Academic Affairs Digest
Academic Affairs Digest: 2019
The following comprises a compendium of Simmons faculty scholarship and includes research activities, publications, editorial assignments, and notable awards.
Applied Physiology and Sport Management
Eric G. Bing, Professor
Bing, E. G., Parham, G., Cuevas, A., Fisher, B. J., Skinner, J. F., Mwanahamuntu, M., Sullivan, R. (in press). Creating a low-cost virtual reality surgical simulation to increase surgical oncology capacity and capability. To appear in eCancerMedicalScience. ecancer.org
Bing, E. G. (in press). Saving Millions with the All-in-One Heart Pill. In George Herring, Andrew Johns, and Kathryn Statler (Ed.), Conflict, Diplomacy and Peace. University Press of Kentucky.
Walkington, C. A. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Polymath: A Polycraft Multi-user Anthropomorphic Testbed for Hybrid Systems", DARPA, Federal, $3,776,660.00, Funded. (November 15, 2019 - May 14, 2023).
Bing, E. G. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Transforming global surgery capacity and capability through affordable virtual reality", Wellcome Trust (UK), Private, $322,918.00, Funded. (November 1, 2019 - October 31, 2021).
Skinner, J. F. (Supporting), Fisher, B. J. (Supporting), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Principal), Sponsored Research, "Using Low-Cost Virtual Reality Simulation to Build Surgical Capacity for Cervical Cancer Treatment", SMU, UNC, Kings College UK, Other, Funded. (July 2018 - July 2019).
Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. (Principal), Grant, "Virtual Reality Surgery Simulator", Medical Research Council (UK), Other, $659,000.00, Funded. (April 1, 2017 - April 1, 2019).
Research pending (submitted)
Nair, S. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Davis, S. L. (Co-Principal), Heitjan, D. F. (Co-Principal), Jouriles, E. (Co-Principal), Storz-Stringer, E. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project REAL: Researchers Extending Alternatives for Learning", SMU, 91制片廠合集, $300,000.00, Currently Under Review. (March 1, 2020 - February 28, 2023).
Bing, E. G. (Principal), Clemmons, M. M. (Supporting), Grant, "(Acceptance Pending- Advanced to the next round) Project REAL: Researchers Extending Alternatives for Learning (Team Leader Dr Eric Bing (SMU))", SMU, 91制片廠合集, $300,000.00, Currently Under Review.
Minsker, B. E. (Principal), Bing, E. G. (Co-Principal), Kirkpatrick, L. O. (Supporting), Larson, E. C. (Supporting), Rajan, D. (Supporting), Smith-Colin, J. A. (Supporting), Zarazaga, J. M. (Supporting), Sponsored Research, "Infrastructure Equity and Community Resilience: A Citizen Science and Big Data Approach", SMU Seed Funding, 91制片廠合集, Currently Under Review.
Sarah M. S. Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor
Awards and Honors
Bernard P Maloy Student Research Award, Sport Recreation Law Association, Scholarship/Research, National. (February 24, 2019).
Scott L. Davis, Associate Professor
Awards and Honors
Editor’s Pick - March 2019, Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, Scholarship/Research, International. (March 1, 2019).
Distinction in scholarship in Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise (MSSE) for the article entitled “Impaired thermoregulatory function during dynamic exercise in multiple sclerosis”. Editor’s Picks are a collection of the very best original research papers published ACSM research journals. Each month, the most outstanding recently published papers are selected by MSSE's Editor-in-Chief and recommended for reading.
Allen, D. R., Huang, M., Morris, N. B., Chaseling, G., Frohman, E. M., Jay, O., Davis, S. L. (2019). Impaired thermoregulatory function during dynamic exercise in multiple sclerosis. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 51(3), 395-404.
Chaseling, G. K., Allen, D. R., Vucic, S., Barnett, M., Frohman, E. M., Davis, S. L., Jay, O. (2019). Core temperature is not elevated at rest in people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 29, 62-67.
Huang, M., Frantz, J. M., Moralez, G., Sabo, T., Davis, P. F., Davis, S. L., Bell, K. R., Purkayastha, S. (2019). Reduced resting and increased elevation of heart rate variability with cognitive task performance in concussed athletes. The Journal of head trauma rehabilitation, 34(1), 45-51.
Professional Offices
American College of Sports Medicine - Texas Chapter, Officer, President/Elect/Past, Texas, USA, Yes, elected, Pro Bono, Regional, Organized and administered the 2020 Texas ACSM Annual meeting held in Waco, TX. (700 attendees, Budget = ~$70,000). (February 2018 - February 2020).
American College of Sports Medicine is a multi-disciplinary professional and scientific society dedicated to the generation and dissemination of knowledge concerning the motivations, responses, adaptations and health aspects of persons engaged in sport and exercise. The purpose of Texas ACSM is to fulfill the objectives and purposes of ACSM as appropriate at the regional level.
Davis, S. L. (Co-Principal), Jay, O. (Principal), Grant, "Novel approaches to mitigating heat-related fatigue in individuals with multiple sclerosis", MS Research Australia, Private, $176,000.00, Funded. (January 2018 - December 2021).
Research pending (submitted)
Nair, S. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Davis, S. L. (Co-Principal), Heitjan, D. F. (Co-Principal), Jouriles, E. (Co-Principal), Storz-Stringer, E. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project REAL: Researchers Extending Alternatives for Learning", SMU, 91制片廠合集, $300,000.00, Currently Under Review. (March 1, 2020 - February 28, 2023).
Purkayastha, S., Davis, S. L. (Supporting), Grant, "Virtual reality Stress Relaxation Intervention for Autonomic Dysfunction After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury", Department of Defense, Federal, $3,429,904.00, Currently Under Review.
