Course Catalog
Adaptive Leadership
Course Description
The pace of change in our world is accelerating and the need for leaders who are skilled, resilient and fluid is greater than ever. This course in Adaptive Leadership will explore the fundamentals of adaptive leadership, provide a spiritual foundation to thrive and equip the student to lead in their context. This course is taught in a hybrid model with a three-day intensive and several monthly virtual sessions.
This course is great for anyone involved in church ministry, is an option for the 3rd required core course for a certificate, and is available in 3-day hybrid intensives and online.
Antiguo Testamento
Descripción de curso
Este curso presenta a los participantes a la formación y los principales acontecimientos de la Biblia Hebrea. Los participantes desarrollarán destreza en la interpretación bíblica como base para la predicación y la enseñanza. Al tomar el curso, los estudiantes comprenderán más plenamente la amplitud del significado de los textos del Antiguo Testamento y serán más capaces de ofrecer una exégesis, proclamar y aplicar las Escrituras en la predicación, la enseñanza y la participación en la vida de la congregación.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros al 214.768.2362 o envíenos un correo electrónico a Jurdialesrodriguez@smu.edu
Este curso está diseñado para pastores sin formación formal, pastores laicos y otros con experiencia ministerial. Los cursos se llevarán a cabo tanto en persona como en línea para adaptarse a las necesidades de los estudiantes. Las clases se llevarán a cabo durante cinco martes consecutivos a partir del 2 de abril al 30 de abril de 7 p.m. a 9 p.m.- Salón por determinarse.
Campus Ministry: Discerning & Developing Vital Ministry
Course Description
This course will begin with the exploration of the book Christ the Yard by Marcus Jones, which provides a guide to Christian living and ministry on the college campus. Course participants will learn how to engage the college culture, build relationships with college-aged young adults, and discern and develop vital tools for creating, nurturing, and developing college ministry. The course will also cover topics such as spiritual growth, leadership and evangelism with college-aged young adults.This course is great for anyone passionate about campus ministry leadership and is available as a 3-day hybrid intensive.
Cuidado Pastoral
Descripción de curso
Este curso expone a los participantes a las funciones básicas del cuidado congregacional, aprendiendo formas de brindar guía espiritual y cuidado emocional, así como cuándo y cómo servir como recurso bien informado para referir a congregantes a los servicios apropiados. Al tomar el curso, los participantes serán más capaces de responder a las cuestiones apropiadas relacionadas al cuidado congregacional.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros al 214.768.2362 o envíenos un correo electrónico a Jurdialesrodriguez@smu.edu
Este curso está diseñado para pastores sin formación formal, pastores laicos y otros con experiencia ministerial. Los cursos se llevarán a cabo tanto en persona como en línea para adaptarse a las necesidades de los estudiantes. La clase se llevará a cabo de 7 a 9 p.m. los jueves, del 15 de febrero al 14 de marzo.
Developmental Stages
Course Description
This course will focus on life span development, learning styles, and best practices for teaching children and youth. We want to give participants practical tools that help them understand both where those they minister to have developmentally been and where they are going, in order to most effectively lead and partner with parents in faith formation.
This course is great for people passionate about ministry with children and youth, from birth through high school and is available in 4-day in-person and virtual intensives.
Disability Theology and The Bible
Course Description
Coming Soon!
This course is great for anyone involved in disability or special needs ministries in or related to the church, or people who have an interest in developing an understanding of the intersection of disability and the church and is available in 4-day in-person and online intensives.
Engaging Theology
Course Description
In this course, students will explore theological foundations for the Christian faith and Christian ministry. Students will encounter a diverse body of theology, empowering them as theologians to engage theology both charitably and critically and equipping them to teach Christian doctrine by communicating the content and meaning of our faith and heritage to others. Students will be given the opportunity to discuss, reflect on, and apply theological doctrines to the socio-cultural and faith issues in the lives of persons in their ministry context and practice applying these skills likewise.
This course is great for anyone involved in all levels of church ministry, is one of three required core courses for a certificate, and is available in 4-day in-person and online intensives.
Engaging the Bible
Course Description
A consideration of pedagogical methods for the church as it encounters the biblical message of the Old and New Testaments with special emphasis on understanding theological implications.
This course is great for anyone involved in any level of ministry, is one of three required for a certificate, and is available in 4-day in-person or online intensives.
Estrategias de Liderazgo
Descripción de curso
Los participantes aprenderán cómo dirigir una congregación hacia su visión y misión. Aprenderán formas de superar obstáculos mientras avanzan hacia la transformación. Al tomar este curso, los participantes podrán discernir el contexto e involucrar a la congregación en el avance y el cumplimiento de su misión.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros al 214.768.2362 o envíenos un correo electrónico a Jurdialesrodriguez@smu.edu
Este curso está diseñado para pastores sin formación formal, pastores laicos y otros con experiencia ministerial. Los cursos se llevarán a cabo tanto en persona como en línea para adaptarse a las necesidades de los estudiantes.
Leadership in Church & Society: A Family Systems Approach
Course Description
This course will explore Bowen Family Systems Theory as a transformational paradigm that allows us to increase our emotional maturity and thus our effectiveness as leaders and clergy. Applying the 8 concepts of Bowen’s theory enables leaders to gain objectivity and perspective by observing triggers, patterns of reactivity, and emotional processes in oneself during difficult situations.
