Kristin Wagner Henderson ’82 never stops improving

The SMU Alumni Board is a voice that represents all Mustang alumni and advocates for alumni interests. Its grassroots efforts encourage alumni to remain invested and engaged with SMU and fellow Mustangs. On June 1, 2021, Kristin W. Henderson ’82 assumed the role of Alumni Board chair and will serve jointly as an ex officio to the SMU Board of Trustees for the next two years.
“Never stop learning and improving” is Kristin W. Henderson’s motto. Whether continuing to set world records with her U.S. Masters Swimming relay team or honing her public speaking skills, she always strives for growth. In her new role as SMU Alumni Board chair, she’s aiming to improve communication throughout the network and strengthen alumni relationships.
Building a stronger network for all
Kristin is passionate about SMU and the differences it can make in the lives of others. She sees the value for alumni, students and the community. Working in collaboration with Young Alumni Board Chair Stephen Reiff, Black Alumni of SMU Chair Malcolm McGuire ’14 and Hispanic Alumni of SMU Chair Rumaldo Robles ’17, Kristin is leading the charge to champion shared priorities. The board chairs will work closely together to increase alumni engagement opportunities and lift up each other’s unique board initiatives, such as scholarships and mentorships for underrepresented populations.
In Fort Worth, Texas, she is a longtime, hands-on community volunteer who has served on the boards of Jewel Charity, the Cliburn Foundation and the Junior League and on the Baylor Scott & White Women’s Health Council as board chair. In Dallas, she most recently chaired the Mustangs Give Back Committee of the SMU Alumni Board where she proved that she can inspire Mustangs to think big and do good. Mustangs supporting Mustangs is a cause that’s close to her heart.
Like many, her SMU relationships have been lifelong. Her accounting professor was there to give her advice after she started her banking career. She remains close to fellow Kappa Kappa Gammas and swim team members. Each year, she still spends time with her SMU swim team coach, Vicki Veris, who helped her earn three scholarships that facilitated her coming to the Hilltop. (In the 1970s, female athletes were not accustomed to earning a full ride.) And although they didn’t date until they were both working in banking in downtown Dallas, Kristin first met her husband Stewart Henderson ’81 on the Hilltop.
Strong Mustang connections make stronger Mustangs
Kristin is just as connected to the SMU campus today as she was in 1978 as a first-year engineering student and athlete on the nascent SMU women’s swimming and diving team, which was only three years old when she was recruited. Since then, she has returned year after year to cheer on swimmers, volunteer, attend building openings, Boulevard and meet students. When she brought her son to campus for his first year at SMU, she was delighted to discover that some of her son’s classmates were the children of her own classmates.
Having been so involved with SMU, one aspect that Kristin appreciates the most is the growth. To her, the growth in the diversity of programs, people who attend SMU and opportunities that exist are remarkable.
“So much is happening on campus. There are so many exciting things – new buildings, incredible achievements spurred on by Provost Elizabeth Loboa’s efforts for SMU to reach tier-one research status and opportunities to meet the students. The numerous, talented students who have multiple majors and minors are awe-inspiring,” she says.
“SMU is an incredible place where anyone, no matter the background, has opportunities,” she says. “Mustangs are strong; they can take on any challenge. They are world changers. SMU is enriched because of the differences we each bring to our time on campus, and when we come together we are Mustang strong.”
Kristin encourages all alumni to get involved and stay involved with their alma mater. “Volunteer, mentor, return to campus often and make an annual financial commitment to the University in any amount. These are all great habits to start as soon as you can,” she says.
Fast facts
Full Name: Kristin W. Henderson
Grad Year:1982
Degree: Bachelor of Business Administration, Cox School of Business
Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas resident. Tulsa, Oklahoma native.
Books on her night stand: The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah and Unafraid: Trusting God in an Unsafe World by Susie Davis.
Advice you would give to a current SMU student: Take advantage of getting to know your professor, because they can be such a resource.
Favorite trip: Taking our boys to London, Paris and Normandy eight years ago; the trip to Normandy was life-changing. To see what our young men sacrificed on the battle field is a moment every American should experience. It was humbling and emotional.
Favorite food: Pepper-crusted tenderloin or anything chocolate.
One of the best decisions she’s ever made: To marry my husband. He’s such a rock and a supporter. It’s nice to go through life with someone who supports you and makes you better.