Energy Management
Energy Management at SMU includes energy policy development; utility procurement, risk management, and bill processing; campus energy distribution, monitoring and analysis; energy efficiency programs; energy curtailments, building performance optimization, energy communications and awareness. Use the links to the right for further information in a particular area of interest.
Energy Policy
Energy Policy at SMU includes details on energy curtailment activities, temperature set-point ranges for summer and winter, and directions on controlling your thermostat. Use the links to the right for further information in a particular area of interest.
Energy Curtailment
SMU reduces energy consumption by allowing our building temperature set points to increase over a brief period during these high energy use periods. These energy curtailment periods last less than 2 hours, and the average temperature increase in each building is 2 - 3 degrees Fahrenheit. By participating in these energy curtailments, SMU helps our environment by reducing the demand for additional high - emission power plants, and allowing energy companies to focus on investing in the future of green energy rather than investing to meet the current demand.
Energy Projects
Energy Programs include campus wide energy savings initiatives as well as individual or one time energy conservation projects that result in a measurable reduction in energy demand and consumption. SMU is committed to improving energy efficiency to minimize impact of the cost of utilities and new construction. Long-term and seasonal energy conservation measures (ECM) are benchmarked and monitored carefully. Upon implementation, measured results are analyzed and reported.
Leed Certifications
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification is a voluntary rating system for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED provides building owners and operators a concise framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable green building design, construction, operations, and maintenance solutions. SMU has 24 LEED certified buildings on the Main and Taos campuses.