Migration Schedule

Currently, high-performance computing (HPC) resource allocations, both compute and storage, are linked primarily to a user or research group and are not divided into specific research projects. As the HPC community migrates to project-based resource allocations, data will need to be moved from the currently used work and group directories into project-specific storage allocations specified by the HPC account sponsors.
The OIT Research Technology Services (RTS) team will assist faculty throughout the migration process to minimize the impact on research activities:
- The RTS team will work with HPC sponsors to review their current directory structure.
- Faculty will create projects via ColdFront and request the appropriate storage and compute resources.
- Faculty will designate the specific users who should have access to each project and associated resource allocations.
- Faculty will move files from their personal work and group directories to the new project-related storage directories.
- All jobs will be submitted with the appropriate project-specific Slurm ID.
Additional communication will be sent to all faculty with HPC accounts as the semester begins.
Migration Support
In addition to documentation, migration help sessions will be available throughout the semester: