
Stats. Stories. Change.

The Deason Criminal Justice Reform Center at SMU Dedman School of Law is a national nonpartisan center for criminal legal research and advocacy.

Launched in 2017, the Deason Center conducts and publishes data-driven research and advocacy for criminal justice reform. It also educates about criminal legal issues and promotes the implementation of best practices.



A Compelling Case for Change

The Deason Center practices an interdisciplinary model of research for reform and utilizes a Stats and Stories approach. The Stats: We collect, analyze, and assess the hard data that drive smart, sane, and sensible criminal justice reform. The Stories: We uncover, recount, and amplify the stories of people who live, work, and struggle in our criminal justice system. Together, our Stats and Stories make a compelling case for change.


Deason Center Expertise

The Sixth Amendment right to counsel is central to the Center's mission. The Center researches defense delivery systems, studies best practices, and investigates strategies to increase access to defense services. The Center also supports a vast community of public defense researchers, advocates, and policymakers. Other areas of focus include the operation of STAR (small, tribal, and rural) criminal legal systems, and the use of prosecutorial charging power.