Lynn R. Jacobs, Professor
Awards and Honors
Honored by the SMU football team to travel to their first football game of the season Arkansas State, SMU Athletics, Service, University, University. (August 31, 2019).
Faculty honor and recognition
Texas Women in Higher Education, Texas Women in Higher Education, represent SMU, Regional. (April 8, 2019).
Appointed/awarded by the SMU Provost to attend and represent SMU at the Texas Women in Higher Education Conference in San Antonio, Texas (April 8-9, 2019)
Megan N. Murphy, Clinical Associate Professor
Awards and Honors
Extra Mile Award, Students for New Learning, Teaching, University. (April 15, 2019).
The Extra Mile Award: Since 2008, Students for New Learning has chosen over 20 deserving faculty membersfrom across campus to receive The Extra Mile Award, recognizing their excellent teaching of those who learn differently.
Purkayastha, S., Frantz, J., Williams, B., Murphy, M. N., Lyng, S., Wainman, M., Sabo, T., Bell, K. R. (2019). Reduced heart rate variability and lower cerebral blood flow associated with poor cognition during recovery following concussion. Autonomic Neuroscience, 220.
Purkayastha, S., Sorond, F. A., Frantz, J. M., Murphy, M. N., Hynan, L. S., Sabo, T., Bell, D. R. (2019). Impaired Cerebral Vasoreactivity Despite Sympton Resolution in Sports-Related Concussion. Journal of Neurotrauma, 36(16). https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/neu.2018.5861
Editorial Activities
WileyPlus Anatomy and Physiology Ebook, Reviewer, Book, approximately 10 hours spent for the year, Pro Bono, National. (April 2019 - May 2019).
Murphy, M. N. (Principal), Sponsored Research, Denton County Public Health Department, $0.00, Funded. (January 31, 2018 - January 2020).
Laura Robinson, Lecturer
Publications submitted or under revision
Robinson-Doyle, L., Feiler, K., Massey-Stokes, M. Critical Connection Between Food Insecurity and Physical Inactivity. American Public Health.
Mario De La Garza Jr., Clinical Assistant Professor
Awards and Honors
ACAC Distinguished Service Award, Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling, Leadership, National. (March 28, 2019).
For service to the Association as treasurer for two years
Professional Offices
Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling, Officer, Treasurer, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono, National. (January 15, 2017 - June 2019).
Brandy Schumann, Clinical Associate Professor
Awards and Honors
Mom Approved Wellness Professional, Dallas Child Magazine, Service, Community, Regional. (November 1, 2019).
Public nomination and recognition of being a valued service provider.
Schumann, B., Vivian, M. (2019). Spring Clean Your Parenting (pp. 1). Love Joy, TX: Love Joy ISD Preschool PTA.
Education Policy & Leadership
Dominique J. Baker, Assistant Professor
Awards and Honors
National Academy of Education and Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow SemiFinalist, National Academy of Education and Spencer Foundation, Scholarship/Research. (May 1, 2019).
Outstanding Reviewer, AERA Open (AERA journal), Service, Professional, International. (April 1, 2019).
Named one of the outstanding reviewers for the journal AERA Open at the annual AERA meeting.
Baker, D. J. (2019). A case study of undergraduate debt, repayment plans, and postbaccalaureate decision-making among Black students at HBCUs. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 48(2), 1-27.
Baker, D. J. (2019). Pathways to racial equity in higher education: Modeling the antecedents of state affirmative action bans. American Educational Research Journal, 56(5), 1861-1895.
Lockard, D., Baker, D. J., Blissett, R. (2019). Student and administrative responses to student collective action on campus. Student Activism, Politics, and Campus Climate in Higher Education.. New York, NY: Routledge.
Redding, C., Baker, D. J. (2019). Understanding the teacher diversity gap among early career teachers. AERA Open, 5(2).
Baker, D. J. (2019). When average is not enough: Examining the variation in the influences on undergraduate debt. AERA Open, 5(2).
Baker, D. J. (2019). Why might states ban affirmative action?. The Brookings Institution. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/brown-center-chalkboard/2019/04/12/why-might-states-ban-affirmative-action/
Editorial Review
Educational Researcher, Reviewer, Journal Article. (2017 - 2022).
Institute of Education Sciences, Technical Review Panel for the NPSAS data survey. (2019).
Professional Offices
National Science Foundation, Committee Member, Yes, appointed. (2019 - 2020).
Association for the Study of Higher Education Program Committee, Committee Member. (November 2018 - November 2019).
Baker, D. J. (Principal), Sponsored Research, "Who decides what’s too much in Texas?: An investigation of a state tuition-setting tool", SMU Texas-Mexico Center, $10,000.00, Funded. (April 30, 2019 - April 30, 2020).
Sondra N. Barringer, Assistant Professor
Barringer, S. N., Taylor, B. J., Slaughter, S. (2019). Trustees in turbulent times: External affiliations and stratification among US research universities, 1975-2015. The Journal of Higher Education, 90(6), 884-914.
Leahey, E., Barringer, S. N., Ring-Ramirez, M. (2019). Universities’ commitment to interdisciplinary research:. Scientometrics.
Editorial Activities
Innovative Higher Education, Reviewer, Journal Article, approximately 5 hours spent for the year, Pro Bono. (2019).
Studies in Graduate and Professional Education, Reviewer, Journal Article, approximately 5 hours spent for the year, Pro Bono. (2019).
Minerva, Reviewer, Journal Article, approximately 5 hours spent for the year. (2016 - 2019).
