“Looking at the other schools and available options, SMU Guildhall seemed to be head and shoulders above the rest. The staff experience in the industry, the success rate of placement for students graduating, the focus on working with a team to simulate game development environments and the commitment to really develop and focus my creativity. All of that combined made it such an obvious choice. I knew I had to do whatever it took to get in... SMU Guildhall prepared me for the industry in every way possible. Putting students in an environment that was mimicking how studios worked really showed me how to work with a team of multiple disciplines. How to properly scope a level, or a project in general, was incredibly important. It prepared me for the inevitable crunch period that you see, but also how to best avoid the crunch. I found myself incredibly prepared and able to hit the ground running wherever I went. People have remarked over the years at how well prepared students are from The Guildhall. I’ve found that to be true. There are so many success stories about graduates in the industry and it’s really cool. It's had a huge impact. Huge. I would have likely had been working in another field had it not been for The Guildhall. It was a pivotal point in my life and I am so incredibly happy that this is the path I took. I feel blessed to have been able to see it from so close to the beginning, and thankful that it has impacted my life in such a great way.
Creative Director & Co-Founder at Fugitive Games
“The Guildhall showed me how companies in the game industry run... My favorite Guildhall memory was working on Kraven Manor, our Capstone Project. Nothing has been so enjoyable or rewarding. We had a large amount of creative freedom, the resources and time to accomplish our goals, and even achieved an unexpected amount of success and recognition from it.
Project Lead at IStation
“The Guildhall gave me some of my best friends, and undoubtedly I would not be as far in my career without the Guildhall. My favorite memory was getting that phone call for my first game job during the week of graduation. I was on top of the world.
Game Designer at Mobilityware
“The emphasis on team dynamic is invaluable and how to work with others. Also, the connections with the industry is invaluable as well. This is probably the biggest advantage the Guildhall had over other gaming schools.
Artist at Gearbox Software
“The Guildhall has taught me enough about every discipline that I know what's always going on with the other departments. That gives me an instant advantage. They also provided many opportunities where we were placed in leadership positions and needed to manage our own time, manage others, juggle tasks efficiently, and work with every other discipline.
Game Designer at Gearbox Software
“The most vital experience I had at Guildhall was working in small teams on high pressure, time-constrained game projects. This creates a learning environment where Guildhall students are driven to take ownership for their work and to be responsible for large parts of game projects. This experiences prepares students to meet the demands expected of game developers in senior or leadership roles.
Senior Level Designer at Blizzard Entertainment
“Guildhall gave me the skills and knowledge I needed to get a job and succeed in the industry, as well as the confidence to push forward.
Senior Software Engineer at Istation
“The Guildhall provides a good foundation to start your career on. The Guildhall has helped me learn how to think creatively and work efficiently.
Designer at id Software
“In addition to simply teaching the technical skills required, it included fundamental game design and production courses that taught students key theories and practices in the production and shipping process, as well as the organization, of game studios. Having this information is absolutely essential to becoming a productive lead.
Geoscience Technologist at Devon Energy, previously Environment and Technical Artist at Trefun Studios
“I actually didn't join the Guildhall to make video games. I joined to learn the technology to do what I am doing now — developing educational software, leveraging video game technology for educational purposes to redefine education. SMU has a history of academic excellence, and the Guildhall put me in a position to take advantage of this current once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Project Manager, Owner & Creative Director at Tycho Media, LLC
“Classes at the Guildhall taught all phases of game develop - from pitch to post-launch - and gave us perspective on how developers in other disciplines think and what challenges they face. Then, the team projects let us put that knowledge into practice.
Lead Game Designer at Rumble
“Attending the Guildhall was one of the best things I ever did for my career. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for the skills and experience I gained from the program.
Sr. Combat Programmer, BioWare Austin
“The #1 thing I got out of the Guildhall was a lot of great contacts with developers all over the world.
Senior Animator at Riot Games
“I can't even begin to describe how much the Guildhall helped me. It taught me how the industry works, how to write all kinds of documentation, instilled in me a confidence in my own abilities, transformed me into a much more productive programmer, taught me tons about programming and scripting languages, and gave me so many tools and bits of knowledge that have proven to be incredibly valuable to me in the game industry. It also gave me very practical skills that helped me survive interviews and ultimately allowed me to get a great job at a great company. Last but not least, Guildhall was amazing when it came to helping me find a job. The job placement resources at another school I went to were pitiful comparatively. My inbox was flooded with emails from game companies thanks to the Guildhall.
