Admissions Requirements
The professional nature of the D.Min. requires that students have leadership responsibilities in their ministry setting. Application deadline is March 14 for June admission to a cohort. Applicants wishing to enter the D.Min. program must have:
- An accredited master’s degree (or its educational equivalent) in an area related to one’s ministry setting or vocational calling with demonstrated academic excellence, as attested by official transcripts.
- Significant ministerial experience that enables the applicant to engage as a ministry peer with other students in this advanced professional doctorate, as attested by two references.
- The ability to interpret scripture and the theological tradition of one’s ministry context thoughtfully, the capacity to understand and adapt one’s ministry to the cultural context, a basic self-understanding of one’s ministerial identity and vocational calling, and a readiness to engage in ongoing personal and spiritual formation for one’s ministry, as reflected in a short essay addressing vocation, leadership, and community building. The essay should include (a) a statement of objectives in pursuing the D.Min. degree, and (b) the anticipated contribution of the writing project to the applicant’s vocation, understanding of leadership and commitment to community building.+
International applicants who hold a Religious Worker (R-1) Visa may be considered for admission. International applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English with a minimum score of 600 paper-based or 250 computer-based TOEFL score. NOTE: No Perkins funded financial aid is available to international students. See DMin Financial Information for requirements for international students.
Because the Doctor of Ministry is a degree given in the context of ministry, generally no transfer credit is accepted.
Applications must be completed by March 14 for June admission.
Application fee is $50.00.
The application process is in digital/electronic form and there is no need to print materials. Please follow the instructions as they appear in the digital/electronic application. If you have any questions, contact Ms. Pamela Hogan at phogan@smu.edu or Dr. Dallas Gingles at dmin@smu.edu
For more information, please contact:
Doctor of Ministry Program
Perkins School of Theology
P.O. Box 750133
Dallas, Texas 75275-0133
Dr. Dallas Gingles (dgingles@smu.edu)
Phone: 214.768.2432 (Pamela Hogan)
Email: dmin@smu.edu