Research Projects

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Collaborative Research: Amplifying Diverse Voices in STEM Education (ADVISE)

October 2024 – September 2029

Students engaged in a chemistry experiment with their teacher in a classroom.ADVISE (Amplifying Diverse Voices in STEM Education) is an NSF IUSE and ECR-EDU Core Research project administered through the NSF’s Racial Equity in STEM program. The collaborative research grant funds an SMU-led partnership among nine colleges and universities to study the role invited guest lecturers can play in promoting diversity, inclusivity, and student success in undergraduate STEM education. Over a five-year period, ADVISE will use a randomized controlled trial to study the causal effects of guest lecturers on individual- and classroom-level outcomes such as student belonging and classroom climate as well as student grades and persistence in STEM majors.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

PI: Dr. Quentin Sedlacek (SMU)
Co-PIs: Dr. Sara Dozier (CSU Long Beach), Dr. Karla Lomelí (Santa Clara University), Dr. Anthony Muro Villa III (UC Riverside); Claudia Solís-Lemus (UW Madison) Senior Personnel: Dr. Michelle Friend (UN Omaha); Dr. Heather Haeger (University of Arizona); Dr. Joel Alex Mejia (UT San Antonio); Dr. Greses Pérez (Tufts University)

Texas Impact Study and CLASS + Cultivate

October 2024 – June 2026

Teach for America logoCORE and TFA are long-term partners, collaborating to examine impacts of TFA corps members and alumni across Texas. In 2025, a refreshed look at Texas impacts is being conducted through the Educational Research Center (ERC).

CORE is a long-term research, evaluation and thought partner for Teach for America. CORE conducted an initial impact evaluation of Teach for America’s impact in Texas sites, and has conducted multiple follow ups to date. CORE and TFA have leveraged those data to provide technical assistance to Texas regions, and to support a number of strategic initiatives. CORE and TFA continue exploring impacts for Texas students and have partnered to explore how the CLASS™ tool can support ongoing improvements.

Funding: Teach for America (TFA)

PI: Dr. Annie Wright (SMU)
Co-PI: Dylan Farmer (SMU)

Evaluation of the Early Educator Workforce Development Pipeline: A Partnership between Dallas College and SMU

September 2024 – December 2027

Dallas College logoCORE is working in partnership with Dallas College’s School of Education (DC-SOE) to conduct a comprehensive, multi-year evaluation of the early educator workforce development pipeline. This initiative aims to assess and enhance the effectiveness of the pipeline, ensuring it meets the needs of aspiring educators and the educational system. Dallas College’s innovative teacher preparation pipeline stands out as the first community college in the state of Texas to be certified to provide a four-year bachelor’s degree, marking a significant milestone in higher education. The evaluation, which is partially funded by The Moody Foundation’s MPACT initiative, will feature a series of key questions designed to understand what strategies are most effective, for whom they work best, and under what circumstances they yield the best outcomes. This thorough analysis will help inform future improvements and support the development of a robust early educator workforce.

Funding: Dallas College Foundation

PI: Dr. Annie Wright (SMU)
Co-PI: Dylan Farmer (SMU)

The Effects of Completing College-Level Courses in High School

August 2024 – July 2027

Dr. Xiaodan Hu This project aims to estimate the effects of completing college-level courses during high school (e.g., dual-credit, AP/IB) on students' postsecondary outcomes, including college enrollment, persistence, and completion. While the prevalence of high school courses for college credit has increased substantially across the U.S. during the 21st century, research evidence to date is inconclusive regarding its overall benefits, the conditions under which it is most beneficial for students and the extent to which results vary among historically disadvantaged student groups. This project answers the need for trustworthy evidence through a meta-analysis of all rigorous quantitative analyses released between 2000 and 2025, accounting for variations of effects by program type, institution level, student characteristics, and research design.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Justin Charles Ortagus (University of Florida)
Co-PI: Dr. Xiaodan Hu (SMU)

Using Artificial Intelligence to Personalize Mathematics Instruction to Students Interests

August 2024 – July 2027

Student working with Chat-GPT in classroom environmentThis project aims to explore the impacts and opportunities that emerge when using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to construct personalized algebra problems for 7th grade students. The project builds on prior work that established that personalized algebra interventions that connect math to students’ interest in areas like sports or video games could increase both core algebraic knowledge and STEM career interest for students with low academic achievement. Further, this project will gain a better understanding of how to employ AI to support teachers, developing new models for how to make teaching more efficient and effective while still preserving the teachers' agency. This project is funded by the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program, which supports projects that build understandings of practices, program elements, contexts and processes contributing to increasing students' knowledge and interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and information and communication technology (ICT) careers. Specifically, the research questions will investigate the impact of AI-generated word problems (with and without AI-generated images) on student math performance, study the tradeoffs for both students and teachers for the two different GenAI personalization strategies, investigate changes in how teachers understand student interests and posing math story problems as a result of using GenAI, and investigate how teachers can use prompt engineering to produce personalized problems. The project will use participatory approaches to engage teachers in iterative cycles of design, increasing the likelihood that the approach will draw upon learners’ funds of knowledge.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Project Lead: Dr. Candace Walkington (SMU), PI
Co-PIs: Neil Heffernan (WPI), Andrew Lan (UMass), Ryan Baker (Penn), Tiffini Pruitt-Britton (AIR)