Utilization of Bowen’s concepts will benefit students in both their personal and professional lives, and provide leadership techniques within the ministry they’re practicing as they gain understanding into their family of origin and learn preferred patterns of reactivity in the presence of challenges.
This course is great for everyone, regardless of their ministry context or experience, is required for certificates in young adult or adult ministry, and is available in 4-day in-person intensives.
Interim Ministry (TIIMSA)
Course Description
This course is taught as a cohort in partnership with . It is designed to help pastors and congregations deal with the stresses of our culture in this time of uncertainty. While this training is specifically designed for those entering an interim situation (death of pastor, long pastorate, pastor leaving ministry, etc.), the training will help you deal with the everyday struggles you will find in any ministry setting. Congregations are hurting and TIIMS training is like a prescription for healing.
Transitional Intentional Interim Specialist Training is a three-phase experience spanning six months of time. Phase I is a three-day introduction to the concepts and principles of Interim Ministry where tools and techniques for this specialized ministry are presented. Phase II is a time in one’s ministry setting using some of the tools and principles learned in Phase I while being coached by a leader with whom they worked in Phase I. Phase III is a re-gathering of the group to further integrate the experiences of Phase II guided by the case studies written during Phase II. Through this training you will learn how to integrate your proven pastoral skill set with the dynamic strategies of interim ministry. You will be equipped to provide pastoral leadership in new and effective ways for congregations with special transitional needs.While it is designed for clergy, it is also available to lay leadership who are interested in learning how to help lead their congregations through liminal and transitional times. Combined with the appropriate core courses, the TIIMSA training counts toward a certificate in Interim Ministry. Contact our office for more information.
Ministry with Children
Course Description
In this course, students will further develop their theology of children's ministry through personal reflection, small and large group discussions, devotion, and practice.
This course is great for people passionate about ministry with children, grades K-5, and is available in 4-day in-person and 2-day online intensives.
Theology and Practice of Youth Ministry
Course Description
In this course, students will develop and refine their theology of youth ministry, expand their toolkit for ministry, and further develop their skills in pastoral care, volunteer development, and planning.
This course is great for those passionate about ministry with youth, grades 6-12, and is available in 4-day in-person or 2-day online intensives.
Nuevo Testamento
Descripción de curso
Este curso presenta a los participantes los Evangelios, las Cartas Paulinas y otros libros del Nuevo Testamento. Los participantes aprenderán acerca de la formación y los temas centrales del Nuevo Testamento y desarrollarán destreza en la interpretación bíblica o exégesis, como base para la predicación y la enseñanza. Al tomar el curso, los participantes comprenderán más plenamente la amplitud del significado de los textos del Nuevo Testamento y serán más capaces de ofrecer una exégesis, proclamar y aplicar las Escrituras en la predicación, la enseñanza y la participación en la vida de la congregación.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros al 214.768.2362 o envíenos un correo electrónico a Jurdialesrodriguez@smu.edu
Este curso está diseñado para pastores sin formación formal, pastores laicos y otros con experiencia ministerial. Los cursos se llevarán a cabo tanto en persona como en línea para adaptarse a las necesidades de los estudiantes.
Descripción de curso
En este curso, los participantes aprenderán como interpretar textos del Antiguo y Nuevo Testamento para escribir sermones. También aprenderán los conceptos básicos de la preparación de liturgias para diversas experiencias de servicios de adoración. Al tomar este curso, los participantes tendrán más confianza para proclamar la palabra de Dios y desarrollar liturgias significantes que apoyan el sermón, el año eclesiástico, y la vida de la congregación.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con nosotros al 214.768.2362 o envíenos un correo electrónico a Jurdialesrodriguez@smu.edu
Este curso está diseñado para pastores sin formación formal, pastores laicos y otros con experiencia ministerial. Los cursos se llevarán a cabo tanto en persona como en línea para adaptarse a las necesidades de los estudiantes.
Social Innovation (OIKOS)
Course Description
This course is taught as a cohort in partnership with . This program aims to increase the creative potential and economic vitality of participating congregations and identify new ways of utilizing their assets to more intentionally embrace their call to discipleship as agents of social impact in their community. The 2-year program will engage 10-12 congregational teams in seminars, workshops, peer learning and mentoring groups. The content will provide a basis of financial competency, rooted in theological commitment toward creativity and imagination. Congregational teams will apply their learnings in an experimental initiative that demonstrates their vocational identity, serves the community, and enhances their congregation’s economic vitality.
Participating congregations that identify a viable social impact real estate development project will be eligible to apply for pre-development loans with attractive terms from lenders committed to community-led social impact in communities of color.
This cohort program requires an application and acceptance into the program based on Oikos' standards. Qualifying participants will receive a certificate in Social Innovation at the completion of the 2-year program.
UM Studies
Course Description
The United Methodist Studies course will provide a one-stop shop introduction to Methodist history, theology and polity in a hybrid format (synchronous and asynchronous assignments) in order to deepen students’ understanding of and appreciation for Methodism today. The course may include a study of the General Rules, Social Principles, The Book of Discipline, or historical issues in UMC polity. Enrolled students will be assigned work outside of the classroom via books, articles and videos.
This course is great for anyone in ministry in a United Methodist congregation, is an option for the 3rd required course for a certificate, and is required for all students seeking certification in The United Methodist Church through their Board of Ordained Ministry and GBHEM.