Jaime Clark-Soles
Professor of New Testament Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor Director, Baptist House of Studies

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214-768-2027 |
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Ph.D., Yale University, 2000; M.Div., summa cum laude, Yale University, 1993; B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Stetson University, 1989
Teaching Specialties
Johannine literature (Gospel of John; 1-3 John; Revelation); evil, suffering, death, and afterlife; New Testament ethics; Passion Narratives; Matthew; preaching the New Testament; disability and the Bible; Koine Greek; Israel/Palestine Cultural Immersion trips.
Research Interests
Johannine Literature; evil, suffering, death and afterlife; Disability Theory and the New Testament; the use and authority of Scripture; women in the Bible; gender and the Bible
Selected Publications
:: Engaging the Word: The New Testament and the Christian Believer (Westminster John Knox, 2010).
:: Death and Afterlife in the New Testament (T & T Clark, 2006).
:: Scripture Cannot Be Broken: The Social Function of the Use of Scripture in the Fourth Gospel (Brill, 2003).
:: "Afterlife, Judaism and Christianity,” in Wiley-Blackwell's Encyclopedia of Ancient History (Wiley-Blackwell, November 2011).
:: "The Afterlife: Considering Heaven and Hell,” in Word & World 31/1 (2011).
A complete listing of publications by Professor Clark-Soles is available in her curriculum vitae.
Professional Distinctions
Ordained, American Baptist Churches, USA, 1996; Editorial Board, Journal of Disability and Religion (present); Editorial Board, Journal of Biblical Literature (2008-11); "Ethics and Biblical Interpretation” Steering Committee, SBL; "Johannine Literature” Steering Committee, SBL; 2010 Ford Senior Research Fellow; Louisville Institute Christian Faith and Life Sabbatical Grant, 2004-2005; 2016 Perkins Scholarly Outreach Award Recipient of Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Award, 2014.