Collaborative Research: A Semiconductor Curriculum and Learning Framework for High-Schoolers Using Artificial Intelligence, Game Modules, and Hands-on Experiences

June 2024 – May 2028

An artificially generated image of high-school students working on collaborative project involving circuit boards.Semiconductors are essential components of electronic devices, enabling advances in all important applications and systems such as communication, healthcare, and national security. The project aims to help high-school students develop skills and career interests in the semiconductor fields through an innovative game-based learning platform, hands-on activities, and industry field trips. The overarching research question is: To what extent do the designs and integration of AI Educator (a generative AI tool for education), game-based learning, and hands-on experiences provide equitable access and strengthen students’ engagements, awareness, interests, and knowledge in STEM careers? The AI Educator will provide students with suggestions, assistance, and additional insights about the subject. The AI component will tune the output content based on the student’s interests and preferences to make the experience more relatable. Data collection will include students’ attitudes, game activities, and hands-on learning outcomes. Design-based research methods will be used incorporating the NASA Task Load Index, t-test, interviews, and surveys to understand students’ learning and efficacy of the game and workshop curriculum. The Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework will be used and refined throughout the AI and game technology integration into the semiconductor curriculum and education pathways. The project will be designed with a focus on equity, accessibility, engagement, and collaboration, catering to students from diverse backgrounds. For more information:

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Collaborative Project:
PI: Dr. Lin Lipsmeyer; Co-PI: Dr. Kyle Roberts (SMU)
PI: Dr. Prabuddha Chakraborty; Co-PI: Dr. Rosemary Smith (University of Maine)
PI: Xiaoli Yang, Indiana Technology University

Advancing Understanding of How Adult Learner Ecosystems Vary and Influence Decision Making

February 2024 – March 2025

Adult learners using laptops in an SMU classroomThis project utilizes egocentric social network analysis to gain deeper insights into how adult learners of color make decisions regarding (re)enrollment in postsecondary institutions. By focusing on the social networks that surround these learners, the research highlights the significant influence that their "ecosystem"—comprising the communities that support and are supported by them—has on their decision-making processes. Through this lens, the project aims to expand our understanding of the critical role these ecosystems play in shaping educational choices. The findings are expected to provide valuable insights that can help postsecondary institutions refine and enhance their outreach and support strategies by actively engaging not only the learners themselves but also the broader communities that influence their educational journeys.

Funding: Lumina Adult Learners

PI: Mark Hatcher (American Institutes for Research)
Co-PI: Dr. Willis Jones (SMU)

Virtual Reality Simulation to Enhance De-escalation Training for Police Officers

October 2023 – September 2026

A police officer stands beside a table adorned with flowers at a community resources exhibition, promoting public awareness and assistance.Dallas Police Department (DPD) and SMU faculty from the Technology-Enhanced Immersive Learning cluster aim to enhance de-escalation skills among DPD officers by integrating virtual reality (VR) simulations into police training. By enhancing de-escalation skills, the team hopes to reduce instances of excessive use of force, and to improve police and community relations and public trust. The project builds upon the DPD's existing evidence-based de-escalation training and SMU’s expertise in curriculum design, VR simulation, violence prevention, and program evaluation.

Funding: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance

Project Lead: Dallas Police Department, City of Dallas
SMU Leads: Dr. Eric G. Bing (SMU), Dr. Ernest Jouriles (SMU)

Empowering Students with Choice through Equitable and Interactive Mathematical Modeling (EIM2)

August 2023 – June 2026

Group photo with Dr. Corey Brady and Postdoctoral Fellow  J. Enrique Hernández-Zavaleta on site at the University of Florida in GainesvilleEIM2 (Equitable and Interactive Mathematical Modeling) is an NSF DRK-12 project that positions students to use mathematical modeling to analyze and quantify real-world situations through a lens of equity. The project enables collaborations with seventh grade classrooms and a professional learning community of their mathematics teachers. The EIM2 online platform allows students to easily select socially relevant modeling scenarios based on their interests; experience the scenarios with visuals and animations; and compare, synthesize, and refine their mathematical ideas. SMU received supplemental funding for this project, which will enable DISD and other Dallas area schools to be an implementation site for EIM2.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

