Friends of SMU Libraries events feature noted authors, historians, artists, publishers and curators of notable collections.
Tables of Content
Benefitting the Friends of SMU Libraries’ Grants program and student spaces at Fondren Library, our annual Tables of Content dinner features round tables with engaging discussion and the presentation of the Literati Award.
Friends, Families & First Years
Friends of SMU Libraries welcomes first-year Mustang families on the Boulevard during Family Weekend for our annual Friends, Families & First Years event. The event takes place in the shaded Laura Bush Promenade at Fondren Library and includes snacks, drinks, yard games, and library giveaways for all attendees. -
Pastries with Peruna
SMU Libraries kicks off Homecoming weekend with the annual Pastries with Peruna event. Join us on the Fondren Library steps on Friday morning of Homecoming weekend for photos with the Peruna mascot and a grab-and-go breakfast.
Friends Annual Dinner
The and meeting is a wonderful opportunity for members and their guests to gather for dinner with Friends at the close of the academic year. The event is held at a local restaurant and includes a brief business meeting and board elections followed by a special program with a local author or speaker.