The Tables of Content dinner features round tables of engaging discussion with fascinating table hosts on a variety of topics and the presentation of the Literati Award. Proceeds from this event benefit the Friends annual grants program and student spaces at Fondren Library. Your gift will impact student success on campus by enhancing student learning environments and supporting the addition and upgrade of student spaces in Fondren Library.
2025 Tables of Content
Honoring 2025 Literati award honoree Bonnie Wheeler
March 29, 2025 at 6:00 p.m.
Gene and Jerry Jones Grand Atrium, Owen Arts Center
6101 Bishop Blvd, SMU Campus
Honorary Chairs
Stephanie Amsel
Diana Blackman
Jo Goyne
Literati Award
The Literati Award honors an individual who uses the written word to advance the ideals of creativity, conviction, innovation and scholarship and who have had a significant impact on culture and the community through their work.
Sponsorship Levels and Benefits
First Edition $25,000
- Recognition as First edition sponsor of the Tables of Content Dinner on all event-related print materials including invitation, signage and program
- Recognition from the podium at the Tables of Content Dinner
- Lifetime membership in the Friends of the SMU Libraries
- Preferred seating near the stage at the event
- Two tables (12 seats) at the Tables of Content Dinner with your choice of table hosts
Best Seller $10,000
- Recognition on all event-related print materials including invitation, signage and program
- Recognition from the podium at the Tables of Content Dinner
- One-year membership in the Friends of the SMU Libraries
- Preferred seating near the stage at the event
- One table (six seats) at the Tables of Content Dinner with your choice of table host (first-come, first-served)
Bibliophile $5,000
- Recognition from the podium at the Tables of Content Dinner
- Recognition in event program
- One table (six seats) at the Tables of Content Dinner with your choice of table host (first-come, first-served)
Book Collector $2,500
- One table (six seats) at the Tables of Content Dinner with your choice of table host (first-come, first-served)
- Recognition in event program
Bookworm $1,000
- Two tickets to the Tables of Content Dinner
- Recognition in event program
Individual Ticket $175
- One ticket to the Tables of Content Dinner
For more information on sponsorships, please contact Amy Carver at 214-768-1939 or