PI: Dr. Hyunyi Jung (Univ. of Florida)
Co-PIs: Dr. Corey Brady (SMU); Chonika Coleman-King (Univ. of Florida); Mary Bratsch-Hines (Univ. of Florida)

Promoting Algebra Readiness (PAR)

July 2023 – June 2028

A  couple of students, standing in front of a whiteboard, working on mathematical equations.The purpose of Promoting Algebra Readiness (PAR) is to expand the growing but limited body of research on effective middle school interventions. The multi-year study targets foundational fractions content that is needed to ensure access to advanced mathematics, including Algebra. The project’s three major aims include (a) identifying the immediate and long-term effect of PAR intervention on the mathematics outcomes of 6th grade students with or at-risk for MD, (b) identifying what student and interventionist characteristics moderate the PAR intervention effects, and (c) exploring relationships between variables related to the implementation of the PAR intervention, student mathematics outcomes, and end-user characteristics that may lead to and sustain successful implementation of PAR.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education

Dr. Ben Clarke (UO)
Co-PIs: Dr. Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU) Dr. Gena Nelson (UO)

Increasing Skills in Accessibility through Integration in the Undergraduate Computer Science and Information Technology Curricula

May 2023 – April 2026

Students in a classroom use adaptive technology on laptops and tablets. A large display shows accessibility icons and a person points at them.This three-year project centers on enhancing software accessibility by equipping college instructors and students with both technical and design skills needed to create accessible software. Dr. Lin Lipsmeyer works with Dr. Stephanie Ludi and Dr. David Keathly to explore shifts in skills and attitudes, both short-term and long-term, by integrating instructional materials, facilitating hands-on activities, and fostering interactions with individuals with disabilities. The anticipated outcome is a greater number of graduates who not only understand the unique needs of people with disabilities but also possess skills that promote inclusivity and are well-trained in designing accessible software. For more information:

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

PI: Dr. Stephanie Ludi (University of North Texas)
Co-PI: Dr. Lin Lipsmeyer (SMU)
Co-PI: Dr. Magdalena Pando (SMU)
Co-PI: Dr. David Keathly (University of North Texas)

Active Playful Learning

January 2023 – December 2027

Active Playful Learning logo. Joyful Teaching. Deeper Learning.CORE serves as the Texas site lead for on the impact of Active Playful Learning, funded by the LEGO Foundation. The APL initiative, led by Dr. Kathy Hirsch-Pasaek, has assembled a team of early childhood education researchers and leaders to implement APL coaching in 4 distinct districts to promote learning that is active, engaged, meaningful, socially interactive, iterative, and joyful. States chosen for the study sites include Texas, California, Illinois, and Virginia.

Funding: Lego Foundation

PI: Dr. Kathy Hirsh Pasaek (Temple University)
Co-PIs: Dr. Annie Wright (SMU), Dylan Farmer (SMU), Toni Harrison-Kelly (SMU)

McNair Scholars Project

October 2022 – September 2027

McNair Scholars walking up the stairs of SMU's Dallas Hall.McNair Scholars Project provides research and other scholarly support to SMU students annually who meet program eligibility criteria. Participants receive academic support services and participate in research and graduate school workshops. Participants also participate in the McNair Summer Research Institute that includes a research methods course and culminates in the execution of an undergraduate research project. The project serves 26 SMU students annually.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education

PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU)

Upward Bound Math Science Projects

STEM: September 2022 – August 2027
SOAR: September 2022 – August 2027

Upward Bound Math Science Projects in-class learning experience.Upward Bound Math Science is a pre-collegiate program that works with students through high school to prepare for college. Upward Bound Math Science services are similar to Upward Bound and are designed to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science. Students are provided hands-on learning experiences in classes such as engineering, robotics, biomedical sciences, 3-D printing, and information technology. Two projects (STEM & SOAR) were awarded for the new grant cycle from 2022 to 2027. These two grants serve 124 students primarily in Dallas ISD high schools.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education

PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU)

Partnership for Anticipatory Learning at the Garcia West Dallas STEM School

July 2022 – June 2025

The Garcia West Dallas STEM School Anticipatory and Aligned Learning project is designed to support direct connections to learning from the classroom to home. Our primary focus for aligning family and community learning is through training parents/community members on hands-on STEM activities. Additionally, parents and community members can attend Family Learning Hub events hosted in cooperation with the Garcia WDSS PTA meetings and The Parent Zone, is a series of West Dallas community-wide family learning events.

Funding: United Way of Metropolitan Dallas

PI: Dr. Toni Harrison-Kelly
Co-PI: Dr. Karen Pierce

Project STAIR 2.0: Supporting Teaching of Algebra: Individual Readiness

July 2022 – June 2025

A group of three teachers working and collaborating with one another.The goal of Project STAIR 2.0, a COVID relief funded project, is to support the research to accelerate pandemic recovery in Special Education. In Year 1 of the project, teachers are randomly assigned to receive intense coaching or light coaching on the use of data-based individualization (DBI) when teaching students with specific learning disabilities in mathematics.