Professional Offices
ASHE Annual Meeting, Discussant, Portland, OR, United States, approximately 10 hours spent for the year, Pro Bono. (November 2019).
Barringer, S. N. (Co-Principal), Leahey, E. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Collaborative Research: University Commitment to Interdisciplinary Research: Scope, Causes, and Consequences", National Science Foundation Grant, Science of Science and Innovation Policy Program, Federal, $304,463.00, Funded. (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2019).
Michael S. Harris, Associate Professor
Holley, K. A., Harris, M. S. (2019). The qualitative dissertation in education: A guide for integrating research and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
Harris, M. S. (2019). How to get tenure: Strategies for successfully navigating the process. New York, NY: Routledge.
Harris, M. S. (2019). The zero-sum game of faculty productivity. InsideHigherEd.com.
Akihito Kamata, Professor
Stewart, G., Kamata, A., Miles, R., Grandoit, E., Mandelbaum, F., Quinn, C., Rubin, L. (2019). Predicting mental health help seeking orientations among diverse undergraduates. Journal of Affective Disorders, 257, 271-280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.07.058
Al Otaiba, S., Lan, P., Kristi, B., Allor, J. H., rivas, b., Yovanoff, P., Kamata, A. (2019). Elementary teacher's knowledge of response to intervention implementation: A preliminary factor analysis. Annals of Dyslexia, 69(1), 34-53. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11881-018-00171-5
Professional Offices
WIDA Technical Advisory Committee / University of Wisconsin, Member, Madison, WI, U.S.A., approximately 30 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Compensated, National. (January 11, 2019 - December 31, 2019).
Evaluate the quality of the technical aspect of the assessment program called ACCESS for ELL.
Florida Department of Education Technical Advisory Committee, Member, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A., approximately 20 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Compensated, State. (January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019).
Evaluate the quality of the technical aspect of the assessment program called Florida Standard Assessment (FSA) & Florida Standard Alternative Assessment (FSAA).
Kamata, A. (Principal), Little, D. (Co-Principal), Baker, S. (Co-Principal), Wright, A. (Supporting), Farmer, D. (Supporting), Grant, "A Research Partnership to Improve the Quality of Pre-K Classroom Practices", IES, U.S. Department of Education, Federal, $399,966.00, Funded. (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2022).
Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Allor, J. H. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI implementation with a focus on students receiving Tier 3 and special education.", Institute of Educational Sciences, US Dept of Education, Federal, $1,600,000.00, Funded. (2016 - June 30, 2020).
Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Nese, J. (Principal), Grant, "Measuring Oral Reading Floency: Computerized Oral Reading Evaluation", IES - U.S. Department of Education, Federal, $1,599,990.00, Funded. (August 1, 2014 - July 31, 2019).
Research pending (submitted)
Larson, E. C. (Co-Principal), Kamata, A. (Principal), Grant, "191972 - A comprehensive of reading fluency: uniting and scaling accuracy, rate and prosody", Department of Education, Federal, $588,085.00, Currently Under Review.
Baker, D. L. (Principal), Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Larson, E. C. (Co-Principal), Grant, "MEasuring the Language and Vocabulary Acquisition in Science of Latinx Students Using Speech Recognition and Automated Scoring", Institute of Education Sciences, National, $1,400,000.00, Currently Under Review.
Leanne R. Ketterlin Geller, Professor
Sitabkhan, Y., Davis, J., Earnest, D., Evans, N., Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Lutfeali, S., Ngware, M., Perry, L. E., Pinto, C., Platas, L., Ralaingita, W., Smith, K., Srikantaiah, D. (2019). Instructional Strategies for Mathematics in the Early Grades. Global Reading Network. https://www.globalreadingnetwork.net/publications-and-research/instructional-strategies-mathematics-early-grades
Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Perry, L., Adams, E. (2019). Integrating validation arguments with the assessment triangle: A framework for operationalizing and instantiating validation. Applied Measurement in Education, 32(1), 60-76.
Shivraj, P., Ketterlin Geller, L. R. (2019). Interpreting reports from universal screeners: Roadblocks, Solutions, and Implications for designing score reports. Frontiers in Education.
Perry, L. E., Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Hatfield, C. B. (2019). Substantiating claims about students’ algebraic reasoning with evidence: Initial evidence based on response processes and internal structure. In J. Bostic, E. Krupa, & J. Shih (Ed.), Quantitative measures of mathematical knowledge: Researching instruments and perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Shivraj, P., Basaraba, D., Yovanoff, P. (2019). Using mathematical learning progressions to design diagnostic assessments. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives.
Perry, L., Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Hatfield, C. (2019). Substantiating claims about students’ algebraic reasoning with evidence: Initial evidence based on response processes and internal structure. In J. Bostic, E. Krupa, & J. Shih (Ed.), Quantitative measures of mathematical knowledge: Researching instruments and perspectives. New York: Routledge.
Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Powell, S., Chard, D., Perry, L. (2019). Teaching Math in Middle School: Using MTSS to Meet All Students’ Needs. Brookes Publishing.
Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Powell, s., Chard, D. J., Perry, L. E. (2019). Teaching Math in Middle School: Using MTSS to Meet All Students’ Needs. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishinng.
Editorial Activities
Journal of Mathematical Behavior (GUEST EDITOR), Editor, Journal Editor, approximately 150 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono. (January 2019 - December 2021).
Guest editor for special issue that I proposed.
University of Alberta, Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer, approximately 15 hours spent for the year, Pro Bono. (April 2019 - August 2019).
Reviewed and provided an extensive evaluation of a tenure file for a junior faculty being considered for promotion.
