Swaim, LLP
Robb & Robb LLC
Gold Level
Clifford Law Offices, PC
Cooley LLP
Kreindler & Kreindler LLP
LaMontagne & Amador LLP
Slack Davis Sanger LLP
Structured Annuities
Worthe Hanson Worthe & Kaskiw LLP
Silver Level
Anderson & Riddle, LLP
Cantey Hanger LLP
Condon & Forsyth LLP
Devers Miska Law
Hicks Davis Wynn, P.C.
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Jackson Walker LLP
Mozley, Finlayson & Loggins, LLP
Podhurst Orseck, P.A.
Spohrer Dodd Trial Attorneys
Victor Rane
Bronze Level
Coats Aviation Law, PC
Evans | Petree PC
Fisher & Phillips LLP
Martinez Ritorto & Maragoudakis, PC
Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart and Shipley, P.A.
Shackelford, McKinley & Norton, LLP
Stokes Lawrence, P.S.
A&P Aviation Consulting, Inc.
Habersham Aviation Consulting, LLC
U.S. Legal Support
Scholarship Sponsors
International Aerospace Womens Association
If you would like to become a sponsor or have any questions, please email jalcals@smu.edu or call 214-768-2570.