Funding: U. S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Erica Lembke (University of Missouri)
Co-PIs: Dr. Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU),
Dr. Sarah Powell (University of Texas at Austin)

Collaborative Research: Research on Integrated STEM Self-Efficacy (RISE): A Study of Elementary Preservice Teachers including Noyce Scholars

June 2022 – May 2027

will study the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) integration of elementary teachers who experienced ten different teacher preparation programs across the U.S. The project will investigate links between integrated STEM teaching self-efficacy, teacher preparation and development opportunities, teaching effectiveness, and teacher retention. It will also build a community of elementary teachers focused on improving their STEM teaching and support their ongoing professional learning.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

PI: Dr. Jeanna Wieselmann (SMU)
Co-PIs: Dr. Deepika Menon (University of Nebraska, Lincoln), Dr. Sarah Haines (Towson University), Dr. Sumreen Asim (Indiana University Southeast)

Upward Bound Classic Projects

Classic I & III: September 2022 - August 2027
Classic I & III: June 2022 - May 2027

Students in school chemistry labratory learning about properties of gases.Upward Bound is a pre-collegiate program that works with students through high school to prepare for college by providing academic support services. Upward Bound support services include high school course tutoring, preparation for SAT and STAAR, high school and initial college course advising, financial aid and scholarship application assistance, and career planning. Three projects (Classic I, II, & III) were awarded for the new grant cycle from 2022 to 2027. These three grants serve 225 students primarily in Dallas ISD high schools.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education

PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU)

Advancing Evaluation in Philanthropy

February 2022 – August 2027

The word philanthropy spelled out in Scrabble lettersCORE is partnering with the Walton Family Foundation to launch The Advancing Evaluation in Philanthropy Fellowship program to help support the next generation of evaluators working in philanthropy. The two-year-long fellowships will focus on developing professionals of color and utilizing more culturally responsive evaluation designs. With the support of the Walton Family Foundation, CORE will be able to help Fellows gain rigorous and real-world experience in research and evaluation in philanthropy.

Funding: Walton Family Foundation

PI: Dr. Annie Wright (SMU)

Scalability, Capacity, and Learning Engagement (SCALE) for Fraction Face-Off to accelerating mathematics learning of students experiencing mathematics difficulty

December 2021 – December 2026

Teacher working with middle school students using fraction manipulatives.Project SCALE is a project funded by US Department of Education as a replication study based on an in-school mathematics intervention, Fraction Face-Off (FFO, Fuchs et al., 2013) which was determined to have moderate evidence of effectiveness with 4th graders by the What Works Clearinghouse. In addition to replicating the study with 4th graders, this project will also investigate the differences between in person and virtual training for interventionists, and the efficacy of FFO with 5th – 8th grade students experiencing mathematics difficulties as a Tier 2 intervention. The research will be hosted in the urban, suburban, and rural geographies surrounding the three partner universities: 91ƬSϼ; University of Texas, Austin; and University of Missouri.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary & Secondary Education, Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program; Award No: S411B210032

PI: Dr. Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU)
Co-PIs: Dr. Sarah Powell (University of Texas, Austin), Dr. Erica Lembke (University of Missouri)

Personnel Preparation in Mathematics Special Education

October 2021 – September 2026

LIME: Leaders Investigating Mathematics EvidenceThe LIME (Leaders Investigating Mathematics Evidence) is a project funded by the Office of Special Education Programs to create the next generation of researchers and leaders with PhDs in special education with a focus on mathematics. It will provide tuition and stipend support, travel to conferences, and research support for twelve scholars for four years of doctoral studies. The program will be hosted at three universities: University of Texas, Austin; 91ƬSϼ; and University of Missouri.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

PI: Dr. Sarah Powell (University of Texas, Austin)
Co-PIs: Dr. Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU); Dr. Erica Lembke (University of Missouri)

Educational Talent Search Projects

September 2021 – August 2026

The Educational Talent Search senior dinner group photograph.Educational Talent Search (ETS) identifies and assists high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. ETS program staff provide academic advising, career planning and guidance, and mentoring services to students. The program is designed to support students as they graduate from high school and transition to college. ETS staff also assist students complete financial aid applications and manage the college application process. The program serves a total of 1,000 students annually between two projects (Project LAUNCH and Project LIFT).

