Graduate Poster Session

SMU graduate students and postdocs will present results of ongoing and completed SMU-based research. The goal of this event is to foster communication between graduate students and postdocs in different disciplines, give them the opportunity to present their work in a professional setting, and share the outstanding research being conducted at SMU with their peers and industry professionals from the greater Dallas community. 

The poster sessions will take place on Wednesday, April 2, in Frances Anne Moody Hall. Refreshments will be available. 

Session 1, for graduate students in Dedman College programs will take place from 9am - 12pm.

Session 2, for graduate students in all other programs and postdoctoral scholars, will take place from 2-5pm.

Register by Friday, March 14 to participate:


A cash prize of $250 will be awarded to the best poster from each department or judging group. 

Poster Requirements and Dimensions

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