LSAT Preparation
Be prepared. Consider a test preparation course. There are many options available. Each semester companies offer practice tests both on campus and in their offices. They simulate a real testing experience so you can become accustomed to the test questions, environment, and the structure. Tests will be scored, so you will learn where your strengths and weaknesses lie and where you need to place emphasis for further study.
: 888-427-7737, info@blueprintlsat.com
: 720-494-1588, admin@getprepped.com
: 1-800-KAP-TEST, customer.care@kplan.com
: 1-800-545-1750, contact@powerscore.com
: 1-800-273-5439
: 1-800-259-6211, info@scoreperfect.net
SMU LSAT Prep: 214-768-2273, lifelong@smu.edu
: 1-800-910-3926
: 888-427-7737, info@blueprintlsat.com
: 720-494-1588, admin@getprepped.com
: 1-800-KAP-TEST, customer.care@kplan.com
: 1-800-545-1750, contact@powerscore.com
: 1-800-273-5439
: 1-800-259-6211, info@scoreperfect.net
SMU LSAT Prep: 214-768-2273, lifelong@smu.edu
: 1-800-910-3926