Funding: U.S. Department of Education

PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU), Project LAUNCH, Project LIFT

Work-Learn: Using Microinternships to Leverage Scalable Learning for STEM Workforce Development Among People Experiencing Homelessness

September 2021 – August 2025

Display showing computer code.Researchers at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and 91ƬSϼ will investigate the efficacy of a Work-Learn model for providing individuals experiencing homelessness with the skills and scaffolding that will enable them to enter the job market. The research team will examine the impact of integrating micro-internships with online courses targeting computer science skills for homeless adult learners and analyze the interaction among group dynamics and learner success and barriers and successful learning outcomes. The research goal is to test the efficacy of the Work-Learn model in supporting the ability of people experiencing homelessness to complete a MOOC and successfully transition to information technology (IT) sector jobs. To achieve this goal, the researchers will investigate four research questions: (1) How can the Work-Learn model incentivize learners and support persistence in completing learning tasks and challenges? (2) Do peer learning structures work as effectively with persons experiencing homelessness as with traditional MOOC students? (3) What learner attributes and experiences are associated with success? and (4) How does industry partnership support re-training of persons experiencing homelessness for IT jobs? The research team will develop and implement course modules, in a peer learning context, addressing computational thinking, COBOL, and Python that enable learners to learn by doing in a MOOC environment. They will engage homeless shelter staff and private-sector partners to support skills development and paid micro-internship placement. The team will investigate how these partnerships function to support this population of learners and how learners’ well-being is impacted. The research results will inform interventions that employ scalable technology to re-skill or up-skill adults who do not necessarily have access to workforce training tailored to high-demand and financially stable technology jobs and careers.

The project is supported by the EHR Core Research Program that funds STEM education research projects focused on STEM learning and learning environments, broadening participation in STEM fields, and STEM workforce development.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

PI: Dr. Michelle Friend (University of Nebraska @ Omaha)
Co-PI: Dr. Alexandra Pavlakis (SMU)

Seeing the World through a Mathematical Lens

August 2021 – July 2026

Mathfinder Mobile Application - Seeing the World through a Mathematical Lens: A Place-Based App for Creating Math WalksThis 5-year project draws on research on informal math learning, problem-posing, and culturally sustaining pedagogies to conduct cycles of participatory design-based research on technology-supported math walks. Dr. Candace Walkington serves as PI and leads the project team that is conducting research on a location-based mobile app for informal mathematics learning. This research takes place at 9 informal learning sites and involves iteratively designing an app () in which learners can view and contribute to an interactive map of math walk “stops” at these sites (Dallas Arboretum, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas Zoo, Frontiers of Flight Museum, the GEMS Camp, the Girl Scouts STEM Center of Excellence, St. Phillips School and Community Center, Twelve Hills Nature Center and Voice of Hope Ministries). Learners will be able to select locations and watch short videos or view pictures with text that describe how mathematical principles are present in their surroundings. For example, learners could use the app to discover how a painting by a local Latino artist uses ratio and scale, or how a ramp in downtown was designed with a specific slope to accommodate wheelchairs. Research studies will also examine the impact of having learners create their own math walk stops at local informal learning sites, uploading pictures, descriptions, and linking audio they narrate, where they make observations about how math appears in their surroundings and pose interesting questions about STEM ideas and connections they wonder about.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF), Advancing Informal STEM Learning
Award Number: 

PI: Dr. Candace Walkington (SMU)
Co-Pis: Dr. Anthony Petrosino (SMU), Dr. Koshi Dhingra (WalkSTEM); Dr. Cathy Ringstaff (WestEd), Elizabeth Stringer (SMU)

Science Teachers' Experiences Learning about African American English

July 2021 – December 2025 (but extended further)

Science Class Room with Beaker, Textbooks, and ChalkboardRacial discrimination is illegal in the United States. However, linguistic discrimination is not similarly prohibited, even though some common beliefs about language are deeply rooted in racism. In recent decades, scholarship that critically examines the relationships between language, race, and racism has had transformative effects on language arts education. However, comparatively little work has explored the effects that critical linguistics can have in science education. This study, funded by a grant from the Spencer Foundation, will explore the influence of critical linguistics in science education by investigating the sensemaking of current and prospective K-12 science teachers as they learn about African American English (AAE) in their teacher education coursework. AAE is a well-documented language variety historically associated with African American communities in the United States. Research on AAE has played a central role in the development of sociolinguistics, and many universities now offer courses which assign readings about AAE. These texts sometimes employ strategic essentialism to debunk racist stereotypes and raise awareness of the ways in which language ideologies reproduce systemic racism. However, some scholars have expressed concerns about strategic essentialism; while it may help to foster critical language awareness, it may also inadvertently reinforce problematic beliefs about racial identity. Essentialist beliefs about race are already a topic of considerable concern in science education. It is therefore crucial to understand how science educators make sense of information about AAE in their teacher education coursework. This study will use repeated-measures surveys and interviews to investigate science teachers’ sensemaking and racial ideologies. Findings will provide practical and theoretical insights to help science teacher educators reap the benefits of critical linguistics while avoiding the pitfall of reifying essentialist ideologies of race.