Professional Offices
National Technical Assistance Center to Increase Participation and Improve Performance of Students with Disabilities on State and Districtwide Assessments, Committee Member, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Yes, appointed. (November 1, 2016 - October 31, 2021).
Technical work group member for USDOE funded center
National Council on Measurement in Education, Diversity Issues in Testing, Chairperson, approximately 50 hours spent for the year. (April 2018 - July 2020).
National Science Foundation DRK-12 Topical Group on Broadening Participation in STEM, Task Force Member. (2017 - 2019).
Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Grant, "Measuring Early Mathematical Reasoning Skills: Developing Tests of Numeric and Spatial Reasoning", National Science Foundation, Federal, $2,549,000.00, Funded. (September 2017 - February 2025).
Clark, C., Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Larson, E. C., Grant, "G001842 - 190941 - Computer interaction, machine learning, game design and educational assessment in a STEM+C curriculum", NSF, Federal, $1,521,616.00, Funded. (September 1, 2019 - August 31, 2023).
Ketterlin Geller, L. R. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Project STAIR: Supporting Teaching of Algebra: Individualization for Readiness", U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Federal, $412,452.00, Funded. (2019 - 2022).
Ketterlin Geller, L. R. (Principal), Sponsored Research, "STEM Academies to support DISD Teachers", Texas Instruments, Private, $3,700,000.00, Funded. (March 2016 - August 2020).
Research pending (submitted)
Baker, D. L. (Principal), Ketterlin Geller, L. R. (Co-Principal), Walkington, C. A. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Language and Mathematics Proficiency for Latinx Bilingual Students (Project LAMP)", Institute of Education Sciences, National, $1,399,977.00, Currently Under Review.
Clark, C., Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Larson, E. C., Grant, "190941 - Teaching computer science and computational thinking with community", NSF, Federal, $1,622,536.00, Currently Under Review.
Dawson R. Orr, Clinical Professor
Professional Offices
TASA Statewide Educational Facilities Standards Revision, Chairperson, Austin, TX, United States, approximately 50 hours spent for the year, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono, State, Provide updated Educational Facilities Standards that school districts are legally obligated to follow in designing and building facilities. (January 30, 2019 - July 2020).
Revised the Educational Facilities Standards in the Texas Education Code for submission to the Commissioner of Education.
TASA Committee on Educational Facilities, Austin, Tx, approximately 30 hours spent for the year, No, neither, Pro Bono, State, In progress. (January 29, 2019 - August 1, 2019).
Co-chairing a TASA committee that will present recommendations for new educational facilities standards to the Commissioner of Education
Alex E. Pavlakis, Assistant Professor
Pierce, M., Richards, M. P., Pavlakis, A. (2019). Guide to community resources for homeless students in Houston. Houston, TX: Houston Education Research Consortium.
Pavlakis, A. (2019). Supporting stability while creating structural change: The potential of Creative Youth Development for homelessness. Afterschool Matters, 30, 1-9.
Pavlakis, A., del Rosal, K., J. C. (2019). Virtual and physical interactions in school based spaces: Latinx Parent Engagement in a High-Tech Urban Elementary School. Urban Education. journals.sagepub.com/home/uex
Pavlakis, A. (2019). Snack gaps, doubling up, and revolving doors: Educational leadership practices in a changing suburb. International Journal of Leadership in Education (IJLE). www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=tedl20
Editorial Activities
Journal of Children and Poverty, Editorial Review Board Member, approximately 30 hours spent for the year. (January 1, 2018 - January 1, 2021).
Journal of Children and Poverty, Reviewer, Journal Article, approximately 16 hours spent for the year. (2019).
Urban Education, Reviewer, Journal Article, approximately 8 hours spent for the year. (2019).
Professional Offices
The Urban Review, approximately 8 hours spent for the year. (2019).
University Council for Educational Administration, Conference-Related, approximately 6 hours spent for the year, Pro Bono. (2019).
Reviewed proposals for the conference
William L Boyd National Educational Politics Workshop, UCEA, the Politics of Education Association, and AERA Division L, Conference-Related, approximately 6 hours spent for the year. (2019).
Served as mentor to graduate students and earlier career faculty.
Research Pending (submitted)
Richards, M. P., Pavlakis, A., Roberts, K. K., Grant, "When disaster strikes: A geospatial qualitative study of Hurricane Harvey and student homelessness", WT Grant Foundation, Officers Research Grant on Reducing Inequality, National, $50,000.00, Currently Under Review.
Meredith P. Richards, Assistant Professor
Richards, M. P., Pavlakis, A., Roberts, K. K., Grant, "When disaster strikes: A geospatial qualitative study of Hurricane Harvey and student homelessness", WT Grant Foundation, Officers Research Grant on Reducing Inequality, National, $50,000.00, Currently Under Review.
Teaching & Learning
Stephanie Al Otaiba, Professor
Awards and Honors
National Research Award, from the Research Council of Oman, Scholarship/Research, International. (December 16, 2019).
This award is for a paper I co-authored led by Safiya Al Shehi that was recognized as the best published research lead by a Young Researcher in the Education and Human Resources Sector. I trained she, her mentor, and a group of teachers in Oman about curriculum based measurement.
Best Research Paper, Annual Language, Literacy, and Linguistics Conference, Scholarship/Research, International. (June 25, 2019).
Al Otaiba, S., & SConner, C. (June, 2019). Improving language, literacy and growth mindset: Using intensive shared book dialogic reading strategies. Paper presented at the Annual L3 (Language, Literacy, and Linguistics) Conference in Singapore. *Awarded Best Research Paper.