Self-employed Video Game Programmer
“Training at the Guildhall forced me out of my comfort zone. I learned tools and techniques that I would have never attempted on my own, and had the opportunity to work on games with some of the coolest people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Level Designer at Gazillion
“The Guildhall prepared me by showing how much effort and determination it takes to succeed in this industry. You get better by doing more than merely thinking. Have a cool idea, make it.
Associate Technical Designer for Yoh at Sony Bend
“The Guildhall is a team- and profession-oriented program with a focus on practical application. It provided immense amounts of prep and training. It has had a huge impact on my life.
Designer at Bungie
“I was able to work on a popular franchise right out of the gate. The Guildhall preached practicality under the tutelage of industry professionals. The hands-on experience I got making games at The Guildhall allowed me to be productive and valuable to my company immediately upon my hiring.
Level Designer at Simutronics Corp.
“The Guildhall changed my life and my career certainly for the better. By working on real gaming projects and doing real coding, I had the confidence to perform in the 'real world.'
Core Tools Engineer at Bungie
“The best thing that the Guildhall gave me was a graduating class with instant connections in the industry.
Lead Arena Designer at 343 Industries
“I chose the Guildhall because the program was renowned in its quality, and I was looking to continue my education in art for game development. Besides teaching me many important technical skills related to my field, [the Guildhall gave me] great experience working on games as a part of a team.
Freelance Artist
“The software development track prepared me for more than the gaming industry, it helped mold me into a capable developer.
Developer at Ethos Group
“Guildhall provides the opportunity to experiment in a safe environment. Furthermore, the group projects were a good representation of what it feels like to work in a full studio. I felt like I had a major advantage over other entry level designers who had only worked solo or in geographically separated mod groups.
Level Designer at Vicarious Visions
“The Guildhall set my expectations for the industry, both in terms of what a designer does on a large team and what the overall production cycle of a game looks and feels like. Although I was hired as a junior, I felt confident in stepping into my designer role knowing everything I needed. I was told my ability to work independently was unmatched and was promoted to senior designer after only three years. I attribute my initial successes entirely to the Guildhall’s preparation. Also, the master’s degree helps with getting work visas to work in foreign countries, so it also helped me to live as a designer in Norway and travel Europe. The Guildhall was the only reason I could get that first job at Funcom as a designer, as well as two other offers I declined from top-tier companies. Success at Funcom gave me the confidence to start Kitfox Games, and my level design from the Guildhall is still up on my personal website, five years later.
Creative Director at her own studio, Kitfox Games
“I chose to go to the Guildhall because it looked like it had industry backing and had the solid name of SMU behind it. It seemed almost too good to be true... Its impact is immeasurable. I wouldn't be in the industry today had it not been for the Guildhall. I wouldn't live in the city I live in. Everything would be different. It was a huge turning point in my life.
Shader FX Artist at Bungie
“The Guildhall was a fast track into the industry. It honed my design skills and changed my career. I made lifelong friends there who still stay in touch.
Senior Designer at BioWare
“The Guildhall did a great job in preparing me for the game industry. I wouldn't be at any job without it.
Senior Software Engineer at Tyler Technologies (Enterprise Software)
“As both a consultant and intern for the Guildhall, I saw firsthand the benefits of attendance and determined that it was an excellent approach to solidifying a career in game development. Let's just say I have to turn down job offers about once very two months for the past seven years because of demand. It taught me how to work hard, and be excellent at the craft of engineering. The standards demanded were very high. I am grateful for that.
President and CEO at Leaders & Company
“The Guildhall got me prepared enough to get into the game industry, and I found my first game-related job in a Guildhall career fair. Guildhall has been a crucial step for me in getting to where I am today.
Environment Artist/Fishmonger at Airship Syndicate
“Guildhall is great! The art asset creation taught at Guildhall was really great. I've felt overly capable at any issues thrown at me thus far. Nothing has been a surprise or if it was I learn to adapt and solve the problem. All due to the experience I got during Guildhall.
