Jewish Life

The Office of the Chaplain and Religious Life supports a vibrant community of approximately five hundred Jewish students at SMU, offering regular gatherings for Shabbat dinners, holiday celebrations, and programs for learning, dialogue, and socializing. Led by Rabbi Heidi Coretz and Hillel at SMU’s Student Board, we are growing a thriving Jewish Life on the Hilltop.

Get connected and involved with Jewish life on the SMU campus. Visit the Hillel at SMU page on SMU360 by clicking the button below to learn more information.


students at tables outdoors on grass surrounded by white drapes covered with string lights

Shabbat and Holidays


Jewish students gather for regular Shabbat dinners, on and off campus, as we welcome Shabbat with candles, grape juice, challah, dinner and conversation. All are welcome! Upcoming dates can be found under events on the .  


Our Jewish students attend High Holy Day services, Simchat Torah, and Purim at local congregations. In the Fall, we build a Sukkah on campus and celebrate Sukkot with daily gatherings.  We celebrate Hannukah, Purim and Passover with special holiday foods in the dining halls including Passover friendly foods throughout Pesach. For Seder, students share the holiday observances with local families. Finally, we have a yearly Yom Hashoah Interfaith Holocaust Memorial Service each spring.


students standing behind a menorah with seven white candles all lit outdoors at night


Rabbi Heidi Coretz and the Hillel at SMU Board work together to provide fun and meaningful activities for the campus Jewish Community.

Student Advisory Board 2024-2025

Co-President Jake Larcara
Dean Sandler
Immediate Past President Keilah Eletu
Shabbat Programs Chair
Matthew Wynne
Social Media Chair Maya Coneh
Outreach Chair Jonathan Kalach Chelminsky
Logistics and Learning Chair Max Fetter
Israel Chair Harrison Stein
Shabbat Programs Representative Joshua Soroudi
Grad Student Representative Rose Hurwitz 
Outreach Representative
Eli Barkon
Greek Life Liaison
Alexander Novian

Local Congregations

*All congregations listed below are LGBT friendly congregations.


  • Temple Emanu-El

    Temple Emanu-El of Dallas

    Address: 8500 Hillcrest Rd. Dallas, TX 75225
    Phone: 214-706-0000
    Careline: 214-706-0012 (After-hours emergency line for crisis related calls)

  • Congregation Shearith Israel

    Congregation Shearith Israel

    Address: 9401 Douglas Ave. Dallas, TX 75225
    Phone: 214-361-6606

    Transportation to Shearith Israel
    Michelle Refoua
    Phone: 214-939-7310

  • Temple Shalom

    Temple Shalom

    Address: 6930 Alpha Rd. Dallas, TX 75240
    Phone: 972-661-1810
    Clergy Emergency Phone: 972-661-1810 ext. 300

    David Lamden, Executive Director

  • Congregation Beth El Binah

    Congregation Beth El Binah

    Services held at Northaven Church
    11211 Preston Rd. Dallas, TX 75230
    *On the Southwest corner of Preston and Northaven Rd.