Jones, F. G., Gifford, D. B., Al Otaiba, S., Al Otaiba, S., Levy, D., Allor, J. H. (2019). Alternate assessment formats for progress monitoring students with intellectual disabilities and below average IQ: An exploratory study. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities(34(1)), 41-51. https://doi.org/10.1177/1088357618762749
Al Otaiba, S., Jones, F. G., Levy, D., rivas, b., Wanzek, J. (2019). Building a growth mindset within data-based individualization: A case study of two students with reading disabilities learning to learn. Handbook of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support and Response to Intervention (pp. 249-265). New York, NY: Routledge.
Al-Shehhi, S. A., Emam, M. M., Al Otaiba, S., Ibrahim, M. M., Al-Mehrizi, R. (2019). Development of curriculum-based measurements in mathematical computations for Arab-speaking fourth grade students. School Psychology International, 49(2), 145-167. https://doi.org/10.1177/0143034318817078
Al Otaiba, S., Baker, K., Lan, P., Allor, J. H., rivas, b., Yovanoff, P., Kamata, A. (2019). Elementary teacher’s knowledge of response to intervention implementation: a preliminary factor analysis. Annals of Dyslexia, 69(1), 34-53.
Al Otaiba, S., Allor, J. H., Baker, K., Conner, C., Stewart, J., Mellado de la Cruz, V. M. (2019). Teaching phonemic awareness and word reading skills: Focusing on explicit and systematic approaches. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 45, 11-16.
Mellado De La Cruz, V., Al Otaiba, S., Hsiao, Y., Clemens, N., Jones, F. G., rivas, b., Greene, E. A., Hagan-Burke, S. (2019). The prevalence and stability of challenging behaviors and concurrent early reading growth among kindergarteners at reading risk. The Elementary School Journal, 120:2, 220-242. doi.org/10.1086/705785
Al Otaiba, S., Baker, K. L., Lan, P., Allor, J. H., rivas, b., Yovanoff, P., Kamata, A. (2019). Elementary teacher's knowledge of response to intervention implementation: a preliminary factor analysis. Annals of dyslexia, 69(1), 34-53.
Publications accepted
Allor, J. H., Ortiz, M. B., Conner, C. L., Al Otaiba, S. (in press). An examination of the text characteristics of an early reading book series: Implications for providing intensive practice with connected text. Delivering Intensive, Individualized Interventions to Children and Youth with Learning and Behavioral Disabilities. Emerald.
Al Otaiba, S., Lemmons, C. J., McMaster, K. (in press). Response to intervention and Multi-tiered systems of support: Focus on intensification. To appear in Brief for the International Literacy Association.
Editorial Activities
IES, Technical Working Group (TWG). (2019 - 2022).
Technical Working Group for Impact Evaluation of Training in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Early Elementary School,
American Institute for Research
Texas Education Agency, Reading Advisory Committee Member for HB3. (2019 - 2020).
Spencer Foundation, Reviewer, Grant Proposal. (2017 - 2020).
US Dept. of Education, Institute for Educational Science, Early Childhood Programs, Reviewer, Grant Proposal. (2012 - 2020).
Al Otaiba, S. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Peers-Assisted Writing Strategies", IES, Federal, $3,500,000.00, Funded. (2019 - 2024).
Al Otaiba, S. (Co-Principal), Wanzek, J. (Principal), Grant, "Evaluating Mindset as a Pathway to Enhance Students' Response to Reading Intervention", National Institute of Health, Federal, $2,874,579.00, Funded. (2017 - 2022).
Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Allor (Supporting), Yovanoff (Supporting), Grant, "National Center on Leadership in Intensive Intervention", Office of Special Education Programs, US Dept of Education, Federal, $7,500,000.00, Funded. (2015 - December 2020).
Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Allor, J. H. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI implementation with a focus on students receiving Tier 3 and special education.", Institute of Educational Sciences, US Dept of Education, Federal, $1,600,000.00, Funded. (2016 - June 30, 2020).
Research pending (submitted)
Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), rivas, b., Grant, "Coaching School Leaders to Use Research Evidence to Improve Response to Intervention: Data-based Individualization for Early Reading", WT Grant, Other, $1,000,000.00, Currently Under Review.
Jill H. Allor, Professor
Awards and Honors
Gerald J. Ford Research Fellowship, Southern Methodist University. (May 2, 2019).
Al Otaiba, S., Baker, K. L., Patrick, L., Allor, J. H., rivas, b., Yovanoff, P., Kamata, A. (2019). Elementary teacher's knowledge of response to intervention implementation: A preliminary factor analysis. Annals of Dyslexia, 69, 34-53.
Al Otaiba, S., Allor, J. H., Baker, K. L., Conner, C. L., Stewart, J., de la Cruz, V. M. (2019). Teaching phonemic awareness and word reading skills: Focusing on explicit and systematic approaches. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 45, 11-16.
Go, F., Gifford, D. B., Yovanoff, P., Al Otaiba, S., Levy, D., Allor, J. H. (2019). Alternate assessment formats for progress monitoring students with intellectual disabilities and low intellectual quotients: An exploratory study. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 34, 41-51.
Papers submitted or under revision
Conner, C. L., Allor, J. H., Al Otaiba, S., Yovanoff, P., Lejeune, L. Examining the response to a teacher-delivered comprehensive literacy curriculum for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Editorial Activities
American Journal for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Editor, Associate Editor. (2019 - 2021).
Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Allor, J. H. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI implementation with a focus on students receiving Tier 3 and special education.", Institute of Educational Sciences, US Dept of Education, Federal, $1,600,000.00, Funded. (2016 - June 30, 2020).
