Grant-funded Programs
McNair Scholars Project
U.S. Dept. of Education
PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU)
October 2022 - September 2027McNair Scholars Project provides research and other scholarly support to SMU students annually who meet program eligibility criteria. Participants receive academic support services and participate in research and graduate school workshops. Participants also participate in the McNair Summer Research Institute that includes a research methods course and culminates in the execution of an undergraduate research project. The project serves 26 SMU students annually.
Upward Bound Math Science Projects
U.S. Dept. of Education
PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU)
STEM: September 2022 - August 2027
SOAR: September 2022 - August 2027Upward Bound Math Science is a pre-collegiate program that works with students through high school to prepare for college. Upward Bound Math Science services are similar to Upward Bound and are designed to help students recognize and develop their potential to excel in math and science. Students are provided hands-on learning experiences in classes such as engineering, robotics, biomedical sciences, 3-D printing, and information technology. Two projects (STEM & SOAR) were awarded for the new grant cycle from 2022 to 2027. These two grants serve 124 students primarily in Dallas ISD high schools.
Upward Bound Classic Projects
U.S. Dept. of Education
PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU)
Classic I & III: September 2022 - August 2027
Classic II: June 2022 - May 2027Upward Bound is a pre-collegiate program that works with students through high school to prepare for college by providing academic support services. Upward Bound support services include high school course tutoring, preparation for SAT and STAAR, high school and initial college course advising, financial aid and scholarship application assistance, and career planning. Three projects (Classic I, II, & III) were awarded for the new grant cycle from 2022 to 2027. These three grants serve 225 students primarily in Dallas ISD high schools.
Educational Talent Search Projects
U.S. Dept. of Education
PI: Dr. LaChelle Cunningham (SMU), Project LAUNCH, Project LIFT
September 2021 - August 2026Educational Talent Search (ETS) identifies and assists high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. ETS program staff provide academic advising, career planning and guidance, and mentoring services to students. The program is designed to support students as they graduate from high school and transition to college. ETS staff also assist students complete financial aid applications and manage the college application process. The program serves a total of 1,000 students annually between two projects (Project LAUNCH and Project LIFT).