Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (“REUs”) are paid summer internships where students can work with faculty on research projects. These programs are funded by the
In an REU, you will
- Be part of a small group of 8-10 student researchers
- Work under the mentorship of a science faculty member
- Receive training in research methods and professional development
- Receive a stipend, room and board, and social activities
REUs are held all over the US, so there is one for you somewhere!
Hear from participants in SMU's Data Science for Social Good REU (2024):
SMU currently offers the following REU programs. Participants are also invited to participate in the Summer Research Intensive workshops and attend the Summer Research Symposium
NSF REU Site: Chemical Synthesis and Structures for a Better World
Faculty mentors: Anindita Das, Alex Lippert, Tomce Runcevski
Summer REU projects are available in the area of atomically precise nanoclusters, molecular materials, chemiluminescence imaging, 3D photopatterning, and other areas. Students can learn skills ranging from organic & inorganic synthesis, materials & solid-state chemistry, structural characterization, catalysis, optical spectroscopy, mammalian cell culture, microscopy/optics, and nanofabrication. More information can be found in the research group websites: ; ; .
- $4000 stipend
- On-campus room and board
- Have not completed your undergraduate degree before January 2023
- We encourage applications from historically marginalized groups and anyone excited about science
Applications close April 15
Feel free to reach out to faculty or apply online!
NSF REU Site:Data Science for Social Good in Dallas and Beyond
*Awaiting Renewal
June 2 - July 25, 2025
Learn how to use data science tools for improving the lives of people. You will join a team of researchers using data to find solutions to pressing economic and environmental problems affecting neighborhoods in the city of Dallas, Texas.
- $4800 stipend
- On-campus room and board included
- U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Completed Sophomore of Junior Year of college with strong academic record
- Major in math, statistics, computer science or related field and an interest in social science OR major in social science field and an interest in data science
We are now accepting applications for Summer 2025. Priority deadline to apply is February 15, 2025.
NSF REU/RTG Site: Modeling and Computations for Complex Systems.
There are two options for this REU:
Mathematics REU 1: Modeling transport processes in micro- and nanoscale systems
June 18– June 30, 2023
Faculty Mentors: Vladimir Ajaev and Scott Norris
Research projects involve modeling and simulation of complex processes of transport of heat, mass, and electrical charge in configurations with micro- and nanoscale features such as structured surfaces, nanopores, and microfluidic channels. Some of the projects will be in collaboration with Lyle School of Engineering.
- $1200 stipend
- Up to $600 travel reimbursement
- On-campus room and board included
- You may apply to attend both Mathematics REU 1 and REU 2
- U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Have not have completed your undergraduate degree before January 2023.
- We encourage applications from women and other groups traditionally underrepresented in mathematics.
Applications close March 27
Mathematics REU 2: Complex Systems
July 5- July 15, 2023
Faculty Mentors: Alejandro Aceves and Brian Choi
Research projects will center on modeling complex systems in the broadest sense. We will identify projects in diverse areas of applications in science and engineering.
- $1200 stipend
- Up to $600 travel reimbursement
- On-campus room and board included
- You may apply to attend both Mathematics REU 1 and REU 2
- U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Have not have completed your undergraduate degree before January 2023.
- We encourage applications from women and other groups traditionally underrepresented in mathematics.
Applications close March 27
Recommended REUs elsewhere