Project Advisors
We are proud to partner with the following researchers, practitioners, system-impacted people, and other criminal justice experts:
Indigent Defense Delivery Research Advisors
The Council of State Governments, CSG Justice Center
Light of Justice Project
Michigan State Appellate Defender Office
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Torrin Liddell
Indigent Defense Research Association
Maggie Luna
After Violence
National Legal Aid & Defender Association
National Association for Public Defense
GIDEON Project Advisors
Kristen Bechtel
RTI International Principal Scientist
Marea Beeman
Independent Consultant
New York State Defenders Association
Tammar Cancer
Center for Community Alternatives
Norm Effman
Wyoming County-Attica Legal Aid Bureau
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Ainslee Johnson
Ohio Policy & Movement Director, URGE (Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity) -
Jose Pineda
After Incarceration
NYS Office of Indigent Legal Services
Pretrial Due Process Advisors
Southern Poverty Law Center
Ezekiel Edwards
Policy and Advocacy Expert
Catherine D. Pierson Professor of Law,
Tulane Law School
Janette Jurado
New Orleans Workers Center for Racial Justice
Senior Vice President for Legal Studies,
Cato Institute
Vikrant P. Reddy
Senior Fellow,
Charles Koch Institute -
Deputy Director, ACLU Justice Division
American Civil Liberties Union
Chief Operating Officer,
The Wren Collective
Selendy Gay PLLC
Executive Director
Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law,
New York University School of Law