Funding: The Spencer Foundation

PI: Dr. Quentin Sedlacek (SMU)

West Dallas STEM School Project, (Phase II)

July 2021 – February 2026

West Dallas Stem School Teachers and Principle in the Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall Atrium.A generous gift from the Toyota USA Foundation has enabled SMU Simmons, Dallas ISD, the West Dallas community, and Toyota to form a partnership to open the West Dallas STEM School. Opened for 7th and 8th grade in August of 2021, the School features inquiry-based, industry-informed STEM curriculum and will have co-located wraparound community services that include extracurricular academic programming and student and family counseling. Pre-Kindergarten through 1st grade will open in 2022 and a new grade will be added each year thereafter, until the School serves pre-K through 8th grade students.

Funding: Toyota Foundation

PI: Dean Stephanie Knight (SMU)

Using Pre-Assessment to Customize Adult Literacy Game-Based Learning

January 2021 – December 2026

The Enigma Lost Words of Atlantis game logo and splash screen.In 2015, SMU joined with Literacy Instruction for Texas (LIFT) to participate in the Barbara Bush Adult Literacy XPRIZE and develop a game-based mobile application that would change the way low literate adults would learn to read. In 2019, our team of literacy experts, instructional designers, artists, programmers, and game designers won the XPRIZE Grand Prize and Achievement Prize for having the highest gains in literacy among English Language Learners (ELL) from the 109 teams from 15 different countries that participated. Our team developed Codex: The Lost Words of Atlantis, a game where the learner is a great adventurer traveling around the world experiencing new cultures and history while uncovering the secrets of Atlantis. The player finds artifacts and relics and then decodes the cryptic Atlantean language into English. The game is an interactive and engaging story that is fun, while grounded in learning science. We built the game to meet the core concerns and requests that were identified by our focus group. Three focal concepts were integrated into the game: (1) Increase the learner’s knowledge about the world while learning to read, (2) Provide a sense of accomplishment throughout the learning experience, and (3) Help remove the self-consciousness learners often feel when engaging with adult literacy curriculum. In the end, Codex was able to produce over a year’s worth of learning within 9 months through a phone-based video game that utilized adaptive cognitive load theory and difficulty analysis to transform an existing literacy curriculum into game-based learning activities that increased players' engagement and learning.

SMU's team will use this newest grant to continue the development of the application and launch its newest iteration of the game-based curriculum, Enigma. This game will push literacy skills past Codex’s 1st & 2nd and incorporate a pre-assessment tool to customize the learner’s education path in the game. The assessment will allow for identification of literacy gaps for each learner, thus allowing the game to adapt each learners’ specific needs. The incorporation of pre-assessment and customizable gameplay will allow learners to quickly move past areas where they currently have mastery and thus help keep a high engagement within the game. As part of this study, a user reporting and visualization interface will be created to help track and show participants engagement and literacy gains throughout their game play.

Funding: Dollar General Family Literacy Foundation

PI: Dr. Corey Clark (SMU)
Co-PIs: Dr. Anthony Cuevas (SMU), Dr. Diane Gifford (SMU)

Developing Computational Tools for Model-Based Oral Reading Fluency Assessments

August 2020 – May 2025

Group of school kids reading for educationThe project will develop computational tools (R package and a Shiny app) for estimating sentence, passage, speed, and accuracy parameters for ORF assessment data based on the model-based approach. Ultimately, the project aims that the model-based approach to ORF assessment data developed by the previous and current projects would be widely applied by educational researchers who utilize ORF assessment scores in their research and ORF assessment programs who report ORF scores to teachers, parents and students to improve the validity and reliability of ORF scores for better use of ORF scores in classrooms. The project will also develop web-based tutorials for supporting applied researchers who use the R package and Shiny app.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Akihito Kamata (SMU)
Co-PIs: Dr. Cornelis Potgieter (Texas Christian University); Dr. Joseph Nese (University of Oregon); Dr. Yusuf Kara (SMU)

Exploring Collaborative Embodiment for Learning (EXCEL): Understanding Geometry through Multiple Modalities

