Research grants may be used for any research related expenses that do not apply to the travel grant and follow the additional guidelines below
Faculty Research Grants
Dates & Deadlines
Fall Applications
Deadline for application and letter of support - October, 11 at 5pm
Grant award announcements - First week of December
Spring Applications
Deadline for application and letter of support - March, 6 at 5pm
Grant award announcements - First week of May
The following information relates specifically to research grants
When deciding on future awards, the URC committee will take into account the overall success of previous URC funding
- ‘Success’ will be based on the proposed outcomes, including scholarship artifacts (Articles, books, films, and future grant proposals)
Benefit of the grant to the university should focus on the following
- Contribution to current literature or research in your field
- Future outside grants and/or publications
- For faculty in the arts, will the research lead to exhibitions, performances, participation in film festivals, etc.
Each award can be for up to $15,000 and must be expended within 12 months of the award
Related Links
Additional Information
Research Grant Information
Forms to Submit
Grant Application - CLOSED