Submissions to The International Lawyer
To increase both the efficiency and effectiveness of our article review process, The International Lawyer accepts electronic submissions through and email at eic-til@smu.edu.
The International Lawyer welcomes article submissions from judges, professors, practitioners, and law clerks, but does not accept submissions from current law students or recent graduates without significant work experience. We publish three times each year and typically accept unsolicited submissions for the spring, fall, and winter issues.
Articles submitted for publication should be approximately 10,000 words (including footnotes). Text and footnotes should be double-spaced. Internal citations and footnotes must conform to the most recent edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. The International Lawyer does not accept articles that have been or are to be published elsewhere.
In addition, all submissions should include: (1) a cover letter containing the author’s contact information and the title of the manuscript; (2) a resume or curriculum vitae for all authors on the submission; (3) a brief abstract (under 250 words, submitted as a separate document); and (4) a copy of the manuscript.
Expedited Review
We will do our best to accommodate expedite requests during the academic year. Requests should be sent via Scholastica's expedite feature or through eic-til@smu.edu. In addition, please provide the title of any other publication currently making a publication offer along with the respective decision deadline.
We look forward to reviewing your submission.