Elizabeth Scurlock University Professor in Human Values: Endowed Chair of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence
On September 17, 2024, Provost Elizabeth G. Loboa announced that SMU would be commencing the search for the Elizabeth Scurlock University Professor in Human Values: Endowed Chair of Ethics in Artificial Intelligence. This position will allow SMU to bring a world-renowned scholar to campus with the power to elevate the University's reputation and impact in ethics within the emerging field of Artificial Intelligence. Provost Loboa formed and charged a search committee to recommend candidates and select a finalist for service as the next Scurlock Chair.
The search committee welcomes support and feedback. To nominate prospective candidates or to ask questions of the committee, send an email to the search committee co-chairs Rita Kirk at rkirk@smu.edu and Neena Imam at nimam@smu.edu.
Apply to this position by sending a CV and letter of interest here:
Scurlock Chair Position Description
Search Committee Members
Neena Imam, Co-Chair
Peter O’Donnell, Jr. Director of the O’Donnell Data Science and Research Computing Institute
Rita Kirk, Co-Chair
William F. May Endowed Chair of the Maguire Center for Ethics and Public Responsibility; Professor, Corporate Communication and Public Affairs, Meadows School of the Arts
Corey Brady
Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, Simmons School of Education and Human Development; Director, SMU’s Technology-Enhanced Immersive Learning Cluster; Associate Dean for Research and Outreach, ad interim
Corey Clark
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lyle School of Engineering; Deputy Director, Guildhall
Michael Hahsler
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Lyle School of Engineering
Alida Liberman
Associate Professor and Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Philosophy, Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences
Rebekah Miles
Susanna Wesley Centennial Professor of Practical Theology and Ethics, Altshuler Distinguished Teaching Professor, Perkins School of Theology
Őmer Őzak
Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences
Gabriel Mongoras
SMU Undergraduate; Majors: computer science, statistics, mathematics and data science; Hunt Leadership Scholar
Carla Reyes
Associate Professor of Law, Dedman School of Law
Jane Tan
Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology and Operations Management, Cox School of Business
Paige Ware
Associate Provost for Faculty Success; Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, Simmons School of Education and Human Development