Public Information Requests
Policy number: 9.10
Policy section: Police & Public Safety
Revised Date: January 2, 2019
1. Policy Statement
Pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act (PIA), Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, as amended by Senate Bill 308, enacted by the 84th Texas Legislature, the University will make all records “related solely to law enforcement” available to the public.
2. Making Requests
The SMU Police Department is responsible for maintaining all records related solely to law enforcement subject to production under the PIA. The Police Department is open to the public from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and closed on weekends and University holidays.
- All requests submitted under the PIA must be in writing and can be made as follows:
In Person (during normal business hours)
Public Information Officer
Police Department
Patterson Hall
3128 Dyer St., Suite 212
Dallas, TX 75205
By Mail
Public Information Officer
Police Department
PO Box 750334
Dallas, TX 75275-0334
By Fax
(214) 768-4126
Attn: Public Information Officer
By Email
- For prompt attention, all correspondence should be clearly marked “Public Information Request.”
- A request form is available at SMU Police Department website, but its use is not required if all other requirements are met in Section 2.
- All requests must include:
- Your name,
- Your mailing address or email address,
- Your phone number, and
- A list/description of the records you need, preferably with dates.The more accurate and specific you can be, the faster the records can be located.
3. Response to Requests
The Police Department will review all written requests for public records and respond to the requestor within 10 business days. In response to a request, the Police Department may:
- Release the applicable information;
- Inform the requestor if the information cannot be provided promptly and set a date and time to provide it within a reasonable time;
- Request a ruling from the Office of the Attorney General regarding any information the SMU Police Department wishes to withhold or believes must be withheld and send a copy of the request for ruling; or
- Provide the requestor a redacted copy or otherwise segregate public information from information that may be withheld due to current laws
4. Fees and Charges
The requestor can choose whether to inspect the requested information at the Police Department during regular business hours at no cost, receive or make copies of records for a fee, or both. There is no charge for a request of 50 pages or less whether produced in hard copy or electronic format. Otherwise, fees will be calculated in accordance with . The requestor will receive a written statement of estimated charges when charges will exceed $40, in advance of work being started, and have the opportunity to modify the request in response to the itemized statement. Payment must be made by cash. If you have any questions, contact the Public Information Officer at (214) 768-3388.
5. Related Links
Additional information on the PIA and Senate Bill 308 can be found at the following links:
Revised: January 2, 2019
Adopted: September 1, 2015