Tony Cuevas, Clinical Professor
Walkington, C. A. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Polymath: A Polycraft Multi-user Anthropomorphic Testbed for Hybrid Systems", DARPA, Federal, $3,776,660.00, Funded. (November 15, 2019 - May 14, 2023).
Bing, E. G. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Transforming global surgery capacity and capability through affordable virtual reality", Wellcome Trust (UK), Private, $322,918.00, Funded. (November 1, 2019 - October 31, 2021).
Ware, P. D. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Virtual Reality Simulations: Expanding Research and Collaboration", SMU President Partners Grant, Southern Methodist University, $3,450.00, Funded. (2019 - 2020).
Skinner, J. F. (Supporting), Fisher, B. J. (Supporting), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Principal), Sponsored Research, "Using Low-Cost Virtual Reality Simulation to Build Surgical Capacity for Cervical Cancer Treatment", SMU, UNC, Kings College UK, Other, Funded. (July 2018 - July 2019).
Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. (Principal), Grant, "Virtual Reality Surgery Simulator", Medical Research Council (UK), Other, $659,000.00, Funded. (April 1, 2017 - April 1, 2019).
Research pending (submitted)
Nair, S. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Davis, S. L. (Co-Principal), Heitjan, D. F. (Co-Principal), Jouriles, E. (Co-Principal), Storz-Stringer, E. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project REAL: Researchers Extending Alternatives for Learning", SMU, 91制片廠合集, $300,000.00, Currently Under Review. (March 1, 2020 - February 28, 2023).
Diane B. Gifford, Clinical Assistant Professor
Awards and Honors
XPrize for Adult Literacy Grand Prize Winner and Achievement Award Winner, Dollar General and the Barbara Bush Foundation, Teaching, International. (February 7, 2019).
Won $125,000 for being a finalist in the competition; $1 million Achievement Award for best gains in ELL population; Tied for $3 million Grand Prize for best overall application and received $1.5 million
Francesca Go, Clinical Associate Professor
Mellado De La Cruz, V., Al Otaiba, S., Hsaiao, Y., Clements, N., Jones, F. G. (2019). The prevalence and stability of challenging behaviors and concurrent early literacy growth among kindergarteners at reading risk. Elementary School Journal.
Publications submitted or under review
Jones, F. G., Conner, C., Alghrim Delzell, L., Walte, S. What do teachers know about how to teach reading to students with developmental disabilities: A survey. Exceptional Children.
Johnitha W. Johnson, Clinical Assistant Professor
Professional Offices
Alcuin School, Guest Speaker, Dallas, Texas, approximately 30 hours spent for the year, Yes, elected, Compensated, Local. (August 8, 2019).
I presented on Culturally Responsive Teaching in a Montessori Setting.
Research pending (submitted)
Baker, D. L. (Principal), Rouse, R. J. (Co-Principal), Johnson, J. W. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Enhancing Science Learning and Vocabulary Acquisition for ALL Funder: National Science Foundation", National Science Foundation, National, $299,929.00, Currently Under Review.
Jan E. Mallet, Clinical Assistant Professor
Professional Offices
Creighton University, Committee Member, Omaha, NE, USA, approximately 40 hours spent for the year, No, neither. (October 2019 - May 2021).
I served as the Montessori expert on the dissertation committee of Ruwani Goonetilleke. She successfully completed and defended a qualitative study which explored parental involvement in a private Montessori school. Additionally, she submitted her dissertation to the American Montessori Society for consideration for AMS's Dissertation Award.
Mallett, J. E. (Principal), Grant, "Measuring Lumin Success", Lumin Education/Wend Ventures, Local, $280,000.00, Funded. (February 18, 2018 - January 31, 2022).
Anthony Petrosino, Professor
Petrosino, A., Sherard, M. K., Brady, C. (2019). Using Collaborative Agent-based Modeling to Explore Complex Phenomena with Elementary Preservice Science Teachers. In In Lund, K., Niccolai, G. P., Lavoué, E., Hmelo-Silver, C., Gweon, G., & Baker, M. (Eds.) (Ed.), A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings, 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) 2019 (vol. 2, pp. pp. 901-902). Using Collaborative Agent-based Modeling to Explore Complex Phenomena with Elementary Preservice Science Teachers/ International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS). https://repository.isls.org//handle/1/4557
Harron, J. R., Petrosino, A., Jenevein, S. (2019). Using Virtual Reality to Augment Museum-Based Field Trips in a Preservice Elementary Science Methods Course. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN TECHNOLOGY AND TEACHER EDUCATION, 9(4), 687-707. https://citejournal.org/volume-19/issue-4-19/science/using-virtual-reality-to-augment-museum-based-field-trips-in-a-preservice-elementary-science-methods-course/
Petrosino, A. (Supporting), Wilkerson, M. (Principal), Finzer, W. (Co-Principal), Lee, H. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Writing Data Stories: Integrating Computational Data Investigations into the Middle School Science Classroom", Nationa Science Foundation - Division Of Research On Learning, Federal, $2,369,845.00, Funded. (February 15, 2019 - June 30, 2024).
Petrosino, A. (Principal), K. H. (Principal), Sponsored Research, "UTeach and NYC: A Design Research Partnership to Expand and Improve High School Computer Science Education for Underrepresented Urban Youth", National Science Foundation- Division Of Computer and Network Systems, Federal, $999,953.00, Funded. (October 1, 2018 - December 31, 2023).
Petrosino, A. (Principal), Stroup, W. (Co-Principal), Sponsored Research, "Collaborative Research: Group-Based Cloud Computing for STEM Education Project", National Science Foundation, Federal, $457,755.00, Funded. (September 1, 2016 - August 31, 2023).