August 2020 – July 2025

Exploring Collaborative Embodiment for Learning (EXCEL): Understanding Geometry through Multiple ModalitiesThis project explores collaborative embodiment in the domain of geometric reasoning, leveraging Augmented Reality (AR) technology. AR is a technology that allows the layering of virtual components onto the physical world, such as projecting a three-dimensional hologram of a cylinder atop a real-world desk. Embodiment encompasses the idea that students can learn mathematics using physical motions, gestures, and their perceptions of objects and shapes. Theories of collaborative embodiment, i.e., theories that account for multiple people working together in an embodied way, are needed that take into account the multi-learner nature of mathematics classrooms, and how learners can jointly embody mathematical ideas using different tools and representations. Recent advances in multi-user instructional technology, namely shared holographic AR or shAR, allow for new and important hypotheses about collaborative embodiment to be tested. ShAR is AR technology where multiple learners can view and manipulate the same holograms together at the same time – in our case, holograms of different geometric shapes and solids. We hypothesize that different modalities for math learning (like a hologram, a set of physical manipulatives, a dynamic geometry system (DGS) on a tablet, or a piece of paper) have different affordances, including the degree to which they can represent dynamic transformations, can represent objects and operations in 3 dimensions, can support joint attention, and can provide situational feedback. This project is developing an experimental platform modeled after the Flatland novella, a piece of mathematical fiction from the 1800s about an imaginary world run by geometric shapes, to test our hypotheses. This platform will facilitate data collection from students, situate experimental tasks in an engaging narrative story, and allow for researchers to control key experimental variables. Our overarching research questions are: How do different modalities for collaborative embodiment, particularly shAR, impact student understanding of geometric principles? How are these effects mediated by gesture, language, and actions, and how are they moderated by student and task characteristics? This project is a collaboration between the Department of Teaching and Learning at SMU, the Guildhall at SMU, the Department of Educational Psychology at UW Madison, and a software company GeoGebra who will create the AR geometry environment.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Candace Walkington (SMU)

Measuring the English Language Vocabulary Acquisition of Latinx Bilingual Students (Project MELVA-S)

August 2020 – July 2025 (but extended further)

Children working on reading assignments in classroom environment.The purpose of this project is to develop an online formative assessment that measures the science vocabulary knowledge of Latinx bilingual students (LBS) with different levels of English and Spanish language proficiencies. Results from the assessments can be used to progress monitor students, help teachers differentiate language and vocabulary instruction, and provide additional science vocabulary supports within a Response-to-Intervention approach.

This project will produce an online formative assessment system – the Measuring the English Language Vocabulary Acquisition of Latinx Bilingual Students (MELVA-S). The team will produce 24 equivalent alternate forms of MELVA that can be used by teachers to assess their student initial status and growth of vocabulary knowledge and a preliminary report that can be used by teachers to differentiate instruction and provide additional vocabulary and language development support around science topics.

To build the system, the research team will (a) develop assessment content and items; (b) build the interface, the speech recognition system (SRS), and the automated scoring system (AS); (c) develop a psychometric model that accurately estimates vocabulary item parameter and student vocabulary abilities; and (d) carry out three validation studies.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Doris Baker (University of Texas, Austin)
Co-PIs: Dr. Akihito Kamata (SMU); Dr. Eric Larson (SMU); Dr. Cara Richards-Tutor (California State University, Long Beach)

A Comprehensive Measure of Reading Fluency: Uniting and Scaling Accuracy, Rate, and Prosody

July 2020 – June 2025 (but extended further)

Students reading books for education in school classroomThis project will develop a tablet application to administer the CORE ORF assessment, by integrating a locally optimized automatic speech recognition (ASR) engine and an automated scoring algorithm by applying a machine learning model to score accuracy, speed, and prosody. This project will develop an automated scoring system to measure, unite, and scale the speed, accuracy, and prosody of ORF for students in grades 2 to 4. Research has shown that prosody explains variance in reading comprehension beyond rate and accuracy; however, current ORF assessments neglect the measurement of prosody. This project can increase the reliability and validity of decisions made from ORF scores, resulting in better identification of students in need of reading interventions, and better evaluation of those interventions.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Joseph Nese (University of Oregon)
Co-PIs: Dr. Akihito Kamata (SMU; PI for subcontract to SMU); Dr. Eric Larson (SMU); Dr. Rhonda Nese (University of Oregon); Dr. Leilani Saez (University of Oregon)

Examining the Efficacy of Friends on the Block: An Intensive Early Literacy Intervention for Elementary Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (Project Intensity)

July 2020 – June 2025

Project IntensityThe purpose of Project Intensity is to conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) in schools in Alabama and Texas to evaluate the initial efficacy of Friends On The Block () a comprehensive text‐based early literacy intervention written by professors Dr. Jill Allor, Dr. Stephanie Al Otaiba, and Dr. Jennifer Cheatham, to enhance the reading and language outcomes of participating students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Specifically, 240 students with IDD will be randomly assigned to a literacy intervention treatment condition (Friends on the Block (FOTB)) or a business‐as‐usual (BAU) control condition. Students in the treatment condition will receive the intervention from Project Teachers across two academic years. In addition to examining treatment effects on reading and language outcomes, we will explore moderators (e.g., IQ, SES) of the treatment. Friends on the Block is a comprehensive early literacy intervention designed to be inclusive and address the specific challenges and strengths of students with IDD; it includes a range of customizable and motivating materials comprised of: (1) a researcher‐developed book series, (2) explicit lessons that provide extensive opportunities for students to integrate skills and apply them in a meaningful context, and (3) multiple learning games to support practice and review. The books include narrative stories about the main character, Sam, and his friends on the block and related expository texts. The FOTB program is flexible and customizable, so teachers can adjust the pacing and instructional activities to meet the needs of various learners, particularly those with intensive needs, such as students with IDD.

Primary Research Questions

1. Do students who participate in FOTB demonstrate greater reading outcomes compared to students who participate in BAU reading instruction?

2. Do students who participate in FOTB demonstrate greater language outcomes compared to students who participate in BAU reading instruction?

For any questions please contact Dr. Miriam Ortiz the coordinator for Project Intensity.

Dr. Jill Allor and Dr. Stephanie Al Otaiba acknowledge a financial interest in the Friends on the Block books and curriculum. Any inquiries should be directed to the Office of Research Compliance at 91ƬSϼ

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Jill Allor (SMU)
Co-PI: Dr. Stephanie Al Otaiba (SMU)

Project GROW: Growing Vocabulary Knowledge to Support Comprehension Development through a Kindergarten Dialogic Read-Aloud Intervention

July 2020 – June 2025

Dr. Al Otaiba and Dr. Rivas Research PhotoSimmons faculty members Stephanie Al Otaiba, Ph.D. and Brenna Rivas, Ph.D. received a development grant from the Institute for Education Sciences ($1,399,721). The purpose of the grant is to design a read-aloud intervention to improve kindergartners’ social and emotional vocabulary and their listening comprehension. The team will develop and field test 16 book units featuring multi-cultural characters and settings. They plan a mixed methods approach to ascertain the feasibility and promise of the intervention for kindergarteners in low-income schools.

Al Otaiba holds the Patsy and Ray Caldwell Centennial Chair in Teaching and Learning. She and Rivas have collaborated over the past eight years on several projects related to literacy interventions and response to intervention funded by IES and the National Institutes of Health. They are joined by post-doctoral researcher Jennifer Stewart, Ph.D., a recent Simmons graduate, to support the project.

Funding: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

PI: Dr. Stephanie Al Otaiba (SMU)
Co-PI: Co-PIs: Dr. Brenna Rivas (July 2020 – December 2022); Dr. Kyle Roberts (September 2023 – present)

The Noyce Scholars Program, Dallas

July 2020 – June 2026

Middles school teacher sitting with group of kids doing math work.The Dallas Noyce Scholars Program is a partnership between 91ƬSϼ (SMU) and the Dallas College School of Education to create a community-focused pathway for mathematics teacher preparation in the Dallas community. The intent of this program is to allow qualified students with a sincere desire to teach in high-need schools to benefit from an exceptional learning opportunity at SMU with $30,000 in scholarship funding from the National Science Foundation, and possible additional scholarship funding from SMU. While the primary thrust of the grant is scholarship funding, we are simultaneously studying how different features of the program impact teacher preparation and retention.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

PI: Dr. Scott Norris (SMU Dedman College)
Co-PIs: Dr. Annie Wilhelm, Dr. Candace Walkington (SMU Simmons School)

Integrating Human Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Game Design, and Educational Assessment in a STEM+C Curriculum

September 2019 – August 2025

National Science Foundation has awarded Corey Clark, Ph.D., Leanne Ketterlin Geller, Ph.D. and Eric Larson, Ph.D. a $1.5 million four year grant to research teaching computer science and computational thinking via Minecraft. Efforts to increase intrinsic interest in math and data science have proven difficult to apply evenly across gender, race, and socio-economic factors. This research project will assist in creating a more stable, ethical, and inclusive data science workforce by broadening the interest in data science to a more diverse population of students. This research spans the fields of game design, human computer interaction, machine learning, curriculum design and educational assessment by integrating essential computer science standards directly into Minecraft. The game and infrastructure produced through this research will serve as a vital computing resource for middle and high school educators that will be sustained beyond the current project.

Funding: National Science Foundation (NSF)

PI: Dr. Corey Clark (SMU)
Co-PIs: Dr. Leanne Ketterlin Geller (SMU), Dr. Eric Larson (SMU)

Raising Texas Teachers Inside Strong Communities

September 2017 – August 2025

Dr. Amy Richardson and Dr. Jeanna WieselmannThis grant will provide scholarships of $8,000 to 10,000 to a unique cohort of up to 10 pre-service teachers undergraduate and graduate teacher preparation programs in the Department of Teaching and Learning each year for a four-year period. As part of the grant, the graduate students (pre-service teachers) and program director in the department will participate in all of the working group meetings sponsored (and underwritten) by the Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation. Teachers will be recruited into this program from the SMU undergraduate community and from the Dallas area. The project is aligned with the vision and mission of the department in strengthening its teacher preparation pipeline and in building a state-wide network for SMU Simmons among other Institutes of Higher Education.

Funding: The Charles Butt Foundation

PI: Dr. Karla del Rosal (SMU)
Co-PI: Dr. Magdalena Pando (SMU)