Frequently Asked Questions

Why was I admitted for the spring semester?

In recent years, admission to SMU has become increasingly competitive, and the academic profile for admitted students is among the highest in the nation. Because we have space limitations in our first-year class, we cannot make offers of admission to as many students as we would like.

How can I secure my spot in the Spring Entry Program?

Complete the (link found in your spring entry offer letter). In early April, you will receive your Fall Experience Notification. If you have applied for financial aid, you will receive your financial aid package after you receive your fall experience notification. Once you have reviewed all the necessary information and are ready to commit, you must accept your fall experience by paying your enrollment deposit of $800 by May 1 to secure your spot in the Spring Entry Program.

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Yes, after you receive your Fall Experience Notification and accept your fall experience, you will need to submit the required non-refundable $800 deposit by May 1. If you have already received that your Fall Experience Notification and you are ready to pay your deposit, click here to log in to your personalized status page to pay the deposit online. If your parents or another party will be paying your deposit, you will need to log in to your account for them.

When will I hear back from the Cox School of Business regarding my status?

Students interested in studying at the Cox School of Business will receive communication from the BBA Admission office by the end of March about potential paths to studying business at Cox through the internal transfer process or by pursuing the business minor.

Can I defer my spring enrollment to the next fall semester?

No, unfortunately, we cannot automatically roll your offer for guaranteed admission for the next fall semester. Students can apply as a transfer student and be reviewed under that application process. If a student decides to forgo this offer of spring admission and not enroll at SMU, the student will forfeit the non-refundable deposit they previously paid.

How and when can I secure housing for the spring semester?

SMU Spring Entry students are required to live on campus their spring semester and their second year at SMU. You will receive an email in October from SMU Residence Life with instructions on how to apply for housing. In the meantime, you can learn more about SMU's Residential Commons here.

What are the options for applying for need-based financial aid?

Financial Aid award letters will be available mid-April for students who have completed the Spring Entry Interest Form. Please remember that by completing the Spring Entry Interest Form you are just expressing interest in continuing through the process and would like to receive a Fall Experience option. Completing the Spring Entry Interest Form is not a commitment to participating in the Spring Entry Program. Financial aid is not available for fall experiences. This includes fall experiences at our international partners.

Can I be considered for academic/merit scholarships?

All students were automatically reviewed for all of SMU's academic scholarships. If a student receives an award from SMU, it will be reflected in their admission letter. 

Is there an orientation before I begin classes in January?

All students are required to participate in SMU’s orientation in December and January before beginning the first semester at SMU in the spring. This comprehensive orientation, completed virtually and in-person, helps you make a comfortable transition to university life at SMU. You will learn about academic requirements and expectations, campus resources and involvement opportunities, and have a chance to meet current students. You will also meet one-on-one with an academic adviser and register for spring classes. In the fall, you will receive an email with more important information and instructions for how and when to register.

When will I register for my spring semester courses?

Please see the answer to the question above "Is there an orientation before I begin classes in January."

Will I have an academic advisor?

Yes, you will have an academic advisor who you will meet during virtual orientation. See the above question "Is there an orientation before I begin classes in January" for more information.

If I plan to take courses at a community college or as a visiting student at another 4-year university* during the fall semester, how do I know which classes I can take to ensure they will count towards SMU degree requirements?

Please familiarize yourself with SMU's transfer credit guidelines found here. Next, review the and to help ensure you register for courses that will transfer to SMU. After you have paid your deposit, if you need additional guidance, you will have access to one of our transfer student specialists.

*Please keep in mind you can not enroll in a four-year college as a degree-seeking student. You must enroll in a visiting student or continuing education program.

Is there a limit on the number of credits I can take at another community college or university during the fall semester?

No, there is not a limit on the number of credits you can take; however, you will want to be sure that the courses you take will transfer to SMU. You can review which courses will transfer here.

If I begin classes in the spring semester, can I go through the Greek Recruitment Process?

Spring Entry students are welcome to go through the recruitment process during Fall 2025, should they meet the recruitment requirements. For more information, please contact Fraternity and Sorority Life.

Will I still be able to get involved in campus organizations and activities?

Yes, with nearly 200 student organizations on campus, there are many ways to get involved and meet other students. You can . Once you get to campus you can drop in to the Student Activities office located in Hughes-Trigg Student Center to connect and get involved.

Do I have to take classes somewhere else during the fall semester before I begin at SMU? What are the other recommended options to pursue?

You are not required to take classes somewhere else during the fall semester before you begin classes at SMU, but many students find it is a good way to get a jump start on the coursework they will need to ultimately pursue an SMU degree. Click here for more information and for a list of other recommendations for the fall semester. *Please note if you hope to pursue a degree in the Cox School of Business: Students interested in applying to the business school at the completion of their first year of college, typically have completed at least 24 credit hours. If you enroll in another college or university prior to starting at SMU, it is important to remember that your offer of admission is contingent on your earning above a 2.5 transferable GPA. Students who plan to go through the Greek Recruitment process at SMU, must complete at least 12 hours of coursework, and received above a 2.5 GPA during the fall semester prior to attending SMU.

Who can I contact for more information?

Please contact the Spring Entry Program by calling 214-768-2058 or emailing