Petrosino, A. (Principal), Grant, "McNair ScholarsMcNair. GT00328 P217A170142", Deopartment of Education, Federal, $1,161,325.00, Funded. (October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2022).
Petrosino, A. (Principal), Grant, "Upward Bound Math/Science. SOAR. GT00327P047M170129", Departmenbt of Education, Federal, $1,319,690.00, Funded. (October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2022).
Petrosino, A. (Principal), Grant, "Upward Bound Math/Science. STEM. GT00326P047M280131", Department of Education, Federal, $1,319,690.00, Funded. (October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2022).
Abby A. Pruitt, Clinical Professor
Awards and Honors
Honoring Our Professors' Excellence (HOPE) Award (nominee), Residence Life and Student Housing, Teaching, University. (January 29, 2019).
Amy M. Richardson, Clinical Assistant Professor
Ware, P. (Principal), Ferrell, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Raising Texas Teachers", Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation, State, $200,000.00, Funded. (August 1, 2017 - 2021).
Amy G. Rouse, Assistant Professor
Awards and Honors
IES Meta-Analysis Training Institute, Institute of Education Sciences, Scholarship/Research, National. (August 1, 2019).
Top 20 Most Downloaded Article, Wiley Publishing, Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, Scholarship/Research, National. (June 6, 2019).
Rouse, A. G., Rouse, R. (2019). Third graders' use of writing to facilitate learning of engineering concepts. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING, 56(10), 1406-1430.
Rouse, A. G. (2019). Writing instruction for students with special needs. In S. Graham, C. MacArthur, & M. Hebert (Ed.), Best Practices in Writing Instruction (3rd edition ed.).
Rouse, A. G., Rouse, R. J. (2019). Authors and engineers: How students learned and applied engineering principles to create and author pop-up books. Science and Children, 56(6), 58-63.
Rob Rouse, Clinical Associate Professor
Rouse, A. G., Rouse, R. J. (2019). Third graders' use of writing to facilitate learning of engineering concepts. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(10), 1406-1430.
Rouse, R. J., Rouse, A. G. (2019). Authors and engineers: Applying engineering principles to create pop up books. Science & Children, 56(6), 58-63.
Research pending (submited)
Baker, D. L. (Principal), Rouse, R. J. (Co-Principal), Johnson, J. W. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Enhancing Science Learning and Vocabulary Acquisition for ALL Funder: National Science Foundation", National Science Foundation, National, $299,929.00, Currently Under Review.
Candace A. Walkington, Associate Professor
Awards and Honors
Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering, U.S. Department of Education/National Science Foundation, Scholarship/Research, National. (July 7, 2019).
Howell, E., Walkington, C. A. (2019). An Exploration of Math Attitudes and STEM Career Interests for Community College Students (pp. 1121-1122). Oklahoma City, OK: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.
Walkington, C. A., Chelule, G., Woods, D. M., Nathan, M. (2019). Collaborative gesture as a case of extended mathematical cognition. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 55, 1-20.
Walkington, C. A., Woods, D. M., Nathan, M., Chelule, G., Wang, M. (2019). Does restricting hand gestures impair mathematical reasoning? Learning and Instruction, 64.
Pier, E., Walkington, C. A., Clinton, V., Boncoddo, R., Williams-Pierce, C., Alibali, M., Nathan, M. (2019). Embodied Truths: How Dynamic Gesture and Transformational Speech Contribute to Mathematical Proof Practices. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, 44-57.
Smith, C., Walkington, C. A. (2019). Four principles for designing embodied mathematics activities. Australian Mathematics Education Journal, 1(4), 16-20.
Clinton, V., Walkington, C. A. (2019). Interest-enhancing approaches to mathematics curriculum design: Illustrations and personalization. The Journal of Educational Research, 112(4), 495-511.
Walkington, C. A., Clinton, V., Sparks, A. E. (2019). The effect of language modification of mathematics story problems on problem-solving in online homework. Instructional Science, 47(5), 499-529.
Editorial Activities
Journal of Educational Psychology, Editorial Review Board Member, approximately 30 hours spent for the year, Pro Bono. (July 2018 - July 2021).
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, Editor, Journal Editor. (March 2019 - May 2020).
I was the guest editor on a special issue of JRTE that came out earlier this year
Walkington, C. A. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Bing, E. G. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Polymath: A Polycraft Multi-user Anthropomorphic Testbed for Hybrid Systems", DARPA, Federal, $3,776,660.00, Funded. (November 15, 2019 - May 14, 2023).
Walkington, C. A. (Co-Principal), Nathan, M. (Principal), Grant, "How Dynamic Gestures and Directed Actions Contribute to Mathematical Proof Practices", Institute of Educational Sciences, Federal, $1,389,560.00, Funded. (July 1, 2016 - July 31, 2022).
Walkington, C. A., Bernacki, M. (Co-Principal), Heffernan, N. (Co-Principal), Perrera, H. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Collaborative (Strategies): Personalizing Mathematics to Maximize Relevance and Skill for Tomorrow's STEM Workforce", National Science Foundation, National, $1,037,248.00, Funded. (August 1, 2018 - June 30, 2022).
Walkington, C. A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Embodied Mathematical Imagination and Cognition: Professional Development for Undergraduate Mathematics Instructors", National Science Foundation, Federal, $49,326.00, Funded. (June 1, 2019 - December 31, 2021).
Walkington, C. A. (Principal), Grant, "Posing Math Problems about our Community: Investigating the WalkSTEM Club", American Educational Research Association Education Research Service Project Grant, National, $5,000.00, Funded. (June 1, 2019 - May 31, 2020).
Walkington, C. A. (Principal), Storz-Stringer, E. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Creating a Prototype Augmented Reality Simulation for Learning High School Geometry", SMU, 91制片廠合集, $7,000.00, Funded. (June 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019).
Walkington, C. A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "DCL: Synthesis and Design Workshop: The Future of Embodied Design for Mathematical Imagination and Cognition", National Science Foundation, Federal, $99,995.00, Funded. (2018 - 2019).
Research pending (submitted)
Baker, D. L. (Principal), Ketterlin Geller, L. R. (Co-Principal), Walkington, C. A. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Language and Mathematics Proficiency for Latinx Bilingual Students (Project LAMP)", Institute of Education Sciences, National, $1,399,977.00, Currently Under Review.
Paige D. Ware, Professor
Publications submitted or under revision
Wu, S., Ware, P. D. Promoting Teacher Intercultural Learning: Strategic Use of Video in Synchronous Online Discussions in Telecollaboration. In Leslie Wilton and Claire Brett (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Online Discussion-Based Teaching Methods. IGI.
Wu, S., Ware, P. D., Conry, J. M. Building Teachers’ Self-Efficacy by Infusing English Learner Supports into Professional Learning. TESOL Quarterly.
Ware, P. (Principal), Ferrell, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Raising Texas Teachers", Raise Your Hand Texas Foundation, State, $200,000.00, Funded. (August 1, 2017 - 2021).
Ware, P. D. (Principal), Roman, D. X. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project CONNECT: Creating the Ongoing Network Needed to Engage Communities and Teachers", Office of English Language Acquisition (DOE), Federal, $2,500,000.00, Funded. (September 1, 2016 - 2021).
Ware, P. D. (Principal), Cuevas, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Virtual Reality Simulations: Expanding Research and Collaboration", SMU President Partners Grant, Southern Methodist University, $3,450.00, Funded. (2019 - 2020).
Annie Wilhelm, Associate Professor
Awards and Honors
AERA SIG-RME Early Career Publication Award, AERA SIG-RME, Scholarship/Research, International. (April 6, 2019).
The purpose of the Early Career Publication
Award is to recognize an outstanding mathematics education research publication by an early
career scholar.
Kuster, G., Johnson, E., Rupnow, R., Wilhelm, A. (2019). The inquiry-oriented instructional measure. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40753-019-00089-2
Wilson, J., Nazemi, M., Jackson, K., Wilhelm, A. (2019). Investigating teaching in conceptually-oriented mathematics classrooms characterized by african american student success. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 50(4), 362-400. https://doi.org/10.5951/jresematheduc.50.4.0362
Gibbons, L. K., Wilhelm, A. G., Cobb, P. (2019). Coordinating leadership supports for teachers’ instructional improvement. Journal of School Leadership, 29(3), 248-268. https://doi.org/10.1177/1052684619836824
Ediorial Activities
Cognition and Instruction, Editor, Associate Editor, Yes, appointed, Pro Bono. (November 2019 - December 2021).
Wilhelm (Co-Principal), Grant, "Understanding how Elementary Teachers Take up Discussion Practices to Promote Disciplinary Literacy and Equity", James S. McDonnell Foundation, Private, $2,500,000.00, Funded. (January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2024).
Wilhelm, A. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P., Adams, E. (Supporting), Wilson, J. (Principal), Walkowiak, T. (Supporting), Grant, "Validation of the Equity and Access Rubrics for Mathematics Instruction", National Science Foundation, National, $2,296,493.00, Funded. (July 2019 - June 2023).
Norris, S. A. (Co-Principal), Wilhelm, A. (Principal), Grant, "Building Capacity for a SMU Noyce Scholarship Program", NSF, Federal, $250,000.00, Funded. (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019).
Paul Yovanoff, Professor
Go, F., Gifford, D. B., Yovanoff, P., Al Otaiba, S., Levy, D., Allor, J. H. (2019). Alternate Assessment Formats for Progress Monitoring Students With Intellectual Disabilities and Below Average IQ: An Exploratory Study. FOCUS ON AUTISM AND OTHER DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, 34(1), 41-51.
Ketterlin Geller, L. R., Shivraj, P., Basaraba, D., Yovanoff, P. (2019). Considerations for Using Mathematical Learning Progressions to Design Diagnostic Assessments. MEASUREMENT-INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND PERSPECTIVES, 17(1), 1-22.
Al Otaiba, S., Baker, K. L., Lan, P., Allor, J. H., rivas, b., Yovanoff, P., Kamata, A. (2019). Elementary teacher's knowledge of response to intervention implementation: a preliminary factor analysis. ANNALS OF DYSLEXIA, 69(1), 34-53.
Wilhelm, A. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P., Adams, E. (Supporting), Wilson, J. (Principal), Walkowiak, T. (Supporting), Grant, "Validation of the Equity and Access Rubrics for Mathematics Instruction", National Science Foundation, National, $2,296,493.00, Funded. (July 2019 - June 2023).
Al Otaiba, S. (Principal), Allor, J. H. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Kamata, A. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Project FOCUS: Exploring RTI implementation with a focus on students receiving Tier 3 and special education.", Institute of Educational Sciences, US Dept of Education, Federal, $1,600,000.00, Funded. (2016 - June 30, 2020).
Research pending (submitted)
Baker, D. L. (Principal), Ketterlin Geller, L. R. (Co-Principal), Walkington, C. A. (Co-Principal), Yovanoff, P. (Co-Principal), Grant, "Language and Mathematics Proficiency for Latinx Bilingual Students (Project LAMP)", Institute of Education Sciences, National, $1,399,977.00, Currently Under Review.