Undergraduate Research Training

Coaching for undergraduate researchers

The Office of Engaged Learning offers Undergraduate Research coaching and information sessions approximately once a month during the academic year. We often collaborate with other departments, such as SMU Libraries and the Hegi Career Center. Recent topics include:

  • Ways of Presenting
  • Slide Deck and Poster Design
  • The Elevator Pitch
  • Resumes for Researchers
  • Steps to Publication
  • Personal Statements for Grad School and Awards

Request a workshop

Our staff can present these topics in workshop format (or pop in for brief presentations) during class time. Please email engagedlearning@smu.edu to schedule a session.

Video Modules

We have produced a number of brief modules to prep students on different professional development topics in research.


Summer Research Intensive

The Summer Research Intensive program provides funding to faculty to support research and scholarly productivity. Our office matches funding to hire undergraduate research assistants and provides these students with specialized training in research methods, oral and written presentation techniques, and other professional development skills. 


Lab Hopping

Lab Hopping is a twice-a-year event for students to visit open labs and research groups. Faculty, staff, and students in various departments will be on hand to show their research and answer questions.