Principal Technical Artist at Scientific Games
“The Guildhall did a tremendous job in preparing me for my position and helping me break into the industry.
Software Engineer specializing in VR and Game Development, previously Game Programmer/Lead Engineer at Virtuix
“I feel that the Guildhall provided me a solid basis in all areas of game design that I am able to freely provide input in my position and have a wealth of information to back up that input. I feel very confident in the training and education that the Guildhall provides to its students that I have often suggested it to anyone looking to enter the gaming industry whether they have experience or are just looking to start out.
Lead Designer at Nerd Kingdom
“Aside from getting my portfolio into marketable shape, the Guildhall helped me prepare for the on-the-fly problem solving required for AAA game development.
SP Designer at Infinity Ward
“The Guildhall gave me the opportunity to work on a very wide range of systems. In less than 2 years, I worked on all kinds of core technologies — rendering and animation, audio, physics, spatial partitions, game entities, etc. That experience provided me with a broad base of knowledge and competency about all aspects of game development, and there is no other way I can imagine learning so much so quickly. The final team game projects were similar and relevant experience to being on a professional team, with all the challenges and dysfunction that professional teams sometimes endure. The opportunity to take a leadership role on that project gave me confidence that I could manage a team in my professional career as well.
Minor Key Games
“SMU Guildhall taught me perseverance. It's given me friends that I'll have for a lifetime. It has had a huge impact on my life.
Producer/Technical Project Manager at Epic Games
“The Guildhall gave the necessary knowledge to ace the interview at my dream company and got me my dream job. It taught me a lot of things I would never be able to get elsewhere or learn otherwise. My advice for those looking to get into gaming is to attend SMU Guildhall. Learn as much as you can. Listen to the faculty, because you'll later realize how large the gap between school and industry really is and they are the best source of knowledge you won't get anywhere else.
Senior Graphics Engineer at Firaxis Games
“The best thing I got from the GH was going through the complete process of making a game from start to finish. Being able to go through that process several times gave me the experience that made the transition to the game industry relatively easy.
Advanced Software Engineer at GameStop
“Many of the lessons learned at the Guildhall, both in Software Development and in general game design, have been applicable in my professional career. It gave a clear leg-up for me and my fellow graduates and allowed us to jump in and start doing some great work.
Software Engineer at Gearbox
“I learned real skills that translated immediately, and as a result I was able to move up quickly in a small independent game studio. At the Guildhall, the people in my cohort were really great. We had such a good time.
Technical Artist at MOVES Institute, Naval Postgraduate School
“The Guildhall faculty are industry veterans who are interested in understanding and solving problems presented in the real world, rather than keeping to the purely academic/theoretical.
Client Engineer at BattleCry Studios
“The Guildhall helped develop the necessary skills for acquiring the position I wanted. It also had strong ties to the studios I was interested in and helped with securing a job after graduation.
Designer at id Software
“What I learned from working closely with other eager and bright developers-in-training at the Guildhall has been invaluable.
Programmer at Escalation Studios, LLC
“Guildhall gave me a lot of great friends and contacts in the industry, and pushed me to do my best work and push myself. I chose the program because of their focus on Level Design, something I wanted to do, and team collaboration with team games.
Level Designer/Scripter
“The program was really hard but worth it. I have no idea what I'd be doing right now if I hadn't made the decision to attend the Guildhall.
Programmer at Nvidia
“The school got me in touch with my current studio and helped me develop a strong enough portfolio to impress them.
Gameplay Programmer at Studio Wildcard
“As as academic at heart, USC was tempting from a theory perspective but seeing as I was going for my Master's, the Guildhall's practical skill-based curriculum coupled with former industry pros as teachers was much more important. The Guildhall prepared me for everything from crunch to the launch party. As for impact, it not only got me into the industry but I also have a built-in network of friends that continues to grow stronger as we all become more experienced and acquire more senior positions.
Independent Game Designer
“Before coming to the Guildhall I knew what I wanted to do, but could not find a clear path from where I was to the career I wanted. The Guildhall challenged me to work extremely hard, critically analyze my own work, and develop new skills. The Guildhall also put me in contact with the company that ended up giving me my first industry job.
Environment Artist at BioWare Austin
“The Guildhall experience is authentic. The Team Game Projects are incredible and invaluable rehearsal for the professional industry. Team structure, project management, and many other team dynamics learned during those experiences have become permanent and ever reliable references on a daily basis in my work. I still look back with a debt of gratitude to my wonderful and insightful instructors. Their instructions and advice give me answers when others are stuck with questions, and their experiences prove as great examples and models of both how to and how not to do things. No other program of its kind properly prepares students for working in the kind of structure and team dynamics that exist out here in 'the real world.' The team game projects are PRICELESS learning experiences. The Guildhall was the greatest academic decision I ever made and was worth every penny of tuition, every drop of sweat and all three nervous breakdowns. I loved every minute of it, and it's gotten me the career I dreamed of since I was a small child. Cheesy, yes, but totally true. Not a day goes by where I don't find myself falling back on or referencing things that were directly taught to me while at the Guildhall.
Concept/2D Artist at Darkside Games
“My favorite Guildhall memory was the first late night... I looked around the room and saw everyone working hard, bouncing ideas off one another, and genuinely enjoying the time they spent together. There was something exhilarating about being in the same room with people who shared the same passion in regards to making video games.
Senior Designer at Bethesda Game Studios
“The Guildhall helped me gain a broad and solid skill set in game development and programming, which opened many doors in the industry when I was ready to begin my career. I don't think I would have achieved anywhere near the level of success that I have at this point without the Guildhall.
Audio Programmer at Oculus
“I had heard about The Guildhall early on and had seen and heard about how well it prepared students for actually working in the game industry. Besides giving me experience working on game projects with not only other programmers but also people of other disciplines, the Guildhall overall made me a better programmer than I was before.
Engineer at Treyarch
“The Guildhall gives each student the tools needed to be successful in the gaming industry, not only within their specific discipline, but also for becoming a leader in the industry. The courses give you a well-rounded view of all aspects of the gaming industry and help you learn how to manage the scope of the project, the scheduling time line of the project, and how to work with all resources available to the project. Most importantly is the fact that the Guildhall program gives each student the opportunity to work with multiple different groups of people on multiple different projects which fosters communication among all aspects of a game development.
Senior Software Engineer Technical Lead at Infoscitex Corporation
“I chose SMU Guildhall because of its good reputation. It taught me how to interact with coworkers to get the most out of our work
Programmer for Rivals of Aether
“The Guildhall was one of the best decisions I've made. I got to learn exactly what I wanted to learn, and I got into a great game studio. It's basically the start of my career, and a dream come true.
Lead Developer at Playlab
“The Guildhall has professors that actually worked in the video game industry and help its students get their foot in the doors of companies that otherwise would never look at a graduate. The professors shared their experiences along with their skills which helped mentally prepare for life in the game industry.
Technical Project Manager at SixFoot
“The Guildhall helped me build a good portfolio so I can get into my field. It gave me the tools needed for my industry, and allowed me to work in a group environment.
Game Artist at A Staircase Above Studio
“Of the core staff from my time (Stringer, Oullette, McCoy, Skinner, Brubaker), I can't think of anyone that didn't teach me something I still use today. At the Guildhall we had the equivalent of years of practical work on game development in a very short period of time. There's no substitute for practice, and I got plenty of that!
Lead Game Designer with Behaviour Interactive
“I feel like my education allowed me to understand all parts of the game design process, including those that I'm less involved with. My understanding of all the pieces (even if I specialize in a specific area) means everything I do fits well with what other people are doing.
Zone Lead at ZeniMax Online Studios
“To this day, the Guildhall's relationship and continuous interaction with industry vets is what makes it the greatest game development education in the world. I say that as both a graduate and, now, a vet. The Guildhall provided guidance and experience. And they challenged me to work and create. Game development is an art of execution. It's not about what you dream, it's about what you make. The Guildhall made me realize this, gave me the basic skills I needed to execute on those dreams, and helped me get my foot in the door of the industry after several years of failing to do so on my own. To that end I may never have achieved the career I have now without The Guildhall.
Senior Game Designer at ArenaNet & Design Director/Founder at Rogue Element Games
“Cohort 15 was an excellent group of students. We helped each other, and wanted to see each other succeed. Without their competitiveness, helpfulness, and drive, I wouldn't have been as prepared to apply to companies in the games industry.
Technical Designer in Animation at Bungie
“Due to the synergy of theory and practice that mirrored the game industry, I was able to emerge from the program several years ahead of where I might have otherwise been. The atmosphere there promoted the intense focus needed to overcome personal hurdles that might have otherwise prevented rapid advancement in the industry.
Senior Engine Programmer at Delta3D
“Guildhall was an investment that paid off by giving me the opportunity to work at a AAA studio. Compared to my Bachelor's, which emphasized theory, Guildhall's curriculum is hands-on and immediately useful in the field. Practically everything that I learned at the Guildhall is applicable out in the field — individual and team projects, time and scope management, and level design principles that carry forward regardless of the type of game you make. It taught me the importance of scope, robustness, and accountability. The feedback/iteration process with all level design professors was invaluable to improving my skills as a designer. This process is used all the time in the industry, and learning to give/take criticisms and feedback is vital.
World Designer at BioWare
“I chose SMU Guildhall because I wanted to join one of the premier graduate programs that focuses on game development skills and talent. In addition, I heard many great things from the alumni I spoke with at game developer events. The Guildhall's TGP projects and individual classwork helped acclimate me to the industry work environment.
Producer at Studio Wildcard
“The team game projects were the best thing to prepare me for the industry. There's no better way to learn game development than to... well, develop games. I learned communication skills, compromise, and added valuable work to my portfolio. I also bonded with my teammates and have friendships that will hopefully last the rest of my life.
UI/UX Designer at Disney Interactive
“By allowing me to work with diverse teams that closely resemble those in actual studios and with a rich curriculum, the Guildhall changed my communication and development skills. It truly changed my life by getting me back into an industry I'd always dreamed of calling my own. The curriculum at the Guildhall prepared me for much more than just game development. It instilled a comprehensive understanding of how our industry works and gave me a leg up on the competition.
Lead Designer at Battlefield Premium
“SMU Guildhall is a great entry point into the industry and prepares students well. Fantastic access to job opportunities at pretty much any company a person might want to apply. Things I learned there that have helped me in my professional career include team work and time management, the ability to adapt to multiple scenarios, communication and the ability to communicate concepts and ideas clearly. The faculty is wonderful and talented.
Encounter Designer at ZeniMax Online Studios
“Its not an exaggeration to say that the Guildhall completely altered the direction of my life. I'd always wanted to become 'great' at something, but hadn't found that thing that inspired me enough to want to pay the price in blood, sweat and tears. I've definitely found my passion.
Game Director at Insomniac Games
“I learned more in the first month at Guildhall than my entire undergrad.
Senior Game Programmer at Escalation Studios
“The guildhall provided training and experience that allowed me to not only transition into my chosen field, but to prosper and rise to a lead roll within it.
Animation Instructor at Martin High School, previously an Animator at Triptych, 3DRealms, and Gearbox Software
“The Guildhall was the best decision I ever made.
Associate Producer at Six Foot
“The Guildhall helped me learn how to communicate with other disciplines to express my ideas. Collaborative work really translated well from Guildhall to the industry.
Game Designer at Gearbox Software
“I chose the Guildhall to open up employment opportunities in the industry. Mission accomplished. I was able to smoothly transition from Guildhall into a mid to large-sized studio. In fact, I was productive from day one. In retrospect, Guildhall was excellent preparation for the industry. My recommendation to those looking to get into gaming is to attend Guildhall, work hard, develop that portfolio. Everything will fall into place after graduation.
Gameplay Engineer at Arkane Studios
“I don't think I would have my current career without attending Guildhall. Guildhall let me hone my skills and taught me to work with a team.
Senior Programmer at Core Tech
“Guildhall portrayed the competitive nature of the game industry, and the challenging work ethic it requires. It was the tough instructors that turned us into strong candidates by graduation. My favorite memories at the Guildhall are finishing the team game projects, pulling all nighters, and of course the forging of a network of friends and colleagues in the industry.
Environment Artist at Treyarch