Remember the Ladies, and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors!
Abigail Adams to her husband, John Adams on March 31, 1776
The Remember the Ladies! Campaign raised $1,000,000, to endow an archivist position dedicated solely to supporting the Archives of Women of the Southwest at SMU's DeGolyer Library. Inspired by the quote from Abigail Adams, the Campaign offered family and friends an opportunity to honor significant women in their lives while ensuring the preservation of the rare documents and materials that compose the AWSW Collection.
Members of the Campaign Committee
- Mary Blake Meadows, Chair
- Susan Boucher
- Sidney Burtner
- Lea F. Courington
- Janelle Ellis
- Juli Harrison
- Deanie Kepler
- Sandy Kraus
- Jackie McElhaney
- Diane Miles
- Ruth Morgan
- Paulette Mulry
- Pamela Nelson
- Becky Schergens
- Kelly Seibel
- Diane Smith
- Gail Turner
- Barbara L. Watkins
25th Anniversary Celebration
On Sunday, March 11, 2018, the Advisory Board of the Archives of the Women of the Southwest celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the board with a celebration at the DeGolyer Library at SMU. The Advisory Board was created in 1993 to:
- Promote the visibility and scholarly value of archival material related to women in the Southwestern regional area of the United States.
- Encourage the use of the archives as an important resource for research Advise on collection development for the archives.
- Coordinate fundraising to assure continuance of an endowment sufficient to maintain the archival collection.
- Raise public awareness of the need of the archives.
Major accomplishments over the 25-year life of the board include The Remember the Ladies! Campaign which raised $1,000,000 to endow an archivist position dedicated solely to supporting the collection.
Remember the Ladies Tributes
Past Events
Celebration Address, April 19, 2009, Gillian McCombs, Dean and Director of Central University libraries
, the Southwest, and Beyond